DianPutriAliyya UAS AcademicListening

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: Academic Listening (2) PRODI :
(SKS) Inggris
Tri Septiana K, S.Pd.,
KELAS/ A, B, dan
DOSEN : M.Hum. :

HARI/TANGGAL : Selasa, 26 Juli 2022 RUANG : Virtual

: 08.00-09.30/ 90 Menit : Books and
NIM Nama Tanda Tangan

2000026031 Dian Putri Aliyya Boleh dikosongkan


1. Listen to the risk assessment meeting. Choose the best answer (a-c) for each question
by underlining the Correct Answer! (Scores: 6 Points)
1. What is the purpose of the meeting?
A).to make the kitchen safer.
B).to inspect the hygiene of the kitchen.
C).to officially warn the restaurant owner about safety problems
2. After discussing ladder safety. What do the man discuss?
A). fire hazards in the kitchen.
B). potential risks related to food.
C). appropriate precautions while cooking.
3. What is the inspector’s conclusion about the safety of the kitchen?
A). there are some major safety problems in the kitchen.
B). the kitchen is generally safe and well-run.
C). he needs to continue the inspection before he can comment.
2. Listen to the risk assessment meeting again and make one paragraph summary about
it! (Scores: 34 Points!

Peter Jones of the Office of Health and Safety spoke to chef Hassan Ali about his
restaurant's safety record. A worker in his kitchen recently fell from a ladder and was
hospitalized with a back injury. They want to prevent this from happening again. It
can be a significant injury. They have noticed a few incidents of kitchen staff burning
themselves on the stove and getting burned with hot liquids. They recommend always
turning off hubs when not in use, even if it's only for a few seconds. They should also
make sure that the floor cleaner wears gloves, as cleaning products can irritate your
skin. Twice as many city kitchen workers are hospitalized in schools because of their
burns. Chefs should use a large but not overfilled pan—this reduces the risk to a
minimum and is extremely unlikely to cause burns. The exhaust fan must be turned on
at all times. Fire or something burning can cause breathing problems or damage the
lungs. If smoke is inhaled, it is a minor injury. The risk of injury is now high. Overall,
They very pleased with the way they've handled things here, but there are some
improvements that need to be made.

3. Listen to the lecture and match these sentences by writing the Numbers only in
those following alphabets! (Scores: 8 Points)
1. Before the 1800s, almost everything was
2. Finer, more expensive clothing
3. Sewing machines made
4. Today, most clothing is made
5. Shirts made in factories are cheaper to make because
6. If workers are paid for each item they make.
7. Today’s tailors’ hand-make clothes for people who
8. Tailors make a shirt individual

a. By measuring the customer for an exact fit. ( 8 )

b. Want a perfect fit and don’t mind paying more money. ( 7 )
c. Handmade using simple tools. ( 1 )
d. Fabric can be bought in large quantities. ( 5 )
e. They will work as quickly as possible. ( 6 )
f. By hand and by machine. ( 4 )
g. Clothing manufacturing much quicker. ( 3 )
h. Was made by tailors. ( 2 )
4. Listen to the lecture and complete the notes! (Scores: 30 Points)
The earth always changes: 1. .....10.000..... years ago, half of it was covered in ice.
Human have changed the earth: originally there were 16 million square kilometers of
2. ....rainforest worldwide..... today there are 3. .......9 million... Each year,
4....160.000..... square meters are destroyed.
In 5. .....Africa and Asia......., monkeys exploit the city environment by 6...stealing
foods from humans.
Ecotourism example: La Selva Amazon Eco Lodge. Visitors learn more local
7....wildlife.... visit 8. ...tribes....in the forest, when they leave, they are 9.
.....presereved..... . Criticism of eco-tourism: air travel and waste from the hotel
causes 10. ...pollution in the local environment… .

5. Listen to the talk and underline the correct answers of each number (a-d)! (Scores: 6
1. Which two environments does the speaker talk about?
A). Desert B). The Ocean C). Cities D). The Countryside
2. Which two living things does the speaker talk about the survival of?
A). Insects B). Humans C). Plants D). Animals
3. Which two things will happen if the desert is destroyed?
A). The soil will become saltier and plants will die.
B). The whole world will get hotter.
C). There will be more dirt and dust in the air.
D). We will lose the acacia tree as a food source.

6. Listen to the talk again and number the facts in the order you hear them ! (Scores :
16 Points)
a. Water for agriculture can make desert soil too salty. ( 6 )
b. Computer technology can forecast how climate change will affect deserts. ( 7 )
c. The earth’s deserts cover 33.7 million square kilometers. ( 1 )
d. Solar energy can be used to produce water in deserts. ( 8 )
e. The two have deep understanding of the natural world. ( 2 )
f. Deserts provide many of the world’s minerals and metals. ( 3 )
g. There are 2.200 desert plant species in Saudi Arabia. ( 5 )
h. Desert surface temperatures in summer can reach 80 degrees. ( 4 )
............GOOD LUCK............

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Ketua Program Studi Penanggung Jawab Keilmuan Dosen Pengampu

Tri Septiana K, S.Pd., M.Hum. Tri Septiana K, S.Pd., M.Hum.

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