Leadership and Team Building

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How can your group apply the knowledge on
leader’s personal mastery to practice?
Group 4:

Present by: Class code: INS205902

Vũ Minh Hiếu – 20070929 Lecture: Nguyễn Anh Thư
Nguyễn Thu Hương - 19071048
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền - 21070474
Nguyễn Thu Hoài – 20070931
Vũ Thị Hoa - 20070717

October, 2022
Page 1

I. Introduction
As we all might know, any organization's growth depends greatly on its leaders and their leadership
abilities. So, leadership is the concept that is referred to the process of influencing people's
behaviors, so they work voluntarily and enthusiastically to achieve group goals.

However, a leader needs more than just professional skills. Personal mastery is a crucial skill for
everyone to have when working because if someone cannot master themselves, they will not be
able to do their job well. Personal mastery means mastering yourself in a way that facilitates your
leadership and achieves desired results.

II. Personal mastery

Personal mastery: is a unique, reflective program that explores the concepts of self-leadership and
identity in the workplace. Personal mastery entails controlling oneself in a way that supports
leadership and yields desired outcomes.

Personal mastery embodies three qualities— clarity of mind, clarity of objectives, and organizing
to achieve objectives.

- Clarity of mind: a state of mind in which you are more focused, and your perception is clear.
With mental clarity, you can recognize, understand, and organize your thoughts. Leaders are
willing to question presumptions and conventional methods of doing things and are tenacious in
exposing the mental models that restrict and deceive them. Their ability to deal with reality thanks
to mental clarity boosts their chances of getting the desired outcomes.

- Clarity of objectives is the ability to set a clear and specific objective that all affected parties
understand and can work towards achieving. Leaders that are practicing personal mastery are
aware of their values, which helps them to clearly define their goals. They clearly see the future
they want, and their goal is to make that future a reality.

- Organizing to achieve objectives: these are the goals that a company wants to achieve within
a determined period. The gap between the reality of the present and the idealized future might be
filled by organizing to attain goals. Personal mastery teaches leaders to accept both the dream and
the reality at the same time and to bridge the gap by going in the direction of the dream.

Leaders can modify and broaden their mental models by using independent thinking and open-
mindedness to enhance systems thinking and promote personal mastery. Since they are all
interrelated, leaders who try to enhance even one aspect of their mental strategy can make great
progress in their quest to master their minds and increase their effectiveness.

Page 2

III. How to apply knowledge to personal mastery?

Give an example about family:

Imagine you are a mom in a family, and you control buying and selling activities, your job is to
make sure to provide enough food and nutrition for the whole family. We are living in covid19,
everything must be locked down, and no people allowed to go out

And one day, your family is run out of rice, you know that rice is vital impotence right, we are
Vietnamese so we can live without rice, rice is an essential of our life

And now, you are a leader, and your family will be members, now the problem here is how to have
food for your family?

luckily, you are a leader with perfect personal mastery, you know what exactly what you must to

First of all, you are well aware that rice is a vital important that provides many nutrients and your
family is living in covid-19, so it is an indispensable thing to help your family get through this

The second, you are a person with clear and wise vision and what exactly your mission is, you
know what exactly your family need now, what exactly the target of this mission, then you unified
with your team that what we need is rice, just rice not everything else. So, in the working process,
there are not some stupid questions like can we buy banana, buy grape or can we take a train. and
when they go to the shop, they can focus only on rice, and not be confused and consider that maybe
they should buy a coffee or maybe a watermelon. You help them distinguish between what they
want and what they really need so they can focus on the group's goals. It helps you to make better
decisions, making plans and strategy

And the last one, now after you plan, some people in your team will be scared of the future,
worrying that they cannot take rice, they can go out to buy. And with the ability of your
organization, you help them understand this is not difficult, you close the gap between the future
with current reality, make them figure out the way easier to do their job, understand that the store
is nearby your house and each day, the government allow one person can go out to buy food, and
they still have enough money.

And after that, you and your family will go get rice and get thought the pandemic.

Page 3

The trajectory represents the continuous personal growth in personal mastery of an individual and
is based on several key principles that occur in the following order:

1. Establish and live your deep-seated values,

2. Be motivated by your personal vision and purpose, and

3. Hold creative tension between your vision and your current reality.

There is no quick fix to developing personal mastery - it is a lifelong process - but there is always
time to start. Personal mastery is developed through a shift in thinking and how we view the world
in which we live and work. It is led by essential elements such as vision, personal purpose, creative
tension, true commitment, and comprehension of the subconscious mind. Personal vision is the
most significant of several key qualities. When paired with personal vision, personal mastery may
establish a framework or guiding principle for how you can conduct and live your life. Many
individuals believe that personal vision acts as a guide that keeps you on course. Individuals who
pursue personal mastery find several prospects for advancement.

In real life, we may use personal mastery knowledge to deal with stressful situations, such as saying
no to time and energy-consuming obligations; regular exercise, including stretching and breathing
exercises; meditation; eating nutritious food, and asking for support from others to alleviate the
load. To prevent feeling the consequences of stress, you can limit the stressors in your life. You
may also try stress prevention in addition to stress reduction.

Page 4

IV. Conclusion
Developing personal mastery is a lifelong process that requires constant attention and focus. Great
leaders earn the trust and followership of others because they not only understand what is required
to be successful, but they translate that understanding into action. Those leaders are respected and
willingly followed because they deserve others’ trust by being trustworthy. The pay-off of
acquiring self-mastery is that those who lead will find that their efforts bear fruit in the form of
greater employee commitment, more profitable organizations, and increased personal confidence
and self-regard. We should break through all barriers and seek self-leadership within ourselves to
positively lead others.

“Great leadership starts with self - leadership”.

Page 5

García-Morales, V. J., Lloréns-Montes, F. J. and Verdú-Jover, A. J.
García-Morales, V., Lloréns-Montes, F. and Verdú-Jover, A. (2007) "Influence of personal mastery on
organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation in large firms and
SMEs", Technovation, 27(9), pp. 547-568. doi: 10.1016/j.technovation.2007.02.013.
Cohn, A.
Cohn, A. (2022) Learn Personal Mastery And Win Your Day, Forbes. Available at:
Personal Mastery - Definition and Importance to Learning
Personal Mastery - Definition and Importance to Learning (2022). Available at:
Improve your personal mastery in leadership | USB-ED
Improve your personal mastery in leadership | USB-ED (2019). Available at: https://usb-
Spencer, S. M. and Patrick, J. H.
Spencer, S. and Patrick, J. (2009) "Social Support and Personal Mastery as Protective Resources
During Emerging Adulthood", Journal of Adult Development, 16(4), pp. 191-198. doi: 10.1007/s10804-

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