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By : Koster ( KS)
Ambak : UH – PTS - PAS

1.1 Speaking
Offering something And Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction
Offering something
- would you like something to… thank you
- Shall I get you…. I’d like to but….
- Do you want something…. That would be very nice
- How about….. No, thanks
- Do you need some help? That’s very kind of you
Jane : You look like very exhausted, Shall I get you some water?
Hans : That would be very nice.
( langsung ke soal latihan : Speaking)

1.2. Grammar Focus

Conditional Sentence
 Kalimat pengandaian atau kalimat syarat atau disebut juga if clause.
They are :
- Future possibility type 1
- Unreal present type 2
- Unreal past type 3
1.2.1 Future Possibility
 It is possible to happen in the future if the condition is fulfilled

Pattern :

IF + S + V1/is/am/are , S + will + V1/be

Simple present simple future
if the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go fishing in the lake.
Means : we will possibly go fishing in the lake tomorrow
The children will get present from their parents if they behave well.
Means : Perhaps the children will get present from their parents

1.2.2. Unreal Present

 It is unlikely to happen in the present..
The statement is contrast with the fact.
Statement + Fact –
Statement – Fact + ( in the present)
Pattern :
IF + S + V2/were/Did, S + Would/could + V1/be
Simple past past future

if I were you, I would take the chance

Means : I am not you so I don’t take the chance.
If they left early in the morning, they would catch the first train.
Means : they don’t leave early so they miss the first train.

Inversion ( conditional without If)

If they were at home when I came, we would have a great time chatting.
Were they at home when I came, we would have a great time chatting

1.2.3 Unreal Past

 It is impossible to happen in the past. The statement is contrast to the fact in the past.
Statement + Fact –
Statement – Fact +
Pattern :

If + S + Had +V2/been, S + Would + Have + V3/been

Past perfect Past future perfect

if he had focused on his study, he would have graduated last year.
Means : he didn’t focus on his study so he didn’t graduate last year
The car would have hit the boy if the driver hadn’t hit the brake at exact time.
Means : the boy was saved

If he had invited us to the party, we would have gone there.
Had he invited us to the party, we would have gone there.

1. If you have finished your job, fetch me at school this afternoon ( imperative)
2. If you want to pass the test, you should study hard from now on. ( reminder)
3. If you feel tired, you should take a break on your work. ( suggestion)
4. If you heat water 100 degree, it boils ( fact)

Fact conditional is also called zero conditional.

If you pinch me, it hurts.

Another form of conditional is Mix type

if he had had breakfast this morning, he wouldn’t be hungry now.
Type 3 Type 2
1.3. Reading
 A brief text over or under a picture, photograph, poster that describe the picture.
Type of caption :
- Identification : describe who is in the picture
- Cutline : who is in the picture and what is he/she doing
- Group identification : who is in the picture ( if more than one)
- Summary ; describe who, when, why, what, where, and how it happens
- Expanded : the complete version of summary

what kind of caption is the text above?

Answer : it is a quote

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