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ABAN, Allan Joseph P. December 22, 2022
Speaking Outline

Speaker: Allan Joseph P. Aban

Date: January 16, 2023
Speech Topic: Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Mark
Specific Purpose: To inform Grade 12 students of Jesus' actions and people's reactions to

I. Attention Getter: Jesus was a man, but not just any man. He was the son of God, someone
who had to die to atone for humanity’s sins, and he knew it. He performed miracles as the
son of God, but the people die not believe him, so he was sent to his death. (pause)

II. Thesis: Jesus taught about the kingdom of God and performed miracles as proof he was
the son of God. (pause)

III. Preview: Jesus cured all people who accepted his word and had faith in God, but the
people did not like him, for he did not follow traditional Jewish practices and did not
oppose the Romans as a king. (pause)

Jesus performed miracles to show his kindness to others, and to prove he was the son of God. A
miracle he often performed was curing the sickness of people.

I. Jesus forgives and cures people who accept him and his teachings, showing his power to
convince people he was the son of God
A. (pause) While teaching, Jesus took pity on a person with leprosy, who was isolated from
other people which was the law and also people thought it was contagious (Leviticus
13:45), showing Jesus cared for all
B. (pause) Jesus cured a paralytic man and proclaimed “My son, your Sins are forgiven”
when seeing the faith that the man’s friends have in Jesus being able to cure him
C. (pause) In the village of Bethsaida, Jesus cured a blind man, then he proclaimed to the
man “Do not return to the village”, for the people there would want to make Jesus do
more miracles for them.
D. (pause) Jesus proclaimed to a blind man “Go your way, your faith has made you well”
E. (pause) Jesus was anointed with perfume, the woman who did that was criticized, but
Jesus said “Let her alone; why are you troubling her?...(more stuff)…This woman did
what she had to do: she anointed my body for burial, before I die” Jesus knew about his
death (ask ate on this)
F. (pause) There was a sick woman who came to Jesus while he was walking to heal a
official’s daughter. The woman touched Jesus, and Jesus proclaimed “Daughter, your
faith has saved you. Go in peace and be free of this illness.” When Jesus arrived to the
house of the official’s daughter, Jesus proclaimed “Little girl, get up!”, and so she did.

But even with these miracles, people did not believe in him. They thought he was too meek, too
passive to be the messiah, someone who will enact vengeance on those who oppose the Jews
like with what God did against those who were violent against the Jews. Though this was not
the case, and so people did not believe in him for his word, and they only wanted his miracles.

II. Officials and Jews alive did not like Jesus due to jealousy and feeling betrayal
A. (pause) When Jesus healed a paralytic, the teachers of Jewish law said “How can he
speak like this, insulting God? Who can forgive sins except God?”
B. (pause) Jesus was asked “Why is it, that both the Pharisees and the disciples of John
fast, but yours do not”. Jesus proclaimed “How can the wedding guests fast while the
bridegroom is with them”, not following the traditional practice at the time
C. (pause) The Pharisees, who wanted to arrest Jesus by their interpretations of Jewish law
in the synagogue, wondered if Jesus would heal on the Sabbath, since it should be a day
of abstinence for work unless rescuing someone dying. Jesus proclaimed “What does
the law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To do good or to do harm? To save life or to kill”,
then Jesus proclaimed “Stretch out your hand”, and his hand was healed.
D. (pause) The Pharisees (Jewish teachers of the Law) noticed that Jesus’ disciples did not
wash their hands before eating. Jesus proclaimed that they only followed human
tradition without following God and using them for personal benefit, and invoking God
whenever beneficial to them.
E. (pause) After multiplying and giving loaves to Jesus’ followers, The Pharisees wanted
more signs that Jesus was the messiah, even after giving loaves and witnessing his
healing of the sick.
F. (pause) Jesus warned his disciples and proclaimed “Keep your eyes open and beware of
the yeast the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod”. When the disciples noticed they had no
bread, Jesus proclaimed “Why are you talking about the loaves you are short of? Do you
not see or understand?” Jesus was talking about becoming like the Pharisees who
followed traditional practices but without God’s meaning into them, like practicing the
Sabbath even without helping people on that day like Jesus did.
G. (pause) Jesus’ disciples pick grain for bread. The Pharisees said “Look! They are doing
what is forbidden on the Sabbath!” Jesus proclaimed “The Sabbath was made for man,
not man made for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is master even of the Sabbath.”

III. Jesus was a man who knew that he had to die

A. (pause) Jesus went to a garden and proclaimed “My soul is full of sorrow, even to death.
Remain here and stay awake”. Jesus prays to God for he expects his death, but he
leaves his fate to God.
B. (pause) Jesus was tested in the desert for 40 days, showing faith in God and resisting
temptations in using his powers, such as turning stone into bread to deal with his
hunger, or Jesus jumping off the roof and being saved by angels, showing his authority
over them and being revealed as the son of God.
C. (pause) Also, Peter proclaims “You are the Messiah” to Jesus, who then said that he
would be rejected by priests and be killed, but to be resurrected 3 days later. Peter
protests this, but this had to be done by Jesus.

Jesus tried to teach the people and convince them that he was the son of God, but they did not
believe him.

IV. Image of Jews of Jesus is different from who Jesus actually is (see events in Jerusalem)
Jesus was not a warrior to make a revolution
A. (pause) Jesus was accused of subverting the Jewish nation, opposing paying taxes to
Caesar, and claiming to be Christ the king. Pilate said “I find no basis for a case against
this man.”
B. (pause) The people wanted to make Jesus a king as a leader against the Romans after
witnessing his miracles such as healing the sick or multiplying loaves of bread
C. (pause) The people in Jerusalem celebrated Jesus’ arrival as the son of God and as a
king, as a savoir doing miracles.
D. (pause) Though the officials at the time did not like what Jesus did, such as opposing
common Jewish practices like working during the Sabbath to deal with hunger and to
heal the sick.

Since Jesus knew he was going to die, he had the apostles to eventually teach others of his
teachings. Jesus teacher through parables, though it took a while for the apostles to understand
his message.

V. Jesus had the apostles to teach others what Jesus thought them
A. (pause) The disciples brought a boy from a suspected evil spirit, due to being mute and
deaf and causing him seizures. Jesus proclaimed to his disciples “You faithless people!
How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring him to me.”
B. (pause) Peter proclaims “You are the Messiah” to Jesus, who then said that he would be
rejected by priests and be killed, but to be resurrected 3 days later. Peter protests this,
but this had to be done by Jesus.
C. (pause) One parable is called the “parable of the sower”, where the sower is
represented as God and the seeds are represented as his followers. Some followers
believe in him but do not follow his teachings or abuse them, others do not follow him
at all. Those who trust and believe in him, and follow his teachings, are led to the
kingdom of God.
D. (pause) Another parable is called the “parable of the mustard seed”, talking about the
spread of the kingdom of God and of Jesus’ teachings and faith in God around the world.
Jesus as the son of God taught about him, how to be good and how to be faithful to
God. His teachings were not accepted at first, but his followers eventually continued his
mission, spreading his message around the world.

Grogan P. et al. (2016). Christian Community Bible: Catholic Pastoral Edition: Revised Edition.
Claret Publishing Group.

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