150 Items For Principles Methods and Strategies

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1. I want to help my students retain new information. Which one will I use?
A.Questions B. Mnemonics C. Games D.Situations
2. Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop logical-mathematical thinking?
A.Focus Group Discussion C. Small Group Discussion
B. Problem Solving D.Games
3. Which of the following is exploratory in nature?
A.Indirect Instruction C. Direct Instruction
B. Demonstration D.Deductive
4. After establishing my learning objectives, what should I do to find out what my students already know and what they do not yet
know in relation to my lesson objectives in the cognitive domain?
A.Study the least learned competencies in the National Achievement Test
B. Analyze my students’ grade last year
C. Interview a sample of my students
D.Give a pretest
5. Which of the following runs counter to Thorndike’s law of exercise?
A.Students should be presented with a learning task repeatedly.
B. Teachers should conduct drills everyday for mastery of learning.
C. Students need to be exposed to a certain concept repeatedly for mastery.
D.Teachers should teach a certain concept once and then move on to the next lesson.
6. Which does not characterize a constructivist teaching-learning process?
A.Multiple perspectives C. Conceptual interrelatedness
B. Authentic assessment D.Passive acceptance of information
7. I intend to inculcate in my students the value of order and cleanliness. I begin my lesson by asking them to share their
experiences about the dirtiest and the cleanest place they have seen and how they felt about them. From there I lead them to
the consequences of dirty and clean home or surroundings. In my lesson development plan, how do I proceed?
A.Transductively B. Inductively C. Deductively D.Concretely
8. Which of the following levels in the affective domain is the most authentic?
A.Authentication B. Characterization C. Valuing D.Responding
9. If you plan to develop a lesson on using s-verb forms with the third person singular as subject deductively, what is the first step
in your lesson development outline?
A.Give sentences using s-verb form.
B. Conduct appropriate sentence drill.
C. State the rule on subject-verb agreement for third person singular as subject.
D.Ask the students what they know about s-verb form and third person singular as subject.
10.For accountability of learning, lesson objectives must be SMART. What is represented by the “M” in the acronym “SMART”?
A.Maintainable B. Meaningful C. Memorable D.Measurable
11.On whose theory is the use of advance organizers most attributed to?
A.Kurt Lewin B. J.B. Watson C. David Ausubel D.Bandura
12.Which of the following best explains the adage, “A stitch on time saves nine”?
A.Teachers should be calm in applying disciplinary actions especially when the misbehaviors are minor.
B. Teachers should respond to inappropriate behavior promptly to avoid major disruptions.
C. Teachers should be aware of everything that is happening inside the classroom.
D.Teachers should apply classroom routines at all times.
13.For a well managed classroom, is it wise to establish classroom routine?
A.No, it makes you think less. C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time.
B. No, it makes robot out of the students. D.Yes, you pass on some of your work to your students.
14.Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction?
A.Minimize discipline time C. Maximize discipline time
B. Employ a reactive approach to discipline D.Avoid classroom routine
15.Higher level thinking is best accomplished by the use of ________ questions.
A.suggestive B. divergent C. rhetorical D.convergent
16.Which technique could best help encourage a shy and often inattentive student to participate in class discussions?
A.Interest Boosting C. Supportive removal/antiseptic bouncing
B. Proximity control D.Physical restraint
17.Student answer Teacher A’s question: “Literacy rate and GNP are directly proportional.” Teacher A follows up the answer of
the students and asks him: “What do you mean by the phrase directly proportional?” WHICH QUESTIONING TECHNIQUE DID
A.Rephrasing B. Verifying C. Cross Examining D.Probing
18.Which cooperative learning strategy involves students forming “home teams” and “expert groups”? This strategy fosters
individual accountability and positive interdependence because they are given a chance to master a certain topic and share
their knowledge with their peers.
A.Inside-Outside Circle C. Jigsaw
B. Round Robin D.T-P-S
19.Which type of authority centers on the position of “being the teacher”?
A.Coercive power C. Expert power
B. Referent power D.Legitimate power
20.Teacher A is well loved by her students. She is often regarded as their “favorite teacher.” She always makes sure that everyone
in her class feels loved and appreciated. What type of power does Teacher A demonstrate?
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A.Coercive power B. Referent power C. Expert power D.Legitimate power
21.Mr. Santos is often feared by his students. He is often angry. He usually shouts when his students misbehave. Sometimes, he
even resorts to corporal punishment. What type of authority does he demonstrate?
A.Reward power B. Legitimate power C. Coercive power D.Expert power
22.I want my students to look at the issues on the call for President GMA to step down from several perspectives. Which activity is
most fitting?
A.Cross Examination B. Panel Discussion C. Symposium D.Debate
23.Teacher V wants to develop the ability of sound judgment in his students. Which of the following questions should he ask?
A.With the elements of a good paragraph in mind, which one is best written?
B. What is the essayist saying about judging other people?
C. Why is there so much poverty in a country where there is a plenty of natural resources?
D.Of the characters in the story, with whom do you identify yourself?
24.For a discussion of a topic from various perspectives, it is BEST to hold a __________.
A.debate B. brainstorming C. panel discussion D.symposium
25.In which strategy can students acquire information from various perspectives, be led to reflective thinking and group
A.Debate C. Symposium
B. Panel Discussion D.Small group discussion
26.A big story breaks in your local newspaper. You want to use the headline, as an inquiry device. To increase student
participation, you might begin by ________.
A.asking the class to infer connotations and denotations from the headline
B. asking one to read the news story and interpret what he read after
C. explaining what you believe to be the underlying causes
D.describing the background of the story as you know it
27.When I teach skills that are critical to the learning of the next topics, which should I employ?
A.Discovery learning C. Socratic Method
B. Direct Instruction D.Cooperative Learning
28.Which technique makes your students teach and learn at the same time?
A.Problem solving C. Debate
B. Computer-Assisted Instruction D.Peer Teaching
29.Which is/are appropriate for large group instruction?
A.Case study and peer tutorial C. Group Project
B. Symposium and lecture D.Buzz Session
30.Which is LEAST exploratory in nature?
A.Questioning Method C. Inquiry Approach
B. Project Method D.Deductive Method
31.I want to teach facts and rules. Which one will I make use of?
A.Self-directed learning C. Direct Instruction
B. Indirect Instruction D.Collaborative Model
32.Which assumption underlies apprenticeship learning like practice teaching?
A.Practice gets tested in theory.
B. What is taught in the classroom is pure theory.
C. What is seen outside the classroom contradicts what is taught within.
D.Theory gets tested in practice
33.I want my students to have mastery learning of a basic topic. Which can help?
A.Socratic method and drill C. Drill
B. Morrisonian technique and drill D.Socratic Method
34.I use the gumamela flower, a complete flower, to teach the parts of a flower. Which method did I use?
A.Demonstration Method C. Type-study Method
B. Drill Method D.Laboratory Method
35.Which is/are effective method/s in teaching students critical reading skills?
A.Answer a set of convergent questions based on a selection read
B. Identify the elements of a story using a story map
C. Distinguish fiction from non-fiction materials
D.Read and interpret editorials
36.Students of Section A are identified to have above average intelligence. They demonstrate higher order thinking skills and are
responsible problem solvers. Considering the aforesaid condition, which of the following methods should be used sparingly?
A.Inquiry-based method C. Indirect Instruction
B. Problem Solving D.Lecture/Expository
37.In which of the following methods are learners passive?
A.Deductive B. Laboratory C. Inquiry D.Indirect Instruction
38.If we are all after a learner’s engagement, is it good to ask questions that present contradictions?
A.No, because the students get all the more confused.
B. No, because they indicate teacher’s lack of questioning skill.
C. Yes, but it will only turn off the slow learners.
D.Yes, because they extend the discussion.
39.If a triadic interaction includes three persons, how many persons are included in a dyadic interaction?
A.One, the person and himself C. Two
B. Four D.Two groups composed of two persons each
40.Who postulated the concept of “scaffolding”?
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A.Albert Bandura B. John B. Watson C. Anita Harrow D.Lev Vygotsky
41.Which of the following techniques is done by pairs and could be used to develop oral communication skills as well as the skills
of listening and following directions?
A.Match Mine C. Round Robin
B. Inside-Outside Circle D.Corners
42.Which of the following methods fosters individual accountability and positive interdependence?
A.Lecture Method C. Expository Method
B. Cooperative Method D.Demonstration
43.It is a collection of students’ outputs.
A.Journal B. Project C. Envelope D.Portfolio
44.Which type of tutoring involves assigning group leaders who will be in charge of instructing/tutoring his/her group members?
A.Same-Age Tutoring C. Structural Tutoring
B. Semi-Structural Tutoring D.Monitorial Tutoring
45.Which of the following is NOT a sound purpose of asking questions?
A.To discipline a bully in class C. To evaluate students’ learning
B. To motivate students before instruction D.To instruct and assist students’ learning
46.I show my students a picture of people in thick jackets. Then I ask them to tell me the kind of climate when the picture was
taken. If I ask 5 questions of this kind and my students do not get them, it is safe to conclude that pupils are quite weak in the
skill of __________.
A.synthesizing B. generalizing C. analyzing D.inferring
47.After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the atom to determine learning. For which
group of students is building an atom model intended?
A.Interpersonal Intelligent C. Kinesthetically Intelligent
B. Mathematically Intelligent D.Linguistically Intelligent
48.Here are comments from school head C regarding her observations on teacher’s practice in lesson planning:
 The words “identify”, “tell”, “enumerate” are overused.
 Many times they make use of non-behavioral terms
 Often lesson objectives do not include value formation and inculcation
A.Very often lesson objectives are in the cognitive domain.
B. Often lesson objectives are in the psychomotor domain.
C. Often lesson objectives are in the low level.
D.Quite often lesson objectives describe teacher’s behavior.
49.What should you do to get the child’s attention when s/he is distracted by an object in the room?
I. Call him by his name and tell him to pay attention. III. Involve him in helping with an activity.
II. Put away the distracting influence.
A.I and II B. II and III C. I and III D.I, II and III
50.Planned ignoring, signal interference and proximity control are techniques used in ________.
A.managing temper tantrums C. operant conditioning
B. managing surface behavior D.life-space interviewing
51.When you reach the “plateau of learning”, what should you do?
A.Force yourself to learn C. Forget about learning
B. Rest D.Reflect what caused it
52.The use of varied teaching and testing strategies on account of students’ multiple intelligences is in line with the thoughts of
A.Daniel Goleman C. Benjamin Bloom
B. Howard Gardner D.Jean Piaget
53.Sheila is a member of the school’s debate team. She is also fond of writing poems, short stories and essays. What intelligence
does Sheila exemplify?
A.Naturalist B. Existentialist C. Logical D.Linguistic
54.The use of Performance Objectives is rooted on what particular assumption?
A.Not every form of learning is observable
B. Performance objectives assures the learner of learning
C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner’s observable performance
D.The success of a learner is based on teacher performance
55.The teacher must _______ to be true to the principle of individual differences.
A.give greater attention to gifted learners C. treat all learners alike while in classroom
B. provide for a variety of learning activities D.prepare modules for slow learners in class
56.In doing instructional plans, it is important for the parts to have ________ from the beginning up to end.
A.Clarity B. Symmetry C. Coherence D.Conciseness
57.__________ is the lowest level of affective behavior according to Krathwohl’s affective domain of objectives.
A.Valuing B. Receiving C. Responding D.Organization
58.In mastery learning, __________ is the definition of an acceptable standard of performance
A.SMART B. Criterion measure C. Behavior D.Condition
59.____________ is the behavioral term that describes a lesson outcome in the highest level on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
A.Create B. Evaluate C. Analyze D.Design
60.__________ is the lowest level according to Harrow’s taxonomy of objectives in the psychomotor domain.
A.Basic Fundamental Movement C. Physical Activities
B. Reflex Movement D.Non-discursive communication

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loves solving puzzles
and playing Sudoku. He is also interested inC.identifying
What intelligence is evident in
Visual Spatial intelligence D.Intrapersonal intelligence
62.Mrs. Torres is a Science teacher. They are discussing the different planets in the solar system. However, she wants her students
to contribute to the cleanliness of their classroom. Thus, she told her students that they should bring rags, floor wax, and
brooms as their Science project. Is this appropriate?
A.Yes. She has a sound motive.
B. Yes. It will teach her students the value of cleanliness.
C. No. Bringing cleaning materials is not the appropriate Science project.
D.No. Cleaning the classroom is definitely not the students’ responsibility.
63.One of the characteristics of an effective manager is “with-it-ness” according to Kounin. Which statement is rooted on this
particular principle?
A.Have hands that write fast C. Have mouth ready to speak
B. Have eyes on the back of your heads D.Have minds packed with knowledge
64.If a teacher clears his throat to imply disapproval towards student’s behavior, then he shows what specific influence
A.Signal interference B. Direct appeal C. Interest boosting D.Proximity control
65.Which is closest to the real human digestive system for study in the classroom?
A.Model of the human digestive system
B. Drawing of the human digestive system on the board
C. The human digestive system projected on an OHP
D.Drawing of the human digestive system on a page of a textbook
66.For lesson clarity and effective retention, which one should a teacher observe, according to Bruner’s theory?
A.End teaching with verbal symbols.
B. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching.
C. Start at the concrete level and end there.
D.Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond it by reaching the abstract.
67.Which must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aid?
A.Must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting C. Must be suited to the lesson objective
B. Must stimulate and maintain student interest D.Must be new and skillfully made
68.The teacher is the first audio-visual aid in the classroom. What does this imply?
A.Your physical appearance and voice should be such that students are helped to learn.
B. You take care that you follow the fashion or else students won’t listen to you.
C. Make good use of the radio and TV in the classroom.
D.Include singing in your teaching method.
69.Is it advisable to use realia all the time?
A.No, only when feasible. C. Yes, because there is no substitute for realias.
B. Yes, because it is the real thing. D.No, for the sake of variety of instructional materials.
70.I want to use a pre-teaching strategy that will immediately engage my students in the content and will enable me to get an
insight into how students think and feel about the topic. Which is MOST appropriate?
A.Attractive visual aids C. Story map
B. Advance organizer D.3-2-1
71.I want to include a certain painting in my school’s exhibit; however, acquiring the said painting is either impossible or too
costly. If I want to present an almost exact copy of the original, which should I use instead?
A.Realia B. Mock-up C. Model D.Replica
72.Which of these diagrams is used to analyze the causes and effects?
A.Affinity diagram B. Tree diagram C. Fishbone diagram D.Venn diagram
73.With which software can you predict changes in weather patterns and/or trends in the population of endangered species?
B. Word processing
C. Database
D.Desktop publishing

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74.For which can the Venn diagram be used?
A.Sequencing of events C. Showing cause-and-effect
B. Presenting attributes D.Comparison
75.Which network enables computers located in the same or adjacent buildings to communicate with one another?
A.Wide Area Network C. Local Area Network
B. Peer-to-peer network D.Metropolitan Area Network
76.I want to present the characteristic features of a constructivist approach. Which should I use?
A.Fishbone diagram B. Narrative frame C. Attribute wheel D.Venn diagram
77.What does the computer have in common with the TV?
A.Key board B. File C. Screen D.Disk drive
78.To improve listening and speech skills, which will be MOST appropriate?
A.Mock up B. PowerPoint Pres. C. Radio D.Audio recording
79.When you use the overhead projector for topic presentation, point to the _______.
A.projection screen B. slide/transparency C. OHP light D.projection wall
80.If there is truth to the statement “A picture is worth a thousand words”, then for effective teaching, what should teachers do?
Teachers should ____________.
A.make use of visual aids as often as they can C. remain abstract in their teaching method
B. talk less and listen more D.hang many pictures of heroes on the wall
81.Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experiences, which activity is farthest from the real thing?
A.Read B. View images C. Hear D.Attend exhibit
82.Where do you make the correction of your notes while using the overhead projector?
A.On the projection wall C. On the overhead projector
B. On the screen D.On the slide/transparency
83.The teaching machines of Skinner provided ______ instruction
A.evaluative B. collaborative C. programmed D.recorded
84.Which chart can best illustrate parts of a whole?
A.Tree chart B. Gantt chart C. Pie chart D.Flow chart
85.Which activity is good for organizing and summarizing?
A.Cartoons C. Power point presentation
B. Interview D.Case study
86.Which graphic organizer is MOST fit for sequencing steps of a process?
A.Concept map C. Venn diagram
B. Flow chart D.Human Interaction Outline
87.In a computer-based instruction, which tool can help you revise your short stories, essays and other written work?
A.Word processing B. Spreadsheet C. Database D.Desktop publishing
88.For effective comparison, which one can I use?
A.Fishbone diagram B. Webbing C. Metaphor D.Spider map
89.Like the typewriter, the computer has a ______.
A.Disk drive B. Screen C. Cursor D.Keyboard
90.The “brain” of the computer is the _______.
A.Monitor B. CPU C. Keyboard D.UPS
91.Which is the first thing that the teacher determines in the selection of media for teaching?

95.I want to give my students a conceptual preview of what I am to teach. Which one will I use?
A.Advance organizer B. Problem tree C. Mnemonic device D.Venn diagram
96.Which of the following are activities most attributed to the brain’s right hemisphere?
A.Logic, problem solving, and grammar C. Intuition, literature, and creative thinking
B. Painting, interior design, and logic D.Logic, critical thinking, and mathematics
97.By the use of a technique, I learn that my students are weak in organizing and integrating concepts. Which technique must I
have used?
A.Semantic webbing B. Game C. Simulation D.Brainstorming
98.Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which activity provides the highest probability of students recalling information?
A.Attend exhibit or site C. View images
B. Simulate a real experience D.Watch video
99.Which criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?
A.Attractiveness B. Cost C. Novelty D.Appropriateness
100.The search for related literature by accessing several data bases by the use of telephone line to connect a computer library
with other computers that have database is termed _______.
A.Compact disc search C. On-line search
B. Manual search D.Computer search
101.Under which category will a globe as an instructional material fall?
A.Picture B. Model C. Mock up D.Realia
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102.I want to show my students the different parts of the human lung. Which is most appropriate?
A.Replica B. Model C. Mock-up D.Realia
103.With social development in mind, which is most effective?
A.Computer-assisted instruction C. Cooperative learning
B. Games D.Puzzle
104.Which is more of a spatial task for a learner?
A.Read a book then write a response. C. Watch a movie then write a response.
B. Examine a statistical chart then write a response. D.Go on a field trip then write a response.
105.Which one uses a projector?
A.Model B. Slides C. Mock up D.Realia
106.The computer is user-friendly. This means that ________.
A.the computer lets the user win C. a touch screen is used for input
B. the computer program has menus D.the computer program is easy to use
107.Which learning activity is most appropriate if teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?
A.Exhibit B. Field trip C. Game D.Role play
108.Screen, printer, speakers, and plotter are examples of _____________ devices.
A.Input B. Output C. System unit D.Input/output
109.With the linguistically-intelligent group in mind, which activity is LEAST effective?
A.Concept maps B. Debates C. Manipulatives D.Deductive reasoning
110.Which visual display is a result of student’s comprehension proven by his ability to outline the elements of the selection read?
A.Journal B. Story map C. Venn diagram D.Semantic web
111.Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data?
A.Database B. Spreadsheet program C. Microsoft word D.MS Power point
112.Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet enables people to browse documents connected by hypertext links?
A.URL B. Browser C. Welcome page D.World Wide Web
113.Which characteristics must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aid?
A.Stimulate and maintain student interests C. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting
B. Suited to the lesson objective D.New and skillfully made
114.I would like to use a model to emphasize a particular part. Which of these would be MOST appropriate?
A.Realia B. Replica C. Simulation D.Mockup
115.Which statement applies CORRECTLY to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experiences?
A.The farther you are from the bottom, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
B. The farther you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
C. The closer you are to the base, the more indirect the learning experience becomes.
D.The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
116. “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” What is an application of this principle?
A.Use multisensory aids
B. Appeal to the students’ sense of imagination
C. Make your students touch the instructional materials
D.Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the ears are the most important senses in learning.
117.Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stage. Applying Bruner’s theory, how
would you teach?
A.Be interactive in approach C. Begin with the concrete
B. Begin with abstract D.Do direct instruction
118.Teacher A likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the following materials available is MOST fit?
A.Model B. Mock-up C. Replica D.Realia
119. “The greatest happiness lies in the contemplative use of the mind”, said Plato. Therefore, let us give more opportunities for
our students to do _____.
A.Social interaction B. Role playing C. Cooperative learning D.introspection
120.Which practice does NOT fit in a classroom that recognizes individual differences?
A.Various modes of assessing learning C. Sharing from multiple perspectives
B. Accomodating students’learning styles D.Uniform requirements
121.The practice of motivating students before we proceed to our lesson proper is in accordance with the law of ____.
A.Exercise B. Effect C. Readiness D.Belongingness
122.Pavlov is to classical conditioning as ____ is to operant conditioning.
A.B. F. Skinner B. R. Gagne C. J. Watson D.A. Bandura
123.If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs, the highest need is _____.
A.Belongingness B. Self-actualization C. Psychological need D.Safety needs
124.Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which component/s of personality is/are concerned with a sense of right and wrong?
A.Super ego and ego B. Id and ego C. Ego D.Super ego
125.Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s social learning theory?
A.Questioning B. Modeling C. Inductive reasoning D.Interactive teaching
126.The practice of starting school programs very late points to the Filipinos’s ________.
A.Orientation only to the present C. Poor teamwork
B. Lack of discipline D.Lack of initiative
127.In a research conducted by Sadker. It was found out that male and female teachers are more likely to call on male than female
students and are more likely to give positive reinorcement to male’s correct responses than to those of females. What does
this point to? Prevalence of _____ in schools.
A.Racial prejudice B. Multiculturalism C. Ethnocentrism D.Gender bias
128.Which teaching practice is contrary to the child’s multiple intelligence theory of Gardner?
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A.Using portfolio as an alternative way of assessing learning
B. Limiting the assessment of learning to paper-and-pencil tests
C. Utilizing varied ways of assessing learning
D.Encouraging the class to use creative ways to show what was learned
129.Which learning principle is the essence of Gardner’s theory on Multiple Intelligence?
A.Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent. C. Learners have different IQ level.
B. Intelligence is not measured in one form. D.Learners have static IQ
130.Here is a lesson objective in literature: “Using the six descriptions of the elements of a good short story, identify in writing the
six elements in the short story by O. Henry with complete accuracy.”Applying Robert Mager’s principle on writing
performance objectives, which is the criterion measure?
A.“the six elements in the short story by O. Henry with complete accuracy”
B. “identify in writing”
C. “with complete accuracy”
D.“using the six description of elements for a short story”
131.Which statement on review is CORRECT?
A.It is a remedial measure for the slow learners in class.
B. One of its purposes is to link the past with the new lesson.
C. It is repeating the lesson on the previous day to find out if students learned the lesson.
D.Every lesson begins with a review.
132.Edgar Dale found out that people generally remember 10% of what they read but generally remember 90% of what they do.
What does this imply to a teacher’s instructional planning?
A.Plan a detailed lecture and provide the students with your lecture outline.
B. Give many reading materials to the students.
C. Plan for an activity where students do the real thing.
D.Outline the lesson on the board.
133.With Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy in mind, which objective is in the highest level?
A.To rate a project along relevance, originally, and craftmanship
B. To state the assumption that underlies the given statements
C. To state a generalization from data given
D.To write a paragraph that observes unity, coherence, and variety
134.Study the lesson objective then answer the question: “After a discussion on how to make a good rubric and given the criteria
of a good rubric, the student is able to evaluate a rubric that he made.”
What is/are lacking in the objective based on Mager’s elements of a good objective?
A.Condition C. Performance behavior
B. Condition and criterion of success D.Criterion of success
135. “Using the six descriptions of elements of a good short story, IDENTIFY IN WRITING THE SIX ELEMENTS IN THE SHORT STORY
BY O. HENRY, with complete accuracy.” The words in capital letters are referred to as the ___________.
A.Criterion of success C. Condition
B. Performance statement D.Minimum acceptable performance
136.Which is a characteristic of an effective classroom management?
A.Coercive B. Reactive C. Imposed D.Preventive
137.Teacher G often walks around and stands near her misbehaving pupils to communicate a warning during class discussions.
Which classroom control technique did she use?
A.Proximity B. Name dropping C. Signal interference D.Eye contact
138.Which best illustrates a proactive approach to discipline?
A.Teacher starts giving rule only after a violation of a rule.
B. Teacher arranges the chairs to allow for a smooth traffic flow.
C. Teacher brings to the principal two boys engaged in a fight.
D.Teacher reprimands a misbehaving student.
139.With preventive discipline in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A.Reactive B. Anticipatory C. Inventive D.Proactive
140.Which is a proactive management practice?
A.Tell them that you enforce the rules on everyone, no exception.
B. Set and clarify your rules and expectations on Day 1.
C. Punish the misbehaving pupils in the presence of their classmates.
D.Stress on penalty for every violation.
141.Teacher D strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion. Which student need is she trying to
address? The need to _____.
A.show their abilities to the rest of the class C. feel significant and be part of a group
B. feel fulfilled D.be creative
142.Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask questions?
A.Knitted eyebrows when a question is raised C. Radiant face
B. Eye to eye contact D.An encouraging hand gesture
143.Teacher Macrina asked her class this question: How will you illustrate symbiosis to your classmates? Teacher Macrina’s
question is a question that _______.
A.Leads the students to evaluate C. Assesses cognition
B. Makes the student to analyze D.Probes creative thinking
144.A student memorized the pairs of nucleic acids in the DNA by using initials of his loved ones. Which device did he use?
A.Acrostic B. Jingle C. Recall D.Mnemonic
145.For the picture smart, the most effective learning activities are ________________.
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A.Visual imaginations B. Reflections C. Discussions D.Manipulatives
146.After dividing her Values Education class ionto small groups, Teacher B asked her stdents to go through this activity: “You are
under nuclear attack. The bomb shelter can allow only five persons. Decide who must get in.”This was followed by class
discussion. Which activity did Teacher B use?
A.Game B. Drama C. Forum D.Simulation
147.Which activity is meant for the kinesthetically intelligent pupils?
A.Dance C. Individualized instruction
B. Independent study D.Cooperative Learning
148.Which activity should I use when I want to generate possible topics for panel discussion?
A.Game B. Forum C. Debate D.Brainstorming
149.If you want your pupils to master the multiplication table, which activity is MOST fit?
A.Reflection B. Game C. Simulation D.Drill
150.With the directness of instruction as criterion, which is LEAST direct?
A.Lecture C. Deductive method
B. Cooperative learning D.Demonstration

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