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Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Chayote (Sechium edule)

Horseradish tree (Moringa Oleifera) seeds Oil (GinChaO)
Cookies as a normalizer of
Blood Sugar Level

Dumal-is, Bennylyn
Gundran, Tricia
Hagoot, Arene Jay
BSE 3A – General Science Major

Reviewed and Evaluated by: Leal, Winston B,

Science Instructor

The researchers wish to express their sincerest gratitude and acknowledgement to

the following people who helped and gave the researchers the support and inspiration to

make it possible.

Ms. Leah B. Winston, LPT, the adviser, who gave valuable suggestions,

unconditional patience for the researchers to pursue this research work.

The course instructor, for her assistance as well as her encouragement, counsel,

guidance, and insightful remarks and ideas.

The editor, for her assistance in revising and patience in editing the manuscript:

The statistician, for her valuable and constructive suggestions during the planning

and development of this research work. Their willingness to give their time so generously

has been very much appreciated.

The Dean of this College, for his incomparable support and guidance so that this

study made successful thus, become a reference to the researchers who want to pursue

another study.

The respondents, for their presence, cooperation, and efforts in providing

information to the researchers during gathering of data.

The chairman, and the members of the oral examination committee, who

demonstrated their exceptional skills and talents in their respective professionals as

evidence in their style of correction and thoughts shared;

Moreover, the researchers wish to thank their parents for their support spiritually,

financially, morally, and encouragement throughout the study; and

Above all, the researchers are very much grateful to Almighty God for the strength,

wisdom, knowledge and guidance. He bestowed to accomplish this piece of work.


The researchers would like to dedicate their research to the following individuals

who lent a helping hand to the researches throughout the study.

To God, who gave the researchers the perseverance, courage, and resolve to

complete their study:

To Ms. Leah B. Winston, LPT, the adviser for never abandoning the researchers.

As they conduct their study, she mentored them and provided them with new information;

To the respondents, who participated in their research and were cooperative

during the survey. By taking part in the study and sharing their experiences ith the

researchers were able to complete it;

To all of the panelist, who led and advise research on how to better our research;


To the Family of the researchers for the encouragement which helped them in

completion in this paper and pursue this undertaking.

Table of Contents

Title Page..................................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................................................. ii
Dedication................................................................................................................................................................. iv
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………...….v


Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………...………3
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………..……4
Hypothesis of the Study…………………………………………………………………………..…4
Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………………………...5
Significant of the Study………………………………………………………………………………5
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………………6





Diabetes mellitus, a medical term and high blood pressure is rampant nowadays to

excessive abuse with sweeteners and fats, etc. Many people are affected with these kinds of

disasters in the body due to lifestyle and genetic traits.

The above statements fueled the desire and determination of the Researcher. That’s

why it is a good opportunity to involve pharmaceutical and health purposes to help

patients with affordable and quality product.

In simple manner, this investigatory project will be the path towards a health-

conscious community.


The following statements will be the objectives or the guide to fulfill this kind of project,

a sustainable one:

1. To find prevention or possibly cure Diabetes and High blood pressure as the most

rampant disorders in 21st century.

2. To find for alternative legal and approved drug or product which will be affordable

and quality.
3. To engage student to be aware and enlightened for the benefit of the whole, the


4. To help the government or other agencies e.g., Department of Health, Department of

Science and Technology to lessen these dilemmas through innovative and creative



This research aims to make vegetable cooking oil much presentable and

cheaper in the Philippine economy, to find a way to help citizens have healthy

lifestyles, to recognize Malunggay as an alternative source of vegetable cooking oil.


Malunggay (Moringa oliefera) is a popular plant known for its high

nutritional value and used as an herbal medicine. It is one of the most useful tropical

trees in the Philippines. It is widely used as vegetable ingredient in cooking and

exceptionally good sources of pro-vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Minerals, and the

sulphur-containing amino acids – methionine and cysteine. In this research, the

researchers will find out the significance of it.

Conceptual Framework
Statement of the problem

This investigatory project entitled Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Chayote (Sechium

edule) Cookies, Horseradish tree (Moringa Oleifera) seeds Oil (GinChaO) as a normalizer of

Blood Sugar Level aimed to produce an effective yet widely available supplement.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How effective is the Ginger, Chayote, and Horseradish Tree oil as normalizer

of Blood sugar level?

2. Is there a significant difference between the Oatmeal cookies and the

GinChaO Cookies in terms of normalizing Blood sugar?

Formulation of Hypotheses

To arrive with the answer of this Research, the following hypotheses are formulated:

Null Hypotheses:

1. Ginger, Chayote, and Horseradish Tree oil as normalizer of Blood sugar level

is not effective.

2. There is no significant difference between the Commercialized product

(Oatmeal cookies) and the GinChaO Cookies in terms of normalizing Blood sugar.

Alternative Hypotheses:

1. Ginger, Chayote, and Horseradish Tree oil as normalizer of Blood sugar level

is effective.
2. There is a significant difference between the Commercialized product

(Oatmeal cookies) and the GinChaO Cookies in terms of normalizing Blood sugar.

Scope and Limitation

This investigatory project entitled Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Chayote (Sechium

edule) Cookies, Horseradish tree (Moringa Oleifera) seeds Oil (GinChaO) as a normalizer of

Blood Sugar Level was conducted at North Luzon Philippines State College, Candon City,

Ilocos Sur. It was limited to the use of a normalizer of Blood sugar level and tried by the

Researchers and four respondents; two of them were having maintenances.

To prove this, the Respondents had their Clinical Chemistry Test before the

implementation and Researchers tested it through a box/ pack of locally available and

accessible organic and herbal raw materials in a month of trial (three or four weeks).

Afterwards, another Clinical Chemistry Test again to identify the results and compare with

the commercialized product.

Significance of the study

This study proved that Ginger, Chayote, and Horseradish Tree oil could be made into

a normalizer of Blood sugar level. The use of GinChaO cookies is beneficial to the following:

1. to the country
(a) to the government – the study might unlock the remedy to help the increasing rate

of Diabetes mellitus and contribute to the continuous study of the Department of Health in

solving the dilemma.

(b) to the families – the study might lessen the problem particularly in financing the

expensive and tremendous supply of medicinal drugs as maintenances.

2. to the Environment – the study might promote the use of organic and herbal

medicine which were locally available and cheaper.

3. to the Diabetic mellitus patients – the study might normalize the level of Blood

sugar level

Definition of Terms


1. Ginger – is a spice, an extremely popular dietary condiment used for

flavoring food and also an herb that has been used for thousands of years as a

medicinal herb to treat a variety of ailments.

2. Chayote – is a gourd plant, eaten in similar fashion to the summer squash,

cucumbers and melons.


Review of Related Literature

A. Ginger

Diabetes Treatment

Ginger Shown to Lower Blood Sugar

April 10, 2014

Ginger, the spice that puts a kick in your favorite foods, has been a go-to

medicine for eons, being used to treat ailments such as colds, motion sickness, and

arthritis pain. Now, it looks like the spice can lower blood sugar in people with type

2 diabetes, according to a new study by researchers from Shahid Sadoughi

University of Medical Sciences in Yazd, Iran. 

The research team studied 88 people with type 2 diabetes. The volunteers, all

of whom had been living with diabetes for at least 10 years, were randomly given

either 3 daily one-gram capsules of ginger powder or 3 identical-looking sham

capsules, in addition to their regular diabetes meds. Those who took the ginger

capsules saw a significant decrease in blood sugar after 8 weeks. 

Study participants were middle-aged and overweight, but not obese. "It's

interesting that the ginger group happened to be in worse shape, diabetes-wise, at

the beginning of the study, than the placebo group," says Martha Howard, MD,

medical director of Wellness Associates of Chicago. "I was impressed that their
fasting blood sugars started at 171 and 136, respectively, and then both groups

ended up with similar FBS numbers in the mid-150s," said Howard. According to the

American Diabetes Association, fasting blood sugar levels for people with diabetes

should range between 70 and 130 mg/dl. 

Researchers aren't exactly sure how ginger works to lower blood sugar. It's

possible that it inhibits hepatic phosphorylase—an enzyme that breaks down

glucose storage molecules, called glycogen, says Howard. When glycogen breaks

down, blood sugar rises—so inhibiting this enzyme could theoretically lower blood

sugar for people with type 2 diabetes, she explains.

Howard says that if you have type 2 diabetes and your blood sugar still isn't

where you want it to be, despite following your doctor's advice, it's worth trying

ginger to see if it helps normalize your levels. "Ginger can increase the effects of

blood thinners, so if you're taking these drugs, don't take ginger," advises Howard.

Make sure to tell your doctor that you're adding ginger to your regimen, and

monitor your blood sugar levels regularly.

B. Chayote

The Effects of Chayote on Insulin and Blood Glucose Levels (Recipe)

By NeNa | Articles

Chayote is a gourd plant, eaten in similar fashion to the summer squash,

cucumbers and melons. You can add raw chayote to salads or cook them in meat or
vegetarian dishes. The whole plant including the fruit, stem and leaves contains

multiple nutrients and has anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in the

treatment of high-blood pressure, kidney stones and indigestion. Chayote can also

help support weight loss efforts, as it is low in calories and fibrous.

Chayote is a nutrient-dense squash providing 18% of the daily value (DV) for

dietary fiber, 21% of the DV for vitamin C, and 14% of the DV for manganese, and

only 38 calories per cup.

However, how does it affect blood glucose and insulin? Is it good for people

with diabetes?

Effects of Chayote on Blood Sugar

The Food and Function published an animal study in 2011 which shows

consuming chayote juice before starchy meals could help reduce the increase in

blood glucose. Still, more research is needed to prove the blood sugar-lowering

effects of chayote in people.

Effects of Chayote on Insulin Resistance

A 2013 study suggests chayote, along with other vegetables,  can limit the

actions of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1β. This enzyme is partially responsible for

the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

However, we still can’t recommend it for reducing blood glucose levels due to

the small number of clinical trials.

High in Fiber

A high-fiber diet helps treat constipation and normalize bowel movements.

Eating chayote is a good way to increase your fiber consumption. One chayote

contains 3.5 grams of fiber, which contributes 14 percent of your daily value of 25

grams. Fiber also helps control blood sugar levels -- particularly helpful for diabetics

-- and lowers cholesterol, which promotes a healthier cardiovascular system.

Aids Weight Loss

A whole chayote only has 38.6 calories and 0.1 grams of fat. The high water

content and fiber help keep you fuller for longer without taking in a lot of calories.

You can eat chayote as a snack to keep hunger at bay and stay within your daily

calorie intake. Due to the fruit's soft texture, you can use chayote to bulk up a salad

or add it to a smoothie.

Provides Essential Vitamins

Chayote is an abundant source of folate and vitamin C. Folate is a water-

soluble vitamin that is essential for female fertility and cancer prevention. Taken

before and during pregnancy, it reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects. A

whole chayote contributes 189 micrograms of folate to your diet, which amounts to

about 50 percent of your recommended daily allowance. Vitamin C is an important

antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, which may increase the risk of heart

disease and some forms of cancer. A chayote contains 15.6 micrograms of vitamin C,

which amounts to 26 percent of your RDA.

Source Of Trace Minerals

Trace minerals are required in small amounts on a daily basis to help

maintain a healthy metabolism, immune system and strong bones. Chayote contains

the trace minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Trace

minerals make up part of the body's hormones and enzymes. A chayote provides 1

milligram of zinc -- 7 percent of your daily value. Zinc plays a role in wound healing

and supports proper sense of taste and smell. Calcium and magnesium keep bones

strong, and potassium supports nerve and muscle function

Some Considerations

Chayote may also reduce blood pressure and act as a diuretic, so it’s best to

consult a doctor if you take blood pressure medications or diuretics. However, you

could probably take it in moderate amounts, making sure you don’t overeat it.

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