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Power BI
Data science

Total Exp -- 3.5


SSIS -- 3.5 yrs --- 4/5 ---- 8/10

SSRS -- 3 Yrs --- 4.2/5 --- 8.5/10
SQL -- 3.5 yrs -- 4/5 ---- 8/10

SSAS --- Basic

2 Project ---

1 project ....Last 2 yrs

2 project --- 1.5 yrs


Salary 6.5 Lacs

Exp Salary == 10 Lacs
Notice Period = Immediate Joiner
(Pandamic --- I lost job last month (Feb 25th 2021))

Current Company = Accenture, Hyderabad since June 2016 to till date
On the payroll company == abc

SQL Server
1. Queries
2. Stored Procedures
3. Indexes
4. Temp Tables Vs CTE Vs Table Variables

1. Transformations
Derived Col
Cond Split
Merge Vs Union All
Merge Vs Merge Join
2. Incr Loading
3. Debug a SSIS Package
4. How do u implement Logging
5. If u get bad data what will u do
6. Do u know how to deploy SSIS package
7. Check Point in SSIS
8. Break Point in SSIS
9. What is SCD
10. What is the size of the data you dealing ( 200GB)
11. What is size of DWH -- 10TB in DWH
12. What is the latest version SQL Server -- 2017/2019
13. What is your team size -- 7
14. Tell me project
15. Tell me the challenges which u faced the currecnt project and how did u resolve
16. DWH Architecture
17. Explain me one SSIS package from Start to end
18. How many SSIS packages you have created so far
19. What are the best practices of SSIS packages
20 How do u increase performance of SSIS package
21. What are blocked transformations
22. What are data sources, which you have used
SQL Server
23. How do u get the files
Shared Folders
FTP Server
24. Do u know .NET script task
25. Diff bw Script Task and Script Component

1. Types of Reports
Sub Reports
Cascade Parameter
2. Subscriptions
Data Driven
3. What are the sources u have used
OLTP -- Queries
Cube -- MDX
4. How many reports u have created so far
Many 200+

5. How do u provide alternate row color in SSRS

5. How do u deploy SSRS reports


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