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Blood Purif 2019;48:193–195 Published online: June 19, 2019

DOI: 10.1159/000500409

Are We Barking Up the Wrong Tree?

Rise in Serum Creatinine and Heart Failure
Amir Kazory a Claudio Ronco b, c

a Division
of Nephrology, Hypertension, and Renal Transplantation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA;
b Department
of Nephrology, San Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy; c International Renal Research Institute of Vicenza, San

Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy

Keywords acute or chronic HF and should not prompt discontinuation

Acute kidney injury · Heart failure · Rise in serum of the therapy unless complications such as hypotension
creatinine · Congestion and severe hyperkalemia develop. © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel

Abstract Since 2004, when the term acute kidney injury (AKI)
A significant subset of patients with heart failure (HF) experi- was coined for renal insult represented by a rise in serum
ence small to moderate rise in serum creatinine (RSC) in the creatinine (RSC), our understanding of its pathophysiol-
setting of otherwise beneficial therapies such as aggressive ogy in various settings (e.g., sepsis) has exponentially in-
diuresis or renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in- creased. Emergence of biomarkers and development of
hibition. Accumulating data suggest that RSC in this setting precision medicine have also helped further shape the
is dissimilar from conventional causes of renal insult in that field and capture AKI with increased sensitivity.
it has a negligible impact on the outcomes. There is also RSC is often considered somewhat synonymous with
emerging evidence on the lack of association between bio- biochemically defined AKI, albeit with varying thresh-
markers of renal injury and RSC in the setting of aggressive olds set or defined for RSC. Based on studies linking RSC
diuresis. A similar pattern has been observed in recent hy- to adverse outcomes, it is frequently used as a surrogate
pertension trials where the RSC in patients with intensive safety end point in clinical trials regardless of underlying
blood pressure control has not been associated with bio- biology, etiology, or setting. However, a growing body of
marker evidence of renal injury or adverse outcomes. Based evidence points to a disconnect between RSC and adverse
on these findings, RSC, rather than acute kidney injury, ap- outcomes in certain clinical circumstances casting doubt
pears to be the preferred terminology in HF (and possibly in on the conventional notion that RSC and AKI are equiv-
hypertension) because of its purely descriptive nature that alent, represent the same renal process, and portend sim-
lacks any potentially inaccurate implication of mechanistic ilar prognostic values. As such, several authors have ex-
or prognostic reference. From a pragmatic viewpoint, we be- pressed concerns not only on the accuracy and reliability
lieve that small to moderate RSC is to be anticipated and of using consensus single RSC-based criteria to diagnose
tolerated with RAAS inhibition and/or aggressive diuresis in AKI but also on its prognostic value. In a meta-analysis

© 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel Amir Kazory, MD, FASN

Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Renal Transplantation
University of Florida, College of Medicine
1600 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, FL 32610-0224 (USA) E-Mail Amir.Kazory @
of contemporary trials, interventions that affected risk of (i.e., the confounding impact of lingering congestion) [5].
mild to moderate RSC in placebo-controlled randomized Similarly, patients with underlying cardiac and renal dis-
trials showed no appreciable impact on chronic kidney ease who experience RSC while on RAAS antagonists ac-
disease or mortality, raising questions about the value of tually have superior long-term outcomes if RAAS inhibi-
using small to moderate RSC as an end point in clinical tion is continued despite the RSC [6, 7].
trials altogether [1]. This phenomenon is even more pro- An alternative explanation comes from more recent
nounced in the cardiovascular field, especially in heart data suggesting that RSC in the context of aggressive di-
failure (HF). uresis of patients with ADHF does not represent renal
Over the last decade, a multitude of studies in patients insult (i.e., AKI) and is not associated with kidney tubular
with acute decompensated HF (ADHF) have found that injury as detected by biomarkers [8]. While this is a nov-
RSC during hospital admission for decongestion (also el observation, it is not totally unexpected. It is indeed
called “worsening renal function”, possibly a misnomer) reminiscent of the findings from Action to Control Car-
is not associated with untoward outcomes, especially in diovascular Risk in Diabetes-Blood Pressure trial in
the face of efficient extraction of excess fluid [2]. This which intensive blood pressure control was associated
observation seems to be inherent to the clinical setting with RSC, but not with an increase in the levels of tubular
and not to the decongestive strategy; a pattern similar to injury biomarkers [9]. Even incident chronic kidney dis-
diuretic-based regimens has been observed with ultrafil- ease (i.e., prolonged RSC) in the setting of intensive BP
tration therapy [3]. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys- control has been shown not to be accompanied with an
tem (RAAS) inhibition is another example that challeng- increase in levels of kidney damage biomarkers, hence ex-
es the notion of RSC being equivalent to AKI in HF. plaining its lack of correlation with adverse outcomes
RAAS antagonism represents a cornerstone of guideline- [10]. To acknowledge the fact that not all forms of RSC in
directed medical therapy for HF with reduced ejection HF are mechanistically and prognostically equivalent, a
fraction. RAAS inhibition changes glomerular hemody- host of nomenclature has been proposed to distinguish
namics secondary to a more pronounced vasodilation of these entities, albeit with uncertain clinical relevance [11].
the efferent arteriole and reduction of intraglomerular So, what are the conceptual and practical consider-
pressure, yielding a decrease in filtration fraction and ations that could be concluded? First, until there are more
thus RSC. However, since peritubular capillaries are sup- data on various forms of RSC in HF, their underlying
plied by the efferent arteriole that is dilated in the pres- mechanisms, and their prognostic value, we would sug-
ence of RAAS antagonism, better oxygen delivery to the gest not using RSC, AKI, and worsening renal function
tubules could partially offset their negative effect on fil- interchangeably. RSC remains our preferred term due to
tration. This plus anti-inflammatory effects of RAAS in- its purely descriptive nature that lacks any (potentially
hibitors could actually protect against renal insult. It has inaccurate) implication of mechanistic or prognostic ref-
been shown that initiation or uptitration of neurohor- erence. More importantly, in light of the data on the salu-
monal antagonists, including RAAS antagonists, in pa- tary impact of RAAS inhibition on mortality in HF even
tients admitted for ADHF is associated with improved in the presence of RSC, small to moderate RSC is to be
outcomes despite higher rates of RSC [4]. This further anticipated and tolerated and should not prompt discon-
reinforces the notion that the small to moderate RSC tinuation of RAAS antagonists unless other complica-
commonly encountered in the setting of otherwise ben- tions arise (e.g., hypotension or severe hyperkalemia).
eficial HF therapies, such as aggressive diuresis or RAAS Despite absence of evidence of benefit, cessation of RAAS
inhibition, is dissimilar from conventional causes of gen- antagonists is common in patients admitted with ADHF
uine AKI and has a negligible impact on the outcomes. who develop RSC, while it might conceivably increase the
How can we explain this? It could be argued that all risk of acute hemodynamic deterioration and circulatory
forms of RSC do represent renal insult and AKI (and are congestion in those patients previously stabilized with
hence equally detrimental), but those cases of RSC pro- RAAS inhibition.
voked by aggressive diuresis or RAAS inhibition have this
disadvantage offset by the mortality benefit of the respec-
tive therapeutic intervention. Data suggest that those Disclosure Statement
ADHF patients who present with mild to moderate RSC No specific financial support was obtained for the preparation
during decongestion will have outcomes similar to those of this article. The authors have no conflict of interest regarding
without RSC only if fluid overload is efficiently treated the content of this manuscript.

194 Blood Purif 2019;48:193–195 Kazory/Ronco

DOI: 10.1159/000500409
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