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the ceremony on Christmas Day 1066, and in 1068 performed

neither enjoined nor forbidden in Scripture. This sanctioned

Observatory, who at once examined the suggested region of the

Aberdeenshire remained for generations the stronghold in

C. F. Greville, Memoirs, edited by H. Reeve (London, 1888);

rest (16 days); O and P show the final restoration brought

Anatolian (Pamphyhan, Lycian and Carian) inscriptions. But

Chief Passes of the Dolomites of South Tirol.

principal towns. Souvigny possesses the church of a famous

a boat just as he was about to be arrested. He settled in

ABIGAIL (Heb. Abigayil, perhaps ``father is joy''), or

scale. In the construction of this soft-iron instrument it

produced by a Root's blower placed at the end of it all.

Beef. Mutton. Pork.

during the Celtic invasions, Sparta's prostration after

of ``denaturized'' spirits in various European countries.

Up to a level of 1000 ft. on the northern and 2000 ft. on

and Sir Alfred Wills (b. 1828). Around Monte Rosa the Vincent

founded as a Cistercian house in 1163 by Count Wilbrand of

Tynemouth, by a party of the 60th (now King's Royal) Rifles,

would aletes and epos, but there are many exceptions

Alps (1833); U. Campell, Raetioe alpestris topographica

will be effected. In the old Athenian Anthesteria the blood

by the Abyssinians, and after undergoing considerable

undertaken a punitive expedition against Aetolia after the

exists is only between children of the same father and mother.

at Constantinople, favoured a more aggressive policy, and

with Plato, but it added to its objects the study of Dante

the fact that their working substance is not air, but a mixture

Fathers in Bologna. These works, displaying great technical

modification of the alb (see SURPLICE.) The alb is supposed

if possible, the monastery should contain within itself

hy Menelek to a French company in 1894. The company having

s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.

a related substance, haemocyanin, in which the iron of

and municipal hospitals, and state scientific institutions,

promising to supply them with provisions in return for an oath

the ordinary conditions of economy. The accountant-general

solution. In fact the uniformity of brass and bell-metal is

protested. A conference was held between the two powers

belonging to the family of Bignoniaceae) in the manufacture

was settled on her and her two successors in the title.

Nevertheless in June 1906 the king again declared himself

became so great that ten years after his death, Agazzari could

were sometimes made the vehicles of revolutionary and heretical

which, fed by the rains of the Abyssinian highlands, carries

the idea was more widely spread that surgery, after all, was

demonstration would be a mere circulus in probando or verbal

Christ's Hospital (the Blue-Coat School), while they were still

Gustav Wappers. Thence he passed to the atelier of Henri

statistical and general information connected with agriculture,

Becket. His elder brother, Sir William a Beckett (1806-1869),

elected. The one astounding omission of the 17th century,

mechanical furnaces, both called ``decomposing'' or ``salt-cake

who is not the proper patron. The true patron can, however,
water, from which it crystallizes in cubes, and also in

Grant's headquarters accompanied Meade and the Army of the

a number of important cities and islands--Nicaea, Chics,

of the Omayyad caliphs. He was thus connected with the Omayyad

of engineers in the Confederate army during the Civil War.

for his own use and consumption. The amending act also dealt

Emmanuel II. might retain his right of chamois hunting in these

stating it to be a mixture, was held to have been legally

by the Alexandrian critics. These men did not merely collect

A.D. 974, after an abortive attempt by Nicephorus thirteen

``place of abode,'' a place of business was sufficient.

committees in the various countries represented, which should

with fused cryolite or the double chloride as the raw

S. Yamanouchi, ``The Life- History of Polysiphonia violacea,''

baptism of the Spirit, before their death or even in extremis.

Eudnophite, from the same region, was originally described as

iron. These salts are employed in dyeing and various

Netherlands was established in 1814 on the model of the Bank of

either simultaneous or in succession. If simultaneous, cause

eastern mountainous country bajra (Holcus spicatus) is

1619. At this celebrated synod the position of Ames was a


of 37,000 ft. But that figure was based, not on actual

Paris, where he came in contact with a number of literary

Oxyrhyncus. Two interesting examples of such sayings may

Magazine, to which he contributed articles on biblical

and Shilka. In the winter the frozen river is the usual

The chief building in Agen is the cathedral of St Caprais,

famous adytum in Greece was in the temple of Apollo at Delphi.

northern forms of the present alpine flora were split in

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