Project Mkultra, Subproject 8 (17481)

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Subproject 8 | Obligations i scription -® oe &- 2 is ae 28 July 1955 HEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD—— 2 ‘suBsecT: ADDENDUM TO SUBPROJECTS 8 end 10 jmtitasnianiiaonnenrisistniasinndiy 1. ‘Me purpose of this addendum is to set forth the mutual > dninistrative reaponsibilities of the contractor and sponsor. 2. ‘The above subprojects represent the research program © of eatehmaieseeMe Located at the Boston, Massachusetts, covering the yerica of 9 June 1953 through 15 September 1955. ans “ 3 ‘Toe ean requested the apeeeicisl 7 Hospital to sutait to them a-sumnary accounting of monies received wd from the Fund. Also, they requested the return of eny unexpended. funds received under a grant froa the Fund. 4, ‘Title to-any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the Hospital snall te retained by the Hospital in lieu of - higher overhead retes. 5. It was mutually agreed that docurentation and accounting for travel experges which are reiobursable Dy the Qapemaeaeaanaay Hospital shall conform with the accepted prectices of that Institution. . 6. Tt vas agreed that technical reports refrecting the progress of the research progzam shall te cubaitted at mutually acceptable intervals. ya ‘ fo a 7 wien LIEB . Chief we : 153/chenieal Division APPROVED? Distribution: Orig. & 2 = 189/00 A e ES Roca 2409 = Gtra. 159-7 PRIGHLORO-TERT -BUTYL ALCOHOL Hotes og orier' sent to Qa the folowing otaterents "Tas + “henteal VILL nob be used for drug 7 purposes or cold by Us for suza use.” FOMAES NONI Re Bn2524-10 wi6-T7? : ede Ne 3 108, : nice Fee AAG, - By. 2etée: § ia 1S3-TA + 5 Gepteaver 1953 “a 1 tss/eo grea ent iit endif ing BB in the enount of $26,333.33. ‘ CERTIFICATE - 2 March 2, 1954 = nts 1s to certify that I have todey recelved B Cashier's check No. 10136328 of the a « March 2, 195% ghia 4s to certify that I have today received Ceabier's check No. H136329 of the 4 BND in tae count of $526.67. 19 MEMORANDUM. RECE LPT awe “FEB 18 1954 ote 10: FROK: . 2 suguect: : | I hereby acknowledge receipt .of the! following: 7 cH O98 x4 ECK: IN THE AMOUNT OF pac#iz 37 18 te cHecK he? RECElvec, IN THE AMGUNT OF gaxcer FEB 1g 1954 — 0 ratura, aigned copy Ves)"@ trbaree i oS 3 feommary 1954 ASMORADIH FoR: CHIMP, FIUAISE DIVISION VIAr nas/oudset Oster . j suaIBeT: Invoice tio. 2, Subproject 8, Project #ULERA Drvoica Bo. 2 fox Suoproject 8 oF Project HCMIRA ta Rte - t ; ; 1: 3 = Sacbet. Ib {a requested that puymunt be mace by two checks in a. i tho ecounts of $26,333.33 ont $526.67 rato cut to SRD IMNIODS S; 200-22 sfasicet "Tha checks should be cent to chief, C0/263, through 'P: crttear, "gh Ree. zl il. SIDR GoreBIES “ ity foe ens Shite? 2 : ‘a ro oe ! Ghentcal Bivteleny W338 S : oh : Attaclaontes ne “3. Enwotee Gortitioatioas Distrtvutten: Adivcowe + Orig. & 2 4 , Sexytroller « Exede Ste'ye, a] eo at. ‘ CHECK... IN THe AMOUNT OF 6267 RECEIVI . (1) "It to herevy cartitiea that thio 43 Invates fo. 2 applying ta, evoprolact O of Project MOLTA, that techatcal performance by ae CO ‘MMMM is catietoatory, that the work fy being ecoazplistel ia cow conioace vita the witual azroonent mached vith aaaepaenemnas that Cy tole DILL is Just end coreet ani thst paysent thereoy’ bos not yet Dates, Se SIRLY CREST : ented, 00/735" (2) “rt te botety cortdfict that thia invoice ezplfos to eubprojaes. § wsies Project HALA vateh wa duly epproved en} thee the project ‘ fa being carried ous 19 acconience with tie D/P teuoraniin to DR Gated 3 feet 1953 ont tho DIT ronoruniua to Po/A Gated 13 April 1953+ Faynent ds outzorized ant voyucatede reas Pater (3) "rb fa Rosety certified that the sxops of the prograa of aube > project § of Project MAULTRA bag beea cpproved. Exc. Geely. TCERTIFY THAT FULTS ARE AVAILABLE: 02 R, oaoanow sessssne Clase 70 ater: ae geesoecs® p #6 + -ebs 1, 1954 20d Payment due for grant to @ «$26,333.33 Service charge of 2% for 28208526. +428 880. i ‘This ts to certify that T have today torts check No. 1033785 of the $B in the arount of $13, ,1666676 Ahis is to certify that-todey Cashier's check Nos 1133785 of the AUBB 0 to ssount of $263,33. ee ices needa napa an meena ate gg == a e~7- ' BD MEMORANDUM RECEIPT Q 28 puenst 1953. ae 1: eagpaetinim ‘2 _ = FROM: Budgat Office, TSS SUSUECT! Two checkd : following: . = I hereby acknowledge receipt of the x Ae wunt of $263433. and chack # 12337 ; Coe ae eee ae payanat ‘for invoice # 1, Subproject 8 : Projet IKULTAA. . = (ae. ——— : cs MEMORANDUM RECEIPT . = = a + 28 August 2283 FRQM: Budgot Office, TSS SUBJECT: Two checks I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Chock # 1933786 tn the enount-of $263.33 end check # 1133785 in the amount of $13,166.67 as payment for invoice # 1, Subproject 8 a Projeét MKULTRA. ‘ 5 catuen gad cony(tan) of thle cece s lad . torn shgnad copy (Len) of thle racetot has Lodi . 7 3 Miguel OF a 7 Yt 40 requestod that payzent bo esta iy tye chee: “$13,266.67 and 4263.53 Bole ent to SERIE « checks shouts” Ce <"attocbrontas VeMURANOUG FOR. CHITY, PIIAWR DIVISICH YIAS 1S —— orttcer “SUBTEOT: + Invoice Nor y Sitproject By Prosect rouse Eevotea toe 1 tor suvprosost 8 of Projoot sneyEar fo attocbeds tn the onounts of e ba sent to Chef, 0/083, through TSa/mulzet OF Gortifications Dhotrtbutt paaresoee = Os Cecotrabier « at GeRtrercatrons (1). Sit 49 hereby certificl that ‘ta to Tavetee Yo. L epply cudsroject 6 of Project FSULTRA, that technl to perrornance by Re 40 catiofactory, that ‘the work ta betng accomplished in ‘secorianca vith tha uutual egreesent reached vitl A SUAER. that this bI2L io juot and correct ond that paynnt thereet ‘bas: not yet been matios > . . : fe cater, C0/ts3" (2) "rt fa hereby certified that this invoice applies to auproject 6 unter Project MXUUPRA which wos duly approved and that the project % 4a boing carried out in accorlonce vith the D2/? msaoraniun to DOT dated 3 April 1953 ead tha DCT mevovonius to Da/A dated 13 April 1953+ e Paynent is authorised ond requested. co Th Dates, °G) “IS to boroby cortisted tint the ecope_of the progroa of fs sabpreject 6 of Project HAILIRA bas Leen opproved. . a rlsoy Ret Dirgctor™. & RL They Cras ° a RY a 9 usa 1993 MORO Foy CCUPTROLLER APTSHTO ¥inonce Divfaion susmett Project KKULIRA, Suproject 6 Hd - Unies tha guthority granted fn the mouoraniua dated 13 April 1953 fron the DGI to tha B9/A Gal tho further authority gronted in ‘she meworaniua dated 17 april 1953 frou the DO/A to the Congtroller, on the cubjeot, "pd/Pe1S3 Project KURA", ouvproject O has been oppnaved, ant $49,270.00 of the avor-ath Froject MALTS ‘been obligated to covdr the oubprojent's expenseay + STORY corTLIce chor . “Checcteak Dtviolen, ‘153 APPRTIAD FOR ODLICNTION cr FDS cane erences Tereara CEE ii iS pater 1 O-PA % | August 18, 1953 9 June 1953 WEMORANDIM FOR THE RECORD . *_ suasecr: Project MAULTRA, Subproject 8 1. Subproject 6 is being set up as 4 means to continue the present vork in the general field of L.5.D. at! & ARB until 11 September 1954. : 2. Mate project will include a continuation of a atudy of the =+ Plockemteal, neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects of £.3.D., and also-a study of L.S,D, antagonists and drugs _related to L.8,D., such a3 L.A.d. A detailed proposal is attacheds ‘Tae principle investigators will continue to be: Z all of 8 ’ 3. The-estinated-oudget of the project at COmeeenmetin 7 _ is $39,500.00. The will serve as 4 cut-out and cover for-this project end vill furnish the above funds to the as a philanthropic grant for Bb : nedieal research, —A-cervice charge of $750.00 (24 of the estinated ‘udget) is to be paid to the SgeNORMiNeNammnage for this service. © ky Thus the totel-cbenges-for-this project vill not.exceed * $40,290.00 for a period ending September 11, 1954. . 5. CESS SESORHGA (Director of the hospital) are cleared through TOP SECRET end are avare of the true , Purpose of the project. fs g 6 LZ. 7 ames 77 5 Chemical Division/TSS : APPROVED: Division/Tss Chiet, Chantea! APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION + PROGRAM APPROVE! * 2 OF FUNDS: AND RECOMMENDED: esearen, Dates, Attachnent: Proposal, original only. % 3 ra res vor cownmivarton oF avo Wy Prosser TT & 73 UEL.S.D, « GeLYCEROIG ACTD DIGTATLAMIDE TARTRATE. J Todncludo Study offL.S.D. Antogontsts and z Rolated Druga Such a0 L.fe5s = lysergic Aeld - : kthylonide. 5 the prospectua for next year is in general a a continaation of the L.8.D project along sinilar lines ta that of this year, Each aspect of the” project (biochenteal, neurvphysiologicaly sociological, clinical psychiatric) 4 to be continued. SO ‘The principal elaition in the broad areas of study ta that of a 1 payeholozteal section which consiets of vore nob outlined in ect yoor's 23 protocol, tut which nevertheless bas been going on during the year and stunted hao brought forth substantial findings sufficient to point out the neccesity wc both of its continuation and expansions . > Bach solentifie aspect of the projact haa ei-te the developasnt ' _” of procedures and sethodo which are now of proved usefulness in the study of Jyaergic orl other eiutlar drug reactions. It ig the further application am of tho nothods which have teen developed during the past year of oxerinentation that wilL be ono of the principal focuses of ext year's works These nothods will de applied to the study of related chentcals uch a2 Lebel ond any other drugs which nako thete appearance, and to the stady of other drugg in conjunction with 1.S.D. with the goal of ascertaining antagontotic effects. . He would also like to expand the baso of the experinent by applying these methods to the study of patients with functional paychoses not attritutable to drug reactions, Taig will not only test the applicability of the nathods on a broader basis but will dexonstrate nore precisely the = degree to which the findings of the studies of the lysergic psychosis can bo applied to understaading achizophrenia and other functional, psychoseus * Oe 226 % ESS. 7 * The past yeor's research has dealt to a great oxtent with determining the syiptots produced by different dosages oF uS.De and the degree to which theeo eyxptoms can ‘bo determined by the social sitvation in © which the cubject finde hineelf and by the banic personality ond sockal attributes of the subject hinself. Fér tho study of the use of other drugs in conjunction with L.S.D. to escortein antagonistic effects it becomes necessary to dovelop nore precise weasurenants of L.54D. effect than any. vich wo have hed heretofore. Tals constitutes on oscontishly new field of ie investigation, nancly that of developing quantitative neasurexcats of lysergic effects = Prom ovr background of clinical end social observations of the * : * aysergic psychosis which bavo been carried on throughout the past year, more precise and objective instranents of measurenont will bo developed along the following Lines: phystolertcs?. wgagurenents such as polygraph changes and sensitivity to specific physics otimls such as flashing Lights 3 psycholowtook neasurenants of persistence, notdvation lack, distrectibility, renory, reality perception, richness of assoclationss sociolorical and social, peycholozical moagirenenta ench as quality end quantity of verbal production Gn difforent structured sccial situations ouch a problea solving Group : @dseusoion ond ccourational tact situations; psycidatric deteminstions of rantal otstus (which 1a essentially 4 continuation of the present nethod of clinical evaluation). Fart I, Elcohenical Studios ou rmhoso studies wore carricd out at tio aceon e IS aa P eELOLAANRE Dircctoes Jere & Lada ag a strecs agent upon the ndronal cortex: | . PSE Svelve yolunteera wero chosene on the control day, werely the urines wore collected at pre~dotorained intervals, end at 3.00 otoloct An the afternoon, an Aajection of ACH, 25 nee, vas ylven to teot the responsivity of tho adrenal cortexs The urine vas oxanined as to"volusos rate per ninutes 4nd, cheateallys ap to ths content of Creatinine (deterained in grasa per 2k hours); 17-Ketosteroids (deterained by allltgtoa por hour); Sodiva (doternined by.nilligran per bour)s fotasetua (dotorsined by nilligres per nour); Urte Acid (doterained by altiifren per minute); Phosphates (determined by nl2iigrea por minute) « on the experinental, day, the volunteers recotved 145.Dy early in tho uoming at e definite hours ‘The urino again vas collected at exactly the | gene tine intervals es on the control day. gheea control experinents wero carried out in which glucose vas given togethor with L8

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