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Q. Was amritsar massacre the most important event that produced reaction against the British between 1919-1927…?
- Amritsar massacre
and then any of
(4-5 following events)
- Silk letter conspiracy
- 1919 reforms
- Gujranwla bombing
- Khilafat movement
- Simon commission
- Analysis

Q.Why did being a nuclear power create difficulties for Pakistan in the 1980s and 1990s?
- US and other leading western countries would pressurise Pak not to pursue weapon based nuclear program in 1980s and early
1990s. In late 1990s Pak was pressurised not to go for nuclear test.
- US government showed concern that Pakistan may have nuclear weapons, and would not give aid to Pakistan, stating Pakistan
was in violation of the 1985 Pressler Amendment (It banned most economic and military assistance to Pakistan unless the
president certified on an annual basis that Pakistan does not possess a nuclear explosive)
The USA had promised $4 million in an economic package to help Pakistan to refurbish their military forces. How ever due to
Pak nuclear program the aid was cut.
• The reduction in aid seriously affected Pakistan. In particular, the delivery of 28 F-16 fighter jets in which weakened Pakistan’s
relationship with USA.
- The Pakistan government expressed concerns about the status of India as a nuclear power. As India was hostile and possessed
nuclear weapons, it was necessary for Pak to carry on with its nuclear program against all odd or India would have an advantage
in case of a war.

Mangal Pandey
- was an Indian soldier under BEIC
- attempted to incite his fellow sepoys to rise up against their British officer in Mar 1857.
- He attacked two of those officers & attempted to shoot himself after having been restrained.
- He eventually arrested & was brought to trial.
- He was sentenced to death by hanging (in April).

Nana sahib
- was an Indian Peshwa of the Maratha empire, and fighter.
- He was adopted son of the Maratha Peshwa Baji Rao II.
- Nana Saheb was not happy with the East India Company, as the Company refused to continue the pension after his father's
- This led him to join the rebellion of 1857.
- He forced the British garrison in Kanpur to surrender gaining control of Kanpur for a few days.
- He later disappeared, after his forces were defeated by a British force that recaptured Kanpur

Q.Why Tipu Sultan defeated?

- Ruler of Mysore, he resisted British influence in India.
3rd Anglo- Mysore war: He got defeated & lost half of his state. He had to pay heavy fine. Having lost half his state his tax
collection reduced. Thus he couldn’t spend much on military.
- He also faced other enemies: Nizam of Hyderabad & Marathas. This diverted Tipu’s resources from totally being used against
the British.
- 4th Anglo Mysore war (1799) The British attacked Tipu and he was also surrounded by Nizam of Hyderabad and Marathas.
Tipu fought well but was defeated and got killed

Q.How was Pak affected by the separation of E. Pak?

- 1971 war.. Pak army surrendered and E. Pak got separated into independent state of Bangladesh.
- Loss of territory (54,501 sq miles)
- Loss of population (56 percent of total population of Pak) It affected Pak’s Human Resource.
- Loss of trade
- 93,000 Pakistani prisoners of war in India and Bangladesh, they were ill treated. These had to be brought back.
- Pakistan’s international credit was depleted and diplomatically embarrassed.
- The nation was in a state of shock.

Wagon tragedy
- occurred in November 1921
- when the moplah uprising was near its end, almost 100 people were sent by train Tirur to the Central Prison, in the Madras.
- Due to suffocation deaths occurred
- When opened the wagon in Podanur, 64 of them had died .

Q.Why important to promote regional languages

- Four main regional Laguages..Pushto, Punjabi,Sindhi and Balouchi.
These languages mostly had a rich literature even by 1947, therefore it was necessasry to develope these languages further and
prevent them
- regional languages are equally important for the fact that it has been theorised that a strong relationship exists between
language and ethnicity, since a language represents the culture of a country or region. Therefore to promote the culture of
various regions it was important to develope the regional laguages.
- These languages recieve regard and attachment by the people of these respective regions. Lack of attention to the languages
could have created feelings of unease in the people of different provinces, Therefore the promotion of the regionl languages
had been considered important to prevent the rise of centrifugal/separatist tendencies. As happened in case of Bengali
language earlier. The people of east pak wanted it to be recongnised and failure of W.Pak to do so quickly developed into
feeling of separatism among bengalis.

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