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Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:631

Impact of temperature and storage time on the migration

of antimony from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers
into bottled water in Qatar
Fatima Al-Otoum & Mohammad A. Al-Ghouti &
Ozeas S. Costa Jr & Majeda Khraisheh

Received: 9 April 2017 / Accepted: 31 October 2017

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2017

Abstract Prosperity in Qatar and the consequent stress- temperature was a principal factor affecting the release
es on water resources resulted in a sustainable increase of Sb from the plastic into the water. Although the
in the bottled drinking water market. Reports on health detected Sb amounts were below the guidelines en-
concerns and possible migration of chemicals from the dorsed by WHO and Qatar (standard 5 μg/L) at 24 °C,
plastic material into the water have driven the current the concentration measured at 50 °C was higher than the
investigation. This study aims to address the extent of recommended WHO values (6.11 μg/L).
antimony (Sb) leaching from polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) water bottles subject to temperature variations Keywords Antimony . Drinking water quality . Plastic
(24–50 °C) due to Qatar’s hot climate and improper bottles storage . Leaching . Hot climates . Health effects
storage conditions. A representative basket including
66 different imported and locally produced water bottles
was considered. The concentrations of Sb in bottled
water ranged from 0.168 to 2.263 μg/L at 24 °C and
from 0.240 to 6.110 μg/L at 50 °C. Antimony concen-
Qatar is an arid country with very limited fresh water
trations in PET bottles at 24 °C was significantly lower
recourses. The country depends heavily on desalination
than those at 50 °C (p = 0.0142), indicating that the
for its main drinking water supply. Qatar’s prosperity,
due to the huge investment in the oil and gas sector, and
F. Al-Otoum the population boom resulted in stresses being exerted
Ministry of Public Health, Public Health Department, P.O. Box: on the local water supplies. Lifestyle attitudes in Qatar
42, Doha, Qatar are associated with the huge sustained rise in the use of
e-mail: bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes
M. A. Al-Ghouti (*) mirroring reported trends in other countries (Andra
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, College of et al. 2012; Carneado et al. 2015; Chapa-Martínez
Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, P.O. Box: 2713, Doha, Qatar et al. 2016; Fan et al. 2014; Reimann et al. 2010,
e-mail: 2012; Rowell et al. 2016). In Qatar, nine local compa-
O. S. Costa Jr, nies produce bottled water. Three companies produce
School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University at Mansfield, different size containers including 1.5 L and 330 mL
395 Ovalwood Hall, 1760 University Drive, Mansfield, OH capacity. The remaining manufacturers produce larger
44906, USA 12-L water bottles. In addition to the locally produced
M. Khraisheh bottled water, Qatar imports different brands from sev-
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Qatar eral countries to satisfy the diversity in market demand.
University, P.O. Box: 2713, Doha, Qatar Various materials are typically used for the
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manufacturing of the plastic bottles but the most used in An early study by Shotyk and Krachler (2007) re-
Qatar are polyethylene terephthalate (PET). ported evidence of Sb migration from PET bottles into
The use of PET bottles increased tremendously in drinking water stored at high temperatures and under
recent years given its durability, chemical and physical sunlight. The authors reported that the concentration of
stability, and favorable economic costs. Its use is mainly Sb was found to be between 0.156 and 0.343 μg/L; a
for food and beverage packaging (Carneado et al. 2015; substantial increase compared to levels found in tap
Sánchez-Martínez et al. 2013). In addition, PET is known drinking water in the country of study. Various factors
to have fewer chemical additives during its manufactur- are thought to affect the release of Sb from PET bottles
ing. One such additive is antimony trioxide (Sb2O3). This including temperature, pH, and exposure to sunlight
widely used chemical, in PET manufacturing, acts mainly (Chapa-Martínez et al. 2016; Rowell et al. 2016). Re-
as a catalyst during the solid phase polycondensation ports by Westerhoff et al. (2008) indicated that the pH
reaction of PET. It is mainly used due to its elevated had limited significance on the migration of Sb under
catalytic activity, limited side reactions in addition to normal drinking water pH from 6 to 8 (Chapa-Martínez
negative impact on undesirable color addition to the final et al. 2016). pH impact was more dominant in carbon-
product (Carneado et al. 2015; Westerhoff et al. 2008). ated water bottles due to the lower pH associated with
Cheng et al. (2010) reported that recycling plastic bottles sparkling carbonated water (Bach et al. 2012).
contain between 100 and 300 mg/kg of antimony triox- Westerhoff et al., (2008) employed a power function to
ide. PET bottles made using antimony (Sb) typically investigate the effect of temperature and its time-
contain between 190 and 300 μg Sb/g (de Jesus et al. dependent relationship on the migration of Sb from the
2016), with the highest value recorded at 353 μg Sb/g containers to the water. It was reported that the rate of
(Bach et al. 2012). With such high concentration of release of Sb in water was much higher at temperature
antimony in bottled water, research in recent years fo- exceeding 60 °C. The authors considered nine different
cused on issues related to its leaching into the water and brands of bottled drinking water in the USA and found
possible health effects (Bach et al. 2012; Duh 2002). that levels of Sb in the water ranged between 0.095 and
Short-term exposures to levels higher than 6 μg/L can 0.521 μg/L. In addition, a comprehensive study by
cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea Reimann et al., (Reimann et al. 2010, Reimann et al.
(Aghaee et al. 2014). Higher blood cholesterol and lower 2012) considered the migration of 75 different
blood sugar are other side effects for long-term exposure chemicals into drinking water contained in glass and
(Westerhoff et al. 2008). Recent studies reported that plastic bottles. It was mainly found that various contam-
there seems to be evidence of carcinogenicity of Sb2O3 inants leached from both containers to the water. Con-
when tested on experimental animals (Smichowski trary to expectation, a number of trace chemicals were
2008). Moreover, it has been estimated that around 38% reported in drinking water contained in glass bottles.
(nearly 7.4 μg Sb/day) of the Sb daily intake in adults Keresztes et al., (2009) considered the effect of CO2 in
results from drinking water (Chapa-Martínez et al. 2016; water and studied a number of carbonated and
Fan et al. 2014). The USEPA (USEPA 1999) and the noncarbonated brands sold in the Hungarian market.
Council of the European Communities (98/83/EC 1998) The results indicated that carbonated water (due to the
categorized Sb and its associated known compounds as a lower pH) contained higher levels of Sb compared to
priority pollutant with different maximum permitted noncarbonated pH neutral waters. Some studies have
levels reported. For example, Japan offers the most strin- looked into the effect of storage on the quality of bottled
gent Sb levels allowed in drinking water at 2 μg Sb/L water. The first of such studies evaluated microbiologi-
while a value of 5 and 6 μg Sb/L are acceptable in the EU cal changes occurring during different storage condi-
and North America, respectively (Andra et al. 2012; Ikem tions in the UK (Armas and Sutherland 1999). The
et al. 2002). bacteriological impact of duration and location of bot-
In recent years, a number of studies investigated the tled water storage was also investigated in the USA
leaching of Sb from PET into the bottled water. Studies (Duranceau et al. 2012). They concluded that greater
included various countries such as USA, Africa, Turkey, contamination was observed in variable-temperature
and some EU countries (Brenčič et al. 2010; Frengstad storage conditions, as compared to constant-
et al. 2010; Greifenstein et al. 2013; Güler 2007; temperature environments. Aghaee et al., (2014) exam-
Sánchez-Martínez et al. 2013). ined the effects of storage time and temperature on the
Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:631 Page 3 of 12 631

release of antimony and other trace metals from PET thermometer and was found around 24 °C. Three bottles
bottles. According to this study, storage duration had a were used from each batch. The bottles sampled had
significant positive effect (p ≤ 0.05) on Sb and Al volumes that ranged from 330 to 550 mL. For the 500
concentrations, while a negative effect was observed in and 550 mL, the Sb content was recalculated into
Fe concentrations. In a recent comprehensive study, 330 mL to unify the volume for the entire study. The
Guart et al. (2014) found that the number of organic global identification resin number was checked for each
compounds detected in water stored in PET bottles for a bottle and confirmed that PET was the type of plastic
year (97 compounds) was more than twice that of fresh used in all studied water bottles. The color of plastic was
samples (43 compounds detected). The concentrations clear in all bottles apart from three that had a faint blue
of the detected compounds were also higher after 1 year tint.
of storage.
The effect of the color of the container was evaluated Storage conditions
by Reimann et al. (2010) and Marcinkowska et al.
(2017). These authors found that the color of the con- To investigate the effect of storage conditions, five local
tainer has a significant effect for a number of elements: water bottling companies around Doha were visited.
Cr, Th, La, Zr, Nd, Ce, Pr, Nb, Ti, Fe, Co, and Er. Some of the companies provided air-conditioned stor-
Given Qatar’s hot climate in addition to issues related age areas, while others provided shaded stores only.
to storage of the water bottles in closed rooms with no During the field visits, temperatures were measured
air-conditioning and possible exposure to sunlight, this and found to range from 30 to 45.5 °C under the shade.
study aims to investigate the impact of such factors on The measuring process was repeated twice to cover the
the migration of Sb into drinking water from PET bot- temperature variation during 4 weeks of May. The time
tles. Both locally produced and imported bottled waters of measuring the temperature began at 12:00 PM and
were considered. More specifically, the study aims to extended for 3 h. The bottles were stored, upon pur-
investigate the effect of high temperature on the chase, in the laboratory at room temperature (22.2 °C)
leaching of Sb into the water as well as the relationship for further use. Sample handling was done carefully to
between Sb concentrations and storage time. Inductively minimize any external contamination.
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was uti-
lized to estimate the concentration of Sb in bottled water. Migration of Sb into water contained in PET bottles
The outcomes of this study will be shared with the
concerned parties (monitoring authorities and water pro- Analyses of the total concentration of Sb were conduct-
ducing companies) to develop guidelines addressing the ed in one batch with ICP-MS. All reagents used in the
ideal storage conditions for bottled water and to review experimental work were of analytical grade. In addition,
the PET specification for each brand. solutions prepared used ultra-clean water. Glassware
was cleaned by soaking it in nitric acid (10% v/v) before
rinsing with ultra-pure water. Standard stock solution of
Materials and methods Sb(III) was prepared using procedure as described in
Chapa-Martínez et al. (2016). Required dilutions were
Commercial bottled waters prepared from the stock solutions immediately before
A representative random basket of 22 bottled water The concentration of Sb in the samples was carried
brands were purchased from various shops in different out in triplicate for each brand. Argon gas utilized was
cities in Qatar representing locally manufactured and of special purity (> 99.9%). To set the system, calibra-
filled bottles in addition to imported brands covering tion curves were constructed by analyzing NIST single-
> 85% of the available brands in Qatar. All water bottles elements. The ultra-clean water used in the experimental
contained noncarbonated water. The date of production work had a resistivity of 18 ΩMS cm at ambient
varied from one brand to another and the variations were temperature.
recorded. The bottled water brands and the region of To study the effect of temperature, bottled water
production are given in (Table 1). The indoor tempera- samples were placed into incubators set at 50 °C for
ture was measured for each shop using a digital 10 days and analyzed for Sb concentration using the
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Table 1 Sb concentration in samples of bottled water available in Qatar and stored at two different temperatures (n = 3 for each experiment).
Standard deviations are indicated for each calculated average

Brand # Country/region Sb at 24 °C (μg/L) Sb at 50 °C (μg/L) #days of manufacturing

PET1 Middle East 1 0.22 ± 0.011 0.27 ± 0.013 62

PET2 Qatar 0.22 ± 0.017 0.24 ± 0.019 19
PET3 GCC1 0.25 ± 0.009 0.33 ± 0.043 46
PET4 GCC1 0.25 ± 0.005 0.29 ± 0.042 160
PET5 GCC1 0.28 ± 0.009 0.30 ± 0.012 44
PET6 GCC1 0.31 ± 0.010 0.51 ± 0.104 70
PET7 GCC1 0.33 ± 0.047 0.45 ± 0.025 103
PET8 GCC2 0.33 ± 0.006 0.45 ± 0.044 226
PET9 Qatar 0.34 ± 0.051 0.40 ± 0.051 28
PET10 Qatar 0.38 ± 0.028 1.21 ± 0.237 18
PET11 Qatar 0.43 ± 0.028 0.69 ± 0.287 18
PET12 MiddleEast2 0.47 ± 0.100 0.60 ± 0.034 115
PET13 GCC1 0.51 ± 0.069 0.78 ± 0.038 53
PET14 Middle East 1 0.85 ± 0.056 2.56 ± 0.495 107
PET15 GCC3 1.56 ± 0.066 4.81 ± 0.293 170
PET16 Middle East1 1.57 ± 0.103 4.06 ± 0.264 94
PET17 Asia1 1.91 ± 0.058 4.62 ± 0.355 111
PET18 EU1 1.98 ± 0.010 5.10 ± 0.214 201
PET19 EU2 2.19 ± 0.074 6.11 ± 0.584 155
PET20 EU2 2.26 ± 0.139 5.59 ± 0.986 188
PET21 EU3 2.27 ± 0.081 5.93 ± 0.572 212
PET22 Qatar 2.28 ± 0.065 4.46 ± 0.443 29

ICP-MS. Three replicates from each brand were ana- available and purchased in two main cities in Qatar
lyzed at 24 and 50 °C, respectively. Both nitric acid and was analyzed on day 0 (day of purchase). Recorded
deionized water were used for sample extraction. results are detailed in Table 1. The Sb concentrations
were found to range between 0.21 and 2.39 μg/L.
Statistical analysis The average concentration at 24 °C was
0.963 ± 0.818 μg/L. In general, all samples tested
Due to the fact that the experimental designs of the this showed an initial Sb content well below the recom-
study were a completely randomized design (CRD) and mended level set by the EU (5 μg/L) and USA
the experiments were factorial, analysis of variance (6 μg/L). However, four of the tested brands had
(ANOVA) for two factors was used for the assessment of Sb concentrations above the most restrictive Japa-
the temperature experiment (changes between 24 and 50°). nese limit of 2 μg/L. The observed concentrations
were in-line with values reported for 12 brands
studied in Mexico (ranging between 0.28 and
Results and discussion 2.30 μg/L), 23 brands in the Serbian market (0.3–
1.81 μg/L), and 132 brands from 28 countries
Initial total soluble Sb concentration in bottled water (Chapa-Martínez et al. 2016), but higher than those
reported by Reimann et al. (2010) in Europe (Sb
The initial Sb concentration in water bottled in 22 concentration < 0.45 μg/L), Fan et al. (2014) in
different PET brands of water bottles commercially China (Sb concentration < 0.02 μg/L at 25 °C),
Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:631 Page 5 of 12 631

and Westerhoff et al. (2008) in the USA (Sb con- 0.156 to 0.343 μg/L and from 0.095 to 0.521 μg/L,
centration < 0.52 μg/L at 22 °C). respectively.
With the exception of Qatari brand #22 (average Sb Bottles produced and filled in the GCC have initial
concentration of 2.28 μg/L at 24 °C), all water bottles Sb concentrations of 0.25–1.56 μg Sb/L, which is, on
manufactured in Qatar showed low levels of initial Sb average, an order of magnitude higher that those
concentrations, ranging from 0.22 to 0.43 μg/L (Fig. 1). manufactured in Qatar. Marked variation also exists in
Of the remaining brands evaluated in this study, ten had the values obtained for the two Middle Eastern coun-
initial Sb concentrations below 1.0 μg/L—with values tries, with values ranging from 0.22 to 1.57 μg Sb/L. In
ranging from 0.21 to 0.89 μg/L—and seven had initial particular, all European brands tested recorded values
concentrations ranging from 1.47 to 2.39 μg/L. close to or above 2 μg Sb/L. Although still below the
The wide range of Sb concentrations has been ob- international standard of 5 μg/L, these values recorded
served before (Fan et al. 2014) and is likely a result of are higher than those of the brands manufactured in
the variable quality and manufacturing processes of PET Qatar, GCC countries, and Middle East countries.
plastics in different countries, as well as the high- Given that the exact blend of the PET bottles and the
temperature storage conditions during transportation. exact factory associated with their manufacturing is
As such, our results suggest that locally sourced bottled unknown, it is difficult to make conclusive comments
water have, in general, lower Sb concentrations than on the reasons behind the wide range of values ob-
those imported from countries outside the Gulf Cooper- served. As suggested above, both the quality of the
ation Council (GCC). The GCC group included brands PET material and/or the storage conditions during trans-
from Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. The Non- portation could be responsible for the high Sb concen-
GCC group included brands from Turkey, Lebanon, trations of imported water.
Fiji, UK, France, and Italy.
Similar wide ranges have also been reported in Sb release as a function of temperature
Shotyk and Krachler (2007) and Reimann et al.,
(Reimann et al. 2010, Reimann et al. 2012), where Sb Temperature has been shown to significantly influence
concentrations at ambient temperature ranged from Sb leaching from PET bottles (Chapa-Martínez et al.

Fig. 1 Antimony (Sb) concentrations at 24 °C in PET water bottles produced in Qatar (n = 3)

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2016; Westerhoff et al. 2008). We evaluated the effect of water bottles. It is also possible that the EU bottles are
temperature on the leaching of Sb into the drinking mainly manufactured for consumptions in countries
water in PET bottles for two main temperatures (24 where the temperatures are not as elevated as those
and 50 °C). Although the summer average temperatures experienced in Qatar and in other GCC countries. Near-
in Qatar can reach up to 45 °C, higher temperatures such ly 23% of the water samples at 50 °C showed Sb
as 50 °C are reasonable inside cars and in closed storage concentrations > 5 μg/L, which exceeds the recom-
without air-conditioning. Temperatures as high as 70 °C mended international standards and the guidelines set
were deemed reasonable by Chapa-Martínez et al. by the Ministry of Environment of Qatar for Sb in
(2016) who reported that this elevated temperature drinking water (5 μg/L).
mimics condition inside cars during summer time in Further exploration of the differences in Sb concen-
Mexico for example. trations at different temperatures in water bottled from
Sb concentrations at 24 °C ranged from 0.21 to GCC and non-GCC countries revealed striking differ-
2.39 μg/L, while at 50 °C they ranged from 0.22 to ences between these two groups (Fig. 3). ANOVA anal-
6.37 μg/L (Fig. 2). There is a significant difference ysis also indicates a statistically significant difference
(p = 0.0142) between Sb concentrations at 24 and at between these groups at 50 °C (p = 0.046) but not at
50 °C. With one exception, all samples with initial Sb 24 °C (p = 0.134).
concentrations (at 24 °C) below 0.5 μg/L experienced The results indicated that the migration of antimony
the smallest increases at 50 °C (between 8 and 62%), PET bottles generally increased under higher tempera-
while samples with initial Sb concentrations above ture (50 °C) reaching a value of Sb of around 6.11 μg/L
1.0 μg/L experienced increases varying between 139 in EU brand #19, while the smallest increase (around
and 210% on Sb concentrations at 50 °C. 0.02 μg/L) was observed in two of the Qatari-
It is noteworthy that a marked increase in Sb concen- manufactured brands. These results can be attributed
tration occurred mainly in the bottles manufactured to specific storage conditions during the exporting
outside GCC countries. This may be explained by the from the origin countries. Storage conditions includ-
type or quality of PET used in the manufacturing of the ing temperature are not typically reflected in the

Fig. 2 Sb concentration of all 22 brands at both temperatures. The blue line represents the concentration of Sb at 24 °C and the red line
shows the Sb concentration at 50 °C
Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:631 Page 7 of 12 631

Fig. 3 Antimony (Sb) concen-

trations at 24 and 50 °C in bottled
water from GCC and non-GCC
countries. Asterisks (*) indicate

labels of the bottled water. A study conducted by our study are also consistent with results reported by Fan
Takahashi et al. (2008) indicated that the source of et al. (2014). In their study, water bottles exposed to
the leached Sb into the water kept in PET plastic temperature change between 4 and 70 °C for a week. A
bottles may be primarily from the degradation of reported 4.4–319 times more Sb was reported under
the plastic under high temperature and may not be those conditions (Fan et al. 2014).
linked to Sb chemical components used in the The highly significant difference between Sb concen-
manufacturing of the PET bottles. trations in bottled water from GCC and non-GCC coun-
These results are in agreement with those reported by tries described previously could be an artifact of the
Carrieri et al. (2012) which indicated a significant longer storage time (differences in the bottling time from
leaching effect at temperatures > 45–60 °C. In addition, production to analysis) as indicated in Fig. 4. The longer
the authors indicated that the antimony was the only the storage time, the more contact between the water and
element that showed opposite behavior for glass and the PET material.
PET. The water in PET bottles shows a higher Sb In addition, the observed variation of Sb concentra-
concentration after 7 days of storage time at 2 °C. At tion from different countries of production could be
80 °C, the authors reported that a maximum value attributed to the variable qualities of the raw material
18 μg/L was obtained. Westerhoff et al. (2008) reported and method used in the manufacturing of the PET
that in extreme conditions where bottles are exposed to plastic (Sax 2010).
80 °C for 48 h period, a large increase in Sb concentra-
tion was detected raising from 0.2 μg/L to around Effect of storage time
9.7 μg/L.
The effect of temperature was reported in a recent Figure 5 shows the storage time (number of days from
study by Chapa-Martínez et al. (2016). An extensive production to the conclusion of the experiment) of all 22
study on the impact of various experimental conditions brands evaluated in this study. As mentioned previously,
highlighted that temperature is the most significant fac- for most of the brands evaluated, there is a significant,
tor related to the leaching of Sb into the water based on positive correlation between Sb concentration and stor-
statistical analysis. In their study, a temperature of 75 °C age time (Fig. 4). Two of the brands evaluated had been
showed considerably more Sb release than those stored stored for a long time (150 and 216 days) prior to the
at room temperature. In addition, the results obtained in beginning of the analysis, but no significant effect of
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Fig. 4 The effect of storage time (days from production to analysis) on the Sb concentration (in μg/L) of different brands of bottled water
available in the Qatari market at 24 °C (R2 = 0.24 with outliers; R2 = 0.74 without outliers)

storage was observed: their Sb concentrations were 0.26 2.28 μg/L (at 24 °C) and 5.46 μg/L (at 50 °C). For most
and 0.33 μg/L respectively (at 24 °C) and only increased of the remaining brands, those with the highest storage
to 0.39 and 0.45 μg/L, respectively (at 50 °C). Another time experienced the highest increases in Sb concentra-
brand had only been stored for 19 days at the beginning tion once exposed to temperatures of 50 °C for 10 days
of the analysis, but had initial Sb concentrations of (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5 Brands of water bottle by country and their respective storage time (in days) before the conclusion of all analysis
Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:631 Page 9 of 12 631

Fig. 6 Correlation between storage time and Sb concentration increase from 24 to 50 °C for all the 22 brands evaluated in this study

Statistically, the effect of long storage time on Sb has been reported in the literature (Aghaee et al. 2014;
leaching was significant for samples at 24 °C Fan et al. 2014; Carneado et al. 2015; Chapa-Martínez
(p = 0.021) and at 50 °C (p = 0.015). Over 24% of the et al. 2016). However, Holland and Hay (2002) reported
increase in Sb concentrations between 24 and 50 °C was that at temperature above 75 °C and in longer storage
due to the effect of storage (Fig. 6). This correlation is conditions, a negative effect on the amounts of Sb was
even stronger without the three outliers mentioned observed. This was mainly attributed to the possibility
above (R2 = 0.685). A similar effect of storage time of having special functional groups resulting from the
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Table 2 Chronic daily intake values for adults and children ingesting water stored on PET bottles

Brand Country/ CDI-1 (ng/kg/ CDI-2 (ng/kg/ CDI-3 (ng/kg/ CDI-4 (ng/kg/ CDI-5 (ng/kg/ CDI-6 (ng/kg/
# region day) day) day) day) day) day)

PET1 Middle East 1 17.96 22.04 31.43 20.95 38.57 25.71

PET2 Qatar 17.96 19.59 31.43 20.95 34.29 22.86
PET3 GCC1 20.41 26.94 35.71 23.81 47.14 31.43
PET4 GCC1 20.41 23.67 35.71 23.81 41.43 27.62
PET5 GCC1 22.86 24.49 40.00 26.67 42.86 28.57
PET6 GCC1 25.31 41.63 44.29 29.52 72.86 48.57
PET7 GCC1 26.94 36.73 47.14 31.43 64.29 42.86
PET8 GCC2 26.94 36.73 47.14 31.43 64.29 42.86
PET9 Qatar 27.76 32.65 48.57 32.38 57.14 38.10
PET10 Qatar 31.02 98.78 54.29 36.19 172.86 115.24
PET11 Qatar 35.10 56.33 61.43 40.95 98.57 65.71
PET12 MiddleEast2 38.37 48.98 67.14 44.76 85.71 57.14
PET13 GCC1 41.63 63.67 72.86 48.57 111.43 74.29
PET14 Middle East 1 69.39 208.98 121.43 80.95 365.71 243.81
PET15 GCC3 127.35 392.65 222.86 148.57 687.14 458.10
PET16 Middle East1 128.16 331.43 224.29 149.52 580.00 386.67
PET17 Asia1 155.92 377.14 272.86 181.90 660.00 440.00
PET18 EU1 161.63 416.33 282.86 188.57 728.57 485.71
PET19 EU2 178.78 498.78 312.86 208.57 872.86 581.90
PET20 EU2 184.49 456.33 322.86 215.24 798.57 532.38
PET21 EU3 185.31 484.08 324.29 216.19 847.14 564.76
PET22 Qatar 186.12 364.08 325.71 217.14 637.14 424.76

CDI-1: Based on adult, 70 kg, 2 L a day consumption of water, storage at normal temperature of 24 °C; CDI-2: Based on adult, 70 kg, 2 L a
day consumption of water, storage at normal temperature of 50 °C; CDI-3: Based on child, 10 kg, 0.5 L a day consumption of water, storage
at normal temperature of 24 °C; CDI-4: Based on child, 30 kg, 1 L a day consumption of water, storage at normal temperature of 24 °C; CDI-
5: Based on child, 10 kg, 0.5 L a day consumption of water, storage at normal temperature of 50 °C; CDI-6: Based on child, 30 kg, 1 L a day
consumption of water, storage at normal temperature of 50 °C

destabilization of the PET at such temperature. Such based on the findings of this study, there is a need for a
groups are thought to absorb the Sb released in water nationwide survey about the quality of all other brands
and hence produce a negative effect. Takur et al. (2012) of bottled water sold in Qatar. The guidelines for the
also reported that bottle aging and increase in bottle ideal storage condition should be enforced on local
volume were associated with decreased migration of companies. In addition, enforcing the exporting water
antimony from PET bottles, even when storage times companies to provide a specification of PET is neces-
increase. Similarly, Fan et al. (2014) used a release sary as well as to follow the international standards of
kinetic equation to describe the release of Sb with time. safe PET industry. Public awareness is also important
The authors reported that the Sb releasing rate decreased since it can lead to more confidence in local water.
with the storage duration for all the brands tested in their
study. The results showed that although the release rate Human risk assessment of long-term exposure
was still significant after a period of 4 weeks, it de-
creased gradually with longer storage times. Although results may initially indicate that levels of Sb
Studies by Chen et al., (2010), Chapa-Martínez et al. in drinking water are lower, in most cases, than the 4–
2016, and Keresztes et al. (2009) indicated that the 5 μg/L, it is essential to consider the long-term effects of
impact of temperature is more important than that of ingestion waters containing low dosage of Sb using
storage time or exposure to sunlight. Additionally, and specific guideline values given by the US environmental
Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:631 Page 11 of 12 631

protection agency (USEPA 1999). For this purpose, the currently sold in the Qatari market was carried out.
CDI (chronic daily intake) values are estimated using The measurement was conducted at both ambient tem-
Eq. 1 (Chapa-Martínez et al. (2016). perature (24 °C) and at experimental conditions (50 °C).
The Sb concentration varies from one brand to another
CDI ¼ C  DI=BW ð1Þ and between locally sourced and imported brands. This
difference is attributed to the possibly high-temperature
where C represents the concentration of Sb in the water storage conditions during transportation, as well as to
(ng/L) and DI represents the recommended average the poor quality of PET material and the long period of
intake of water per day. The amount is estimated at storage from bottling to use. Of the 22 brands of bottle
2 L of drinking water per day for adults and 1 L per water studied, five brands exceeded the recommended
day for children Fan et al. (2014). BW is the body limit set by Qatari standards (5 μg/L), four of these
weight and a typical value between 70 and 72 kg is used
brands were imported and one was locally produced.
for adults and 10–32.7 kg is used for children (Chapa-
The amount of Sb in bottled water at 24 °C ranged from
Martínez et al. 2016). The value obtained using Eq. 1 is
0.221 to 2.281 μg/L and from 0.23 to 6.11 μg/L at
further divided by 0.38% as this value represents the 50 °C. A substantial increase of Sb concentration occurs
contribution of drinking water in the total Sb intake by when water in bottles were incubated at 50 °C. On the
humans (Keresztes et al. 2009). whole, the concentration of Sb measured in this work
In our current study, the BW value of 70 kg for an adult was less than the recommended level of Qatar Standards
will be used while two values for children will be consid- at 24 °C but above the limit at 50 °C for some brands.
ered, namely 10 and 30 kg representing two ranges of age
The study also highlighted that long-term health issues
groups in children (younger and older), respectively. In that can indeed occur from ingesting water stored in
addition, 10-kg children are assumed to drink 0.5 L of clear
PET bottles in inadequate temperature controlled con-
water a day. Calculated results are detailed in Table 2. The
ditions especially for younger children.
results obtained are compared to a set value known as the
reference dose value (RfD) that represents the daily oral
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Cen-
exposure. RfD value of 400 ng/kg/day was given in the tral Food Laboratory at Ministry of Public Health for their help to
guidelines developed by the USEPA. analyze the samples. Special thank for Dr. Mohammad Al-Thani,
It can be seen from Table 2 that, in general, all brands the director of public health; Mrs. Wassan Al-Baker; and Dr.
Mohamad Ali for their kind support.
tested showed values below the RfD value set in the
USEPA at a normal temperature of 24 °C for adults. At
higher temperatures (50 °C), 4 EU brands had CDI levels
higher than the recommended RfD of 400 ng/kg/day,
reaching a maximum value of 498 ng/kg/day in brand
#19 (EU2) for adults. The value is nearly double the
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Conclusions Bach, C., Dauchy, X., Chagnon, M.-C., & Etienne, S. (2012).
Chemical compounds and toxicological assessments of
drinking water stored in polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
In this work, a survey of antimony concentration of 22 bottles: a source of controversy reviewed. Water Research,
bottled water brands from ten different countries 46(3), 571–583.
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