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Merry Xmas Alliance and Confederation!

By Lucus Louize 

Here is a new version of the taco on my Christmas tree the other one unfortunately broke.
For those who don’t know what I am referring to this has to do with the video ‘Eulogy for
Brother Bob Renaud’ I made a little while ago. Brother Bob and Brother Arkay and
Taren Lora had an excellent humorous review of the following restaurant (restaurant
shown from 'Arkay Questions and Answers 20090705). Brother Bob and I made some
joke references as well regarding the restaurant on his now closed TerraKor message
board hence the taco ornament.

I am just wishing The Confederation, the Alliance and the Earth people a very merry
Christmas and/or Happy Holidays.

In my opinion the Confederation are God’s Mercy, the Alliance are God’s Justice, and
the Earth people are God’s Faith. This is expressed in Mathew 23:23 when the Lord Jesus

“But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and
faithfulness.” (Mathew 23:23)

In my humble opinion this is because God’s Mercy is the Confederation due to them
reading people’s prayers with their registering discs and helping people out with their
undercover operatives as well as helping people who die on Earth make it into
Confederation worlds in their next life in new a Confederation body with their memory
and personality intact through the use of a soul transfer machine (mentioned in Menger’s
Threads of Light To You pg 81) at the time of death when the soul leaves the body and
the person has an out of body experience. (The Confederation are not from Venus or
Saturn or any local planets. That was memory manipulation against Adamski, Menger,
Nelson and others by the Omegans in order to discredit the Confederation message.
Please see ‘Spurious Contacts Files’ on brother Bob’s excellent TerraKor Files site)

In my humble opinion the Alliance is God’s Justice because they physically remove the
evil Omegans here on Earth. 

In my humble opinion the Earth people are God’s Faith because they rely on the
teachings of Jesus as well as God’s Mercy (Confederation) and God’s Justice (Alliance).

In other words, in my humble opinion, the Confederation, the Alliance, and the Earth
people are all one family of God within one system of God of the Mathew 23:23 system. 
Finally, because we can’t always be serious as brother Bob would say, here is a cartoon
of Santa Clause I thought was pretty funny. (Show cartoon)

By the way if any Kor brothers are watching this when they have the time and are not too
busy, I was wondering if they could pass the following message along to brother Bob that
“I wish him utmost happiness and a very Merry Xmas from Earth and I wish him true
happiness with his wonderful wife Astra. I also wish the usual Kor crew true happiness as
well.” I would appreciate if a Kor brother or sister could do that when they are not busy!

Once again Merry Xmas and/or Happy Holidays and God Bless. May 2023 bring utmost
blessings to the Confederation (especially the undercover Confederation friends who I
personally know), the Alliance, and the Earth people.

God Bless.

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