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46 Poetics

(e) Song is particular to [the art of] music; hence [the poet]
will need to take his starting-points complete in themselves A Hypothetical Reconstruction
from that [art].
(f) Spectacle supplies * * as a great need to dramas.
of Poetics II
Plot, diction and song are observed in all comedies, reason-
ings, character and spectacle in [not] a few.
(based on the Tractatus
4.2 The quantitative parts of comedy Coislinianus and the
There are four parts of comedy: (a) prologue, (b) choral [part], fragments of Poetics II)
(c) episode and (d) exit.
(a) A prologue is a part of a comedy that is up to the entry of
the chorus.
(b) A choral [part] is the song sung by the chorus, when it has
sufficient magnitude.
(c) An episode is the [part] between two choral songs.
(d) An exit is the [part] uttered at the end by the chorus.
1. The field of the enquiry
4.3 The three kinds of comedy Our [next] topic is lampoons and comedy, [and what potential
[The kinds] of comedy are (a) old, which goes to excess in the each has; how many kinds of the laughable there are, of what
laughable; (b) new, which abandons this, and inclines towards sort they are, and how they should be used if the composition
the grand; and (c) middle, which is mixed from both. is to turn out well; also, from how many parts comedy is consti-
tuted, and of what sort they are; and likewise all other aspects
of the same enquiry. Let us begin again, following the natural
order, from first principles.]

1.1 The kinds of poetry are classified

according to (a) representation
[As we said,] poetry is of two kinds, non-representational and
representational, [depending on whether the name "poet" is
applied according to representation, or merely according to the
media used, i.e. song and verse. The non-representational kind
is divided into] (a) historical and (b) educational (whether this is
for instruction or theoretical investigation). [As we said, even
when someone puts such works into verse, he is not rightly
called a poet according to representation.]

48 Poetics Reconstruction of Poetics II 49

1.2 The kinds of poetry are classified according 3. The nature of comedy
to (b) the manner of the representation
[Representational poetry is divided according to the manner in 3.1 The definition of comedy
which the representation is produced, into] (a) narrative [like
epic], and (b) dramatic, i.e. enacted [like comedy and tragedy.] Comedy is a representation of an action that is laughable and
lacking in magnitude, complete, [in embellished speech], with
each of its parts [used] separately in the [various] elements [of
the play]; [represented] by people acting and [not] by means of
1.3 The kinds of poetry are classified according narration; accomplishing by means of pleasure and laughter the
to (c) the objects of the representation catharsis of such emotions. It has laughter, [so to speak,] as its
[Dramatic poetry, as we said, represents people doing things,
[I explained what each of these things means when tragedy
and these people and their actions are either good or inferior. was defined.]
The difference between] comedy and tragedy [is that the former
aims to represent people as worse, the latter as better, than
they are: we may add] mimes and satyr-plays. [So let this ac- 3.2 The qualitative parts of comedy may
count of representation, its points of difference, and how many be deduced from the laughable
and what they are, suffice.] [Since the function of comic representation is to represent the
laughable, we must next consider from how many kinds]
laughter has its structure, [i.e. how the pleasure that is particu-
lar to comic representation arises.] Laughter arises from (a) dic-
2. The function of tragedy tion and (b) incidents.
[Just as I showed that tragedy and comedy arose from causes 3.2.1 The laughter of comedy
natural to man, so too they arose by nature for an end, namely comes from (a) diction
the catharsis of human emotions. We have already seen how Laughter arises from diction in seven ways.
this is accomplished in tragedy. If it is properly constructed,] (i) First, [it arises] from homonymy, [when the same name
tragedy reduces the soul's emotions of [pity and] terror by has two or more meanings,] like "paying": [this means "de-
means of compassion and dread, [which are aroused by the fraying" and "profitable";] e.g. "metre", [which Aristophanes
representation of pitiable and terrible events. By "reduces", I puns on in the Clouds.]
mean that] tragedy aims to [make the spectator] have a due pro- (ii) Second, from synonymy, when two or more names have
portion [i.e. the mean] of [emotions of] terror [and the like, by the same meaning, like "cloak", "wrap" and "mantle"; e.g.
arousing these emotions through the representation. Tragedy, "I'm here and am arrived", which is the same thing, [as Aris-
like epic, has as its end the catharsis of these emotions, which tophanes jokes in the Frogs.]
gives rise to the pleasure proper to tragedy.] It has, [as one (iii) Third, from verbosity, when someone [twice] uses the
might say, emotions of] pain as its mother. [As for how cathar- same name [with the same meaning].
sis works in comedy, and how this differs from tragedy, I shall (iv) Fourth, from paronymy, [when the standard name is in
explain below when we have looked at the nature of the laugh- part the same and in part altered.] Paronyms are divided into
able. But now let us discuss comedy, taking up the definition of those (a) by addition, when something extraneous is attached
its essence that results from what has been said.] to the standard [name, e.g. "infamonous" instead of "infa-
50 Poetics Reconstruction of Poetics II 51

mous"]; and (b) by shortening, [when something is removed worse, e.g. [the god] Dionysus [disguised as the slave] Xanthias
from the standard name,] e.g. "I'm called Midas the joke" [in- [in the same play].
stead of "joker". Also] (c) from a diminutive, [when the stan- [Other kinds of the laughable are errors in serious poetry,
dard name is lengthened or curtailed to trivialise something which can be used inappropriately on purpose to arouse laugh-
and make it laughable,] e.g. "Socratiddles, Euripidipides" [for ter, as we said. Laughter arises] (iii) from the impossible, [or]
"Socrates" and "Euripides" in Aristophanes. Again,] (d) from (iv) from the possible and inconsequential, [i.e. the improbable;
an alteration, [when the standard name is in part left un- these are effective if they accomplish the function of the repre-
changed and in part made up, e.g.] "the worstest of all" [in- sentation, i.e. the arousal of laughter; otherwise they are errors
stead of "the worst"]. even in comedy. It also arises] (v) from things contrary to ex-
[(v) Again, laughter arises from parody, when one name is pectation. [From this it will be clear that the representation of
pronounced instead of another,] e.g. "O Clod Almighty" in- the action or structure of the incidents is also useful for arous-
stead of "O God". ing laughter, and it necessarily follows that this is an element of
[(vi) Again, from metaphor. By "metaphor" I mean, as we comic representation.]
said, the transference of names from things similar] either in [Laughter also arises] (vi) from making the characters incline
sound or [in appearance or potential or some other perceptible to be wicked [without this being necessary or probable; this is
quality, especially if ugly but not painful or destructive; one of course an error in tragedy. Comedy represents persons who
should not transfer a name from something too dissimilar, but are inferior to us, as we said, but not in every kind of wicked-
use] something of the same genus [or similar by analogy, other- ness. What sort of people they are may be revealed] (vii) by
wise it will be a riddle but not a metaphor.] their use of vulgar dancing [like the cordax, or] (viii) [by bad
(vii) Seventh, from the form of the diction. [By this I mean decision, e.g.] when someone who has the power [to decide]
e.g. what is a command, or what is a wish; this belongs to the lets go the most important things and takes those most inferior.
art of delivery.] [Hence character too is a part of comic representation; but so
[These then are the seven kinds of the laughable that arise also is reasoning, since actions are caused by the reasoning as
from diction, and it necessarily follows that diction is an ele- well as the characters of the people acting. Therefore laughter
ment of comic representation.] can also arise] (ix) [from reasoning,] when the argument [for an
action] is disjointed and lacking any sequence. [These, then, are
3.2.2 The laughter of comedy comes the kinds of the laughable arising from the incidents.]
from (b) the incidents [For this reason the elements of all comic representation are
Laughter [also arises] from the incidents [on the stage,] in two necessarily four, diction, plot, character and reasoning. Com-
ways. [As I said in the Rhetoric, a major cause of amusement is edy is superior to lampoon in this, since it has song and specta-
making something like something else, and the accompanying cle also.]
deception of expectations. Obviously this can happen in the
incidents.] 3.3 The function of personal abuse
(i) [Laughter arises] first from deception, e.g. Strepsiades be- in comedy and lampoon
lieving that the story about the flea was true [in Aristophanes'
Clouds,] and (ii) secondly from making [something] like [some- [Again, comedy and abuse in verse, i.e. lampoon, differ in the
thing else]. Making something like something else is divided representation of people. As we said in the Rhetoric, the ele-
into two in its use: (a) making something like something better ments of the laughable are people, words and deeds.] Comedy
[than it is], e.g. [the slave] Xanthias [disguised as the hero] Her- is superior to abuse, since abuse details without concealment
acles [in Aristophanes' Frogs,] or (b) making it like something the bad [qualities and actions] attaching to people, but comedy
Reconstruction of Poetics II 53
52 Poetics

4. The parts of comedy 10

requires the so-called innuendo. [Whereas abuse represents
how actual people like Alcibiades do behave, comedy, in its es-
sential nature to which it has attained, aims to represent how 4.1 The qualitative parts of comedy,
people may behave in general; this is why, as we said, comic and how they should be used
poets now use made-up names for their characters, and do not
The elements of comedy are, [as we have shown, six:] plot,
abuse real people as the writers of lampoons do.]
character, reasoning, diction, song and spectacle. [These are the 14
[Even so, there is a place for jokes in comedy, since vice
same as the elements of tragedy, and, as in tragedy, two of
should be reproached, and a joke is a concealed reproach of an
them refer to the media of the representation (i.e. diction and
error. In both comedy and lampoon,] the joker wishes to ex-
song), one to the manner (i.e. spectacle), and three to the object
pose errors of soul and body [in his victims, and this arouses
of the representation (i.e. plot, character and reasoning). There
laughter, provided that the error is not painful or destructive to
are no others except these.]
the victim or others.]
4.1.1 Plot in comedy 11
3.4 The function of tragedy and comedy compared Comic plot is one which is structured around laughable actions.
[We have said of what sort these are. The action should be
[Now that we have considered the laughable and its parts, we
structured in accordance with probability, unless the comedy
should explain what we stated above about the function of com-
achieves its aim better by using impossibilities and improbabili-
edy, i.e. the catharsis of pleasure and laughter. Just as the func-
ties, as we have seen.]
tion of tragedy is to arouse pity and terror through the
representation of pitiable and terrifying actions, which come 4.1.2 Character in comedy 12
about through an error that is painful or destructive in some
way, so too the function of comedy is to arouse pleasure and [Comedy represents characters who are inferior to ourselves,
laughter through the representation of laughable actions, which i.e. worse than we are: therefore comic characters are those
also come about through an error, though not a painful or de- who are somehow in error in soul or body. Typical] characters
structive one. Each kind of poetry aims to purify that part of the of comedy are the buffoonish, the ironical, and the boasters.
soul concerned with these emotions. By seeing a representation [Each of these diverges from the mean, and therefore deserves
of terrifying things happening to others, one will learn to feel not praise but reproach. As we said in the Ethics, the buffoon
terror in the right way, for the right reason, to the right extent errs in humour, as he will make any joke, even against himself,
and so on; this will be accomplished by the catharsis of the to please another, but an ironical person jokes to please him-
emotion of terror.] self. This is why we say that buffoonery is more suited to a
slave and less to a free citizen than is irony. But even the ironi-
[This applies not to the painful emotions only, but to the cal man errs, just as does the boaster in the opposite way; the
pleasant ones as well. Just as] in tragedies [the poet] aims to first understates the truth, the second overstates it. Both, then,
produce a due proportion of terror [in the souls of the specta- are liars, but the boaster seems more worthy of blame. But, as
tors, so too] in comedies there is to be a due proportion of the we said, not every kind of bad character is appropriate, but
laughable. [So much for the function of tragedy and comedy.] only those that are not painful or destructive.]

4.1.3 Reasoning in comedy 13

The parts of reasoning are two, [as we said, namely] general
statement and proof. [These are explained in the Rhetoric. In
54 Poetics Reconstruction of Poetics II 55

particular the comic poet should use the proofs that do not de- sible of them. So much for the parts of comedy that one should
pend on art:] there are five [of these]—oaths, agreements, testi- use as elements.]
monies, ordeals and laws.
4.1.4 Diction in comedy 4.2 The quantitative parts of comedy 17
[We have already discussed diction and its parts, and how The [quantitative] parts of comedy, [i.e. the separate parts into
laughter arises from it.] Comic diction is common and popular. which it is divided,] are four: (a) prologue, (b) choral [part], (c)
[Therefore it uses standard names and metaphors more than episode and (d) exit.
exotic names, since it is closer to everyday speech than is trag- (a) A prologue is a [whole] part of a comedy that is up to the
edy. In tragedy the characters all speak in the same way, but in entry of the chorus.
comedy the diction should be appropriate.] The comic poet (b) A choral [part] is the song sung by the chorus, when it has
should assign his characters their own ancestral dialect, and sufficient magnitude.
himself the local one. [Thus the Boeotian in Aristophanes' (c) An episode is the [whole] part [of a comedy] that is be-
Acharnians uses his own dialect, but the poet in the parabasis tween two [whole] choral songs.
uses the local Attic dialect.] (d) An exit is a [whole] part [of a comedy] uttered at the end
by the chorus.
4.1.5 Song and spectacle in drama [These, then, are the quantitative parts of comedy, i.e. the
[The last two elements of comedy are shared with tragedy but separate parts into which it is divided.]
not with epic, and as we passed over them before we will men-
tion them now.] Song, [i.e. speech, rhythm and melody,] is
particular to [the art of] music [and not to that of poetry.] Hence 5. The three kinds of comedy compared 18
[the poet] will need to take his starting-points complete in
themselves from that [art.] Spectacle [belongs still less to the art [Comedy is superior to lampoon, as we stated. But comedy did
of poetry, but is enthralling. It] supplies, as a great benefit to not at once relinquish the form of the lampoon, but developed
dramas, [both tragic and comic, the masks, scenery and little by little to attain its nature.] The old comedy goes to excess
in the laughable [as does the buffoon, since he desires to please
everybody, including vulgar people.] The new comedy aban-
4.1.6 The qualitative parts of comedy dons this, and inclines towards the grand [or serious; but there
are not equally important should be jokes and laughter in comedy. Therefore] the comedy
intermediate [between these is left,] which is mixed from both,
[Of these elements,] plot, diction and song are observed in all [e.g. the comedies of Aristophanes. This kind is the best.]
comedies, but reasonings, character and spectacle in [not] a [Regarding comedy and lampoon, then, and indeed poetry as
few. [If there is no plot, there is no representation of an action, a whole, in themselves, their kinds and their parts, as to how
but an action can be represented without including the charac- many there are and how they differ, and what are the causes of
ter and reasonings of those acting. Spectacle is least particular doing well or not in them, let this account suffice.]
to the art of poetry, as the nature of a comedy can be apparent
even when it is read. But a comedy could not exist without the
means of representation, since each comedy consists of spoken
verses and choral song in its separate parts. Preferably one
should try to have all the elements; otherwise, as many as pos-

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