Rules Brochure 2022

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Kommunikation Kollaboration Kritishes Denken Kreativitat

13 - 15 OCTOBER 2022
Language Unites Us! /mayocollegeofficial
General Instructions

All Participants (delegates, staff advisors, observers) are expected to

maintain a sense of decorum and respect while at Mayo College.
No participant shall be allowed to disrespect or offend any other
participant, any student or staff member of Mayo College.
All participants are required to respect the rights of Mayo College in that
they may not damage any School property, cause any harm to the
reputation of the School or pose a threat to any person or object present
within the School premises.
The usage or possession of the following is strictly prohibited: drugs,
alcohols, cigarettes, cigars or any other such material (being under the
influence of such substances whilst on campus is also prohibited) fire-
arms, lighters or ammunition of any type. Any other object which may
cause harm to other individuals at the competition/tournament/event or
to any part of the campus is strictly prohibited.
Any type of misbehavior or offensive attitude, fighting and/or usage of
offensive/bad language will not be acceptable.
All participants are required to cooperate with the School Authority and
comply with any orders/laws issued by the School Authority or the
government. /mayocollegeofficial
Let us know more!

Kindly provide the required Information in the below sent Google Form latest
by 1st September 2022. It will help us organise your stay in the best possible

Link : Please sumbit your response here. /mayocollegeofficial

German Meme Making (Online)

Photography with German Caption (Online)

German Comic Strip Making (Online)

German Spell-Bee - Class VI to VIII

German Spell-Bee - Class IX to XII

German Quiz - Class VI to VIII

German Quiz - Class IX to XII

German Poem Recitation

One Act Play

On the Spot Painting

Solo / Group Song /mayocollegeofficial
German Meme Making
A meme is an image or video that uses humor to represent thoughts and feelings. So this
competition will help the participants to show their creativity.

THEME - Die Sprache verbindet uns

The submissions should be in German.
The submissions should be politically correct
The meme should be made on one of the templates provided,
which will be sent with the confirmation of participation.
The submissions should be original.
Maximum two entries per Institution is allowed.
Submit your entries on or before 20th Sept 2022.
The decision of the judges will be final and abiding.
The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Creativity & Matter 15

Originality 15

Presentation 10

Total 40

Submit your entries here. /mayocollegeofficial
Photography with German Caption

The competition helps the students to showcase their linguistic as well as photographic
THEME - Die Kultur
Participants need to submit a photograph on the given theme.
The photograph should have a caption in German. It should be
placed at the bottom of the photograph.
The photograph should be original and clicked by the student.
Submit your entries on or before 20th Sept 2022.
Maximum two entries per Institution is allowed.
The decision of the judges will be final and abiding.
The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Visual appearance and

Adherence to the theme

Image Quality 15

Caption 10

Total 40

Submit your entries here. /mayocollegeofficial
German Comic Strip Making

This competition gives a chance to the participants to showcase their creativity and
linguistic skills.

THEME - Die Sprache verbindet uns!

The participant should create a 4 Panel Comic Strip
corresponding to the theme.
The Comic Strip should be made on an A4 Sheet. (using
colors is optional) and should be handmade (no digital
software allowed).
A brief description in German should also be submitted along
with the Comic Strip.
Maximum two entries per Institution is allowed.
Submit your entries on or before 20th Sept 2022.
The decision of the judges will be final and abiding.
The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Adherence to the theme 15

Correctness of the Language 15

Originality 10

Total 40

Submit your entries here /mayocollegeofficial
German Spell-Bee

This competition gives a chance to the participants to improve their spellings.

Classes VI to VIII
Classes IX to XII

There will be a preliminary round (written) to qualify for
the final round.
Participants will not be awarded any points for mistakes.
Participants will be provided with a note pad and a pencil.
He /She is supposed to write down the word before
he/she spells it in all the rounds.
The participant shall not ask any questions or seek any
information about the word.
Once the participant begins to spell a word, he/she
cannot retract the spelling or repeat or alter the letters or
sequence of letters from those first uttered, otherwise no
points will be awarded.
The Specific rules regarding evaluation procedure, time to
reply a particular answer and the type of round will be
given before the actual start of the competition.
Maximum two entries per Institution is allowed.
The decision of the judges will be final and abiding. /mayocollegeofficial
German Quiz Competition
This competition gives a chance to the participants to improve their knowledge about
Classes VI to VIII
THEME - Sport in den DACH - Ländern
Classes IX to XII
THEME - Landeskunde der DACH - Länder

·There will be one team per school represented by two
members. No reserve member shall be sent as
There will be a preliminary round (written) to qualify
for the final round.
Top 6 teams will qualify for the final round.
The Specific rules regarding evaluation procedure, time
to reply a particular answer and the type of round will
be given before the actual start of the competition.
The Quiz master's decision would be final and abiding. /mayocollegeofficial
German Poem Recitation

This competition gives a chance to the participants to improve their recitation skills and

Participants will have to choose a poem with at least 2 Stanzas.
Participants can choose any poem of their favourite German
Maximum two entries per Institution is allowed.
Paper reading is not permitted.
Participants may use props if needed.
The decision of judges will be final and abiding.

The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Voice Modulation 15

Pronunciation 15

Presentation 10

Total 40 /mayocollegeofficial
One Act Play
This competition gives a chance to the participants to improve their acting skills and
dialogue delivery.

THEME - Die Sprache verbindet uns!

Contestants must present an original play (written by students).
Only one entry per Institution is allowed.
Dialogues are to be memorized and not read.
The time limit for the presentation is five minutes.
The act should be recorded in a form of a video.
The language should be strictly German. The English subtitles
should be added at the bottom.
The Director and Videographer of the play should be present at
the venue to represent the entry.
The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Voice Modulation 15

Pronunciation 15

Presentation 10

Total 40

Submit your entries here. /mayocollegeofficial
Solo/Group Music Competition

This competition gives a chance to the participants to improve their language.

The singer may see the lyrics while singing. Marks will not be
deducted even if he/she does so.
Teams can select a song of their choice.
The minimum and maximum time limit for a song will be 2 mins
30 secs and 4 mins 30 secs respectively.
The Keyboard and Drums will be provided. Teams should carry
their own Guitar or any other musical instrument required.
Only one entry per Institution is allowed.
Minimum 1 singer and maximum 5 singers in a group. Maximum
number of accompanists playing instruments shall be three.
Judgment is on the basis of quality of singing only and not on
make-up, costumes and actions of the team.
The decision of the judge will be final and abiding.

The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Voice Modulation 15

Pronunciation 15

Presentation 10

Total 40 /mayocollegeofficial
On the Spot Painting

This competition gives a chance to the participants to showcase their creativity.

THEME - Die Sprache verbindet uns !

Participants will have to make a painting on the topic
‘Die Sprache verbindet uns!’
Maximum two entries from a school can be submitted.
The oil pastels and poster colours will be provided. In
case participants want to use some other colours they
should bring it with them.
Duration will not be more than 2 hours.
The decision of the judges will be final and abiding.
The submission will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:-

Parameters Marks

Voice Modulation 15

Pronunciation 15

Presentation 10

Total 40 /mayocollegeofficial

Ms Pooja Ahlawat
Email -
Ph - +91-8875589111 /mayocollegeofficial

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