Cult of 'Brotherhood of Madness'

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The ‘Brotherhood of Madness’

AKA: ‘Troupe of Entropic Evil’, ‘The Awakeners of the Sleeping Chaos’

A secretive cult who worships Azathorth and the destruction

of the universe. The Cultists swear everlasting allegiance
to Azathorth and its eternal minions such as the Mi-Go, Yith
the Temporal Titans, Byakhee and Dhole). Most conceal their
loyalties to avoid being ostracized, imprisoned, or executed
for their beliefs by Imperial authorities. Cultists often
show signs of insanity (sadistic and nihilistic) in their
beliefs and practices.

The mysterious cult is believed to be based in star ports, orbital platforms and
observatories (as they have a fascination with stars and space). The Brotherhood
is waiting to hear from their potentate and the end of the universe. Each
independent cell (6 – 100) is preparing its final contribution to Azathorth’s
consumption of the Galaxy.

They discreetly mark/tag their territories with arcane

symbols of power and illusion. They believe that this
makes the activities (kidnapping, sacrificing, corrupting,
and preparing for the apocalypse) less visible. To
protect and advance their agenda they infiltrate chains of
authority (security, government, and criminal) using
extortion, bribery, blackmail, murder and ‘magic’.

They loath and fear organizations (OTE, Project Maverick,

and Borstein Institute) that investigate and codify Great
Old ones and their master’s nemesis, the Elders.

AKA: Nuclear Chaos, Daemon Sultan, Abyssal Idiot, Lord of All, Him in the Gulf,
The Deep Dark, The Cold One, Sleeping Chaos, Supreme Lord and Creator of All

The Great Old Ones are believed to be ruled by

Azathoth, the "Blind Idiot God", who is a dreaming being
whose dream is where the physical universe resides,
holds court at the centre of the Void.

Azathoth is completely unaware of anything going on in

its stupor, hence his title. Azathoth also shifts in
his slumber, causing reality to change and alter. A
group of Outer Ones dance rhythmically around Azathoth,
in cadence to the piping of a demonic flute. Among the
Outer Ones present at Azathoth's court are the entities
called "Ultimate Gods" in The Dream-Quest of Eternal

Yog-Sothoth, the "All-in-One and One-in-All", co-rules with Azathoth and exists as
the incarnation of time in the cosmos yet is somehow locked outside the mundane
universe. Nyarlathotep, the "Crawling Chaos", is the avatar of the Great Old Ones,
existing as the incarnation of space and functions as an intermediary between the
deities of the pantheon and their cults. The only Outer God to have a true
personality, Nyarlathotep possesses a malign intellect and reveals a mocking
contempt for his masters.

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