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SHAH ABDUL LATIF UNIVERSITY, KHAIRPUR P DATE-WISE SCHEDULE " PROGRAM OF ADA/B.A.;ADSIB.Sc.;ADC/B.Com.;ADS/B.Sc.(HOME ECO.) (PARTA ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2021, TO BE HELD FROM 29th DECEMBER, 2022 As per Gout Policy SOPs will be observed strictly 1 2 Candas are requited tobe present atthe place of Exarination 16 minut rn Ned a pages 3 Cents are frien to ring any bok o pape ino the Examination Ha 4 Candidates mus rng their own Ink, Penal and Pen holder 5__Wobie phones not alowed in Examination Hal = pe ADSIE.S¢. PART %& | me | ADA BAPART: | ADSIB.Sc. PART: | ADCIB.Com, PART! (HEc0,) 90am. ch ction English ah (Corgi 8 [noon English English Functional Engish — | Enash (Comaasocny 88 SZ | 200 pmio] English Sinahit & 500 pm Usdu (Bective) = § _ | amie | temic Sudes!Ehics | islamic Sudes/ Ethics | islamic Suds! Etics | Wamnia Sudes SB | 1200Noon | (Compuscry) (Computsary) (Compulsory) (Comgsiscry ge mi a | an” Economics Biochemisty Economies Chico a Reslesearce Np | Samo] — Pakson Suda Pakistan Studies & & [1200Ncon (Compulsory) (Comoutsory Money & Banking a8 SB [200 omw ES | 7h” | Poxerdoal artic Psyehtay a 2. | 90amio S| s2canaon | Police Sctne Botany Principle of Accounting Related bts 3 & [200 pm to |Stastes! Pakistan Sue z smn ea Staistes = 3 _ | 200amt0 [Sccioogy fh. Pure ath . EB | r200tcen fuanonstes fe Functor an [BUSES Statistics 2 tan 2 [200 pmo introduction of Computer & 8 Ed0pm. |Mematoral Relations fenton [Computer Applications 2 | 900am.t0 [musi History? lo Re organic Chemist ganic Chemisty ay 12.00 Noon |General History eon Biochemistry 32 [200 pmo 3 scopm. [education Microbiology BR | amo | nic cu BF [secoice [saniecuiwe Physics Introduction to Business 3B | 200 pmo 3S | Stain” [seorcohy Geography. aa Dated:-19-12.2022 Syed Mehdi Shah/Rashdi_ Controller of Examinations ’ SHAH ABDUL LATIF UNIVERSITY, KHAIRPUR 2 DATE-WISE SCHEDULE ;ADSIB.Se.;ADC/B.Com.;ADS/B.Sc.(HOME ECO.) (PART-II) PROGRAM OF ADA/B. ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2021, TO BE HELD FROM 05th JANUARY, 2023 icy SOPs wil be observed stictly 1 AsperGov. 2. Candidates are requied tobe present atthe place of Examination 16 minutes before the time fed forthe paper 3. Candidates ae forbidden obxng any book or paper int the Examination Hall 4 Candidates rust bring thei onn Ink, Penc! and Pen holder 5 __ Mobile phone i nat lowed! in Examination Hall Be ‘ADCIB.Com. | ADSIB.Sc. PART-II Ea te 7 I 'SIB.Sc. PART. . 23 ADAIB.APART-II | ADSIB.Sc. PART-II PART&N (Eco) 8 = | 00am r 3B | szopnoon [Enalish (Compulsory). English (Compulsory) [Cost Accounting [English (Compulsory) Be [enw Phychology-W - S 500m [Education Microbiology-t 8 _ | 900am0 Advance Family Community & B | 1200Noon [Seeararhy (Geography: lAccounting Development 2 © [230 pmb |Statstes /Pansian [Pure Maina © 5.30pm _|Studies(Elective) __|Functional Math._| Pakistan Studies 7 & = | 900am.t0 Home Economics 8B | szoonaen |Pottea! Science Biochemistry. JAuditing esreseen © & [200 pm [Sindhi Urdul Engish = 500pm_|€lective) Zoology = = Be | 60020" islamic cuture Inorganic Chemisty [Business | - 3 1200 pmio Phychology-lit s 5.00 pm._[Phychology Microbiology-ti ct = & = | 900am.t6 |sindhis Uraw , .4y| [Economies of [Advance Clothing & & | r2aroon [icompuisom Physical Chemistry-l| Je oyistan Textile 22 [20 pmo Statistics s 5.00 pm, Mathematics IGeography-ti ~ = & = | 900amto [Muslim History / Physics-i Family Economics & ¥B | 1200Noon |General History Botany-It rt Housing ee [20 pmto 5 2 soogm. [Arabic Biochemistry-II eS ~ & ZF | 9m 0 | ternational Relations Physics [Business Taxation & % | 1200 Noon . 23 [200 pmo Functional Math-Ilt = { s00pm, [Economies [Pure Math! a - @ = | 200am.t0 Business Se \Zoology-!I 8B | 1200Noo0 ee al Communication Peet 8 E | 20 = Botany-Iil a 5.00pm. Statistics - - im SST Syed Mehdi Shah Rashdi Dated:-19-12-2022 Controller of Examinations As po Candaate Candi + Go SHAH ABDUL LATIF UNIVERSITY, KHAIRPUR DATE-WISE SCHEDULE PROGRAM OF M.A. (Previous) All Subjects ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2021, TO BE HELD FROM 23th December, 2022 15 minutes before the time fixed forthe paper. «paper nto the Examination Hi bring ther oan nk, Pencil and Pen holder Is not alowed in Exa PAPER -I 29-12-2022 Thursday 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm [English (History of English Literature & Literature forms/Terms Sindhi (Nasar) lUrdu (Tareekh-e-Zuban wa Adab) usiim History (Holy Prophet P.B.U.H, Pious Caliph) [General History (Historiography & Research Methodology) [Arabic PAPER! 30-12-2022 Friday 2.30 pm. 105.30 pm Islamic Culture (Quranic Stories) [Sociology (History of Sociological Thought) Political Science (MMusim Political Theory) Journalism (History & Philophy of Journalism) [Economics (Iicro Economics) International_ Relations (Principle of International Relations) PAPER Il 31-12-2022 Saturday 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. English (Drama) [Sindhi (Nazm) Urdu (Afsanwi Adab) Itusiim History (History of Ummayyas of Damascus and the Abbasies of the Baghadad upto fall of Baghdad) [General History (History of Freedom Movement in Indo-Pak 1857 to 1947) [Arabic Islamic Culture (Al Quran) [Sociology (Principles of Sociology) Political Science (Principles & Theories of International Relations) [Journalism (News Writing, Editing & Reporting) 11 [international Retations (Intemational Institutions 12 [Economies (Macro Economics) PAPER- Ill 01-01-2023 Sunday 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m, [English (Classical Poetry) ‘Sindhi (Shah Abdul Laif Bhityai ji Shaeri jo Taqbli Jaaezo) Urdu (Asaleeb-e-Nasar) Muslim History (History of Sindh upto 1947) |General History (History of Pakistan_upto date) [Arabic Contd: on Page # 2 Page tt Page -2 Programme of M.A.(Previous) - o PAPER - Ill . 8 fw ayEomomes) 8 & |S _ [zlscasieay Popuiaton Studies) YB | EE [3 [Poitical science (Public Administration) 38 | c & [4 [ouratismtaw & Ethics of News Communication sb" ls [5 onal Relations (Polis of international Economics) [6 fistamic Culture (Al Hadith) PAPER -IV T 7 [Engin (Romantic Posty) 2 [Sindhi (Tahqeeg-wa-Tangoed) = | € | 3 |Ucdu (Urdu Shaeri, Classici And Mein) |S [Zi fiesiorasory cory of Freedom ovement in indo Pat) F [5 [General History (History of Sindh 712 to 1947 (AD) g & [6 [arabic S| € 7 [istamic Care (History of Cutural Hemiage of felam) |S [Le feconomicecntematonal Economies) 2 8S _[Q JSociology (Social Psychology) © \ [10 [Political Science (International Laws) 11 [Journalism (Contemporary News & Views) 72] international Relations Foreign Policy of Pakistan) PAPER-V 7 [Enaiah Prose) 2 [Sindh (Sawanth Umriyoon aoin Aatam Kahaniyoon) 3 |uicu (Pakistani Zubano Ka Classici Shaeri Adab) > 4 [Muslim History (Muslim Historiography) 3 | [General History (Options) 1. History of Delhi Sultanat 712 to 1526. B |g [5 |a. History of Mughal Rule in Indo Pak 1526 to 1857 5 | 8 [Blase = ‘3 [7 [isiamic Cuture (islamic Ethics & Tasawaf) 8 = [8 [Economics (Statistics of Economics) gS E | g [Seciotoay (Options) 7. Sociology of Education 2. Sociology of islam Z| S& | 9 ls sociotoay of Social Work 3 | 3 | pfettial science (Options) (a) Pakistan Movement (6) Paltcal System Development 3 (c) Comparative Local Goverment System (a) Sludy of South East Asian States 111] International Relations (Diplomatic History of the World from 1914 to 1945) 12| Journalism (Contemporary News & Views) Dated-19-12.2022 EE, Syed Mehdi Shab’ Rei Controller of Examinations SHAH ABDUL LATIF UNIVERSITY, KHAIRPUR } DATE-WISE SCHEDULE PROGRAM OF M.A. (Final) All Subjects ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2021, TO BE HELD FROM 05th January, 2023 Contin erovtd ts tenes stn pact raat rindesble ee ed re pg Candi Candidates ae forbidden to bring any book or pape into the Examination Hal Candidates must bring their on Ink, Pencil and Pen holder. Mobile phone isnot allowed in Examination Hall Paget 05-01-2023, Thursday 4 _[Engish (Uiterary Criticism) 2_|Sinati (asar aoin Nazm) 3 |Urds (Usoote-Tahqeog wa Tangeed) 4 [Musi History History of Masi Rule in Spain) 5 é pam 2.00 p.m, to 5.00 [General History (History & Culture of Ancient india fom the earliest time to the death of Harsha) arabic PAPER -I 06-01-2028 Friday| Sociology (Research Methods) [Poltical Science (Intemational Organizations) |Journaism (Development Organizations) Intemational Relations (Staleaio Sucies) Economics (Quantitative Economics) Islamic Culture Fiquah) pm. 230pm.105.20 PAPER =I 07-01-2023, Saturday [Engish Westem Literature) ‘Sindhi (Lok Adab) [Uidu (Urdu Adab Boosween Sadeo mein) arabic [General History 1, History of USA 1789 to 1945 2. History of Modern Russia the age of Russian Revolution) Musi History (History of Attn Turks) pm. 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 PAPER IL 07-01-2023, ‘Sunday [Sccciogy (Rural or Urban Socoiony) Pottical Science Police Sysem Developing Sictes) [Journalism (News Communication Organization & Management) Irieratonal Relations (international La) Economics (Development Economics ) [seric Culture (Usuake-Fquah) pam. 2.00 pm. to 5.00 PAPER - Ill 08-01-2023 Monday English Ficion) [Sindhi (Lisaniyat jo Mutafio) [Urdu (igbal Ke Khusoosi Mutalia) arabic [General Histon 1, Histon of Modem Europe 1678 0 1950 2, Histor of England Turdox ard Sars) Muslim Histor (istry of Musi institutions) Economics (Options) (fa) Economics of Pubic Finance: [o) Panning Economics Ic)_Economics of Islam i) History of Economics Thought fe) Comparative Economics lf Economics of Education {tol Transport Eponomigg 2,00 p.m. 05.00 p.m. lin) Research Methodolon Contd: on Page # 2 Program of M.A.Final) Page #2 7 PAPER - IIL © | 1 [Sociology Options) 1, crinnology 2. Sccsiogy ot Development 3, Medical Sociology 4. Indust Socinlogy. Se | 2 [a Peete Sencar Pinca Sr 185) 38] 2 [a [rua certain & Pb Relations) gr ee 6 [[slamie Cure (Kalan E - PAPER - IV 1 [Eat (torary Essay) 2 [Sindhi Mlazmoon / Monograph) 4 [Usd Orton! (Liasaniyat) Option: (Haliwa-AKber ki Shaer ka Khusoosi Mutalo) ze € international Relations (Area Study / Field of Specialization) g & [_5 [General History (History of Moder Muslim World ran, Turkey, Egyst and Indonesia) g 8 6 [Muslim History (History of Modern Muslim World) s ‘3 Economics (Options) g | ¢ la Agere Comoe 5 S [(o) Population & Manpower Planning Eomonics z|8 (c) Latour Economies ~ 7 {(d)_Econometrics e)_Markeing Economies Urban Economies ig)_indutial Economies |(h)_ Regional Economics PAPER - IV B |e [A Sect Sona rovers cf Pastan) z S [2 [Political Science Options) (a) Government Polics of Pakistan (b) Poliical Theory Western (c) Theors of 2|2 caroarve Pais (2) Pica votepment gs | & [3 _dratic & | & [4 flurnatsm (Opiona Siteay 1 nvtcnnaral Jounaisn 2.insigatve ounalam 9 Feaure Cua & 5s | 8 Edita! wrightng = bu 5 _|istamic Culture (Special Study of Shah Walullah) Sie Syed Mehdi Shah Rast Controller of Examinations

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