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comprehended in ``the love of beauty.

'' Finally, aesthetic

him. It is probable that Adonis himself was looked upon

unless he has himself signed the bill of lading, the statement

are expended on institutions intended to develop the finer

agriculture; in New Zealand, by a minister for lands and

we hear from Greek writers as Indo-Scythia. (See YUE-CHI.)

antagonism first appeared publicly during the Franco-German

England, received from King William the new charter. His

for a fraud of another class, namely, the substitution

already been forced to surrender (December 10). But General

der Asthetik in Deutschland; M. Schasler, Kritische

formed for the purpose of erecting a monument to his memory

period, which lasted fully twenty years. Nevertheless, even

fruit gardens still, as in Ibn Batuta's time, irrigated by

and cereals the principal cultures. The town is unusually

of hydriodic acid on ammonia. It is easily soluble in

the exception of the hetero-albumoses--a subdivision of primary

of his female followers were involved, led to the secession

against Miletus begun by his father, but was obliged to turn

grade when a vacancy occurs in the higher grade, and not

topics; and when one of the number had finished some literary

The Joseph Fodor Museum (1860) contains modern French and Dutch

algae, those which readily disintegrate, like the coarser

mountainous, except near the estuaries of the Maritza, and

juices of plants, and thence extended to chemical manipulations

Homo and many others, to say nothing of German scholars, such

markets of Manaos and Para. In 1899 the Bolivian government

came from Rome and was directed by Romans, we find no trace

given to the court of the admiral to try cases of piracy

oxide. Satisfied, from further experience, that teeth could

CRETE, sect. Archaeology), which has yielded not only

hiber Albus it was strictly observed in the days of Edward

of a record by experts of their aesthetic experience, but

prizes, books, maintenance of building, &c., is from L. 5000 to

Boiling with dilute mineral acids, or baryta water, decomposes

on terms of absolute superiority on the one side and absolute

Algerian ports. (For trade statistics see ALGERIA.) The inner

in the slates of Tintagel in Cornwall have the same origin.

but a small pension from the state allowed Abel to enter

Bellisant. The lovers are betrayed, and Amiles is unable

approaching. The French admiral did not venture to make an

execution of this order; whereupon Mirza, in order to save

for the native names), and the ground-nut are largely

excavated the holy tank from which the town derives its name

marked by two serious attacks on the part of the Danes, who

no one will be the loser. Advertisements in the weekly press

had a gift for expression both in biological exposition and in

differs rather widely. France, Belgium, Holland, Italy,

and the same was true with those who thought it might be in

1 The Architectural History of the Conventual Buildings of

proximity, in some cases in the same village. Meanwhile the

diocese. In the 12th century the abbots of Fulda claimed

Battenberg, derived from an old residence of the grand-dukes

training. In this way he calculated that he could have raised

Arabic MSS. (London, 1904); Thefr. Drescher, Diss. de

by Lothair's successor, Berengar II., margrave of Ivrea,

as to the practicability of re-creating the English yeoman by

and France is confined, by a law passed in 1889, to French

examples are the Hospital of St Cross, near Winchester, founded

Medici party and was appointed professor of rhetoric at the

cotyledon. Flowering plants bear a seed containing an embryo,

they built and fortified Thebes, huge blocks of stone forming

parallel. Tattooing and painting the body were well-nigh

4 These forms (as well as $, the symbol for the

and there as a Flemish frow; Alexander the Great appeared

Westminster Abbey is another example of a great Benedictine

in number, and seven when a bishop celebrates in his

for field guns which contain a small bursting charge only,

though possibly not for an exceptional man like Huxley, an

to one's mouth''), primarily an act of homage or worship,

of technic was known. This art reached down to the borders of

success, ended in the defeat of Fremont at Cross Keys and

the mass of monographs and special articles, reference may

lots, of which 4500 should be given to Spartiates, whose

chemists, physicians, anatomists and eminent mathematicians,

of Henry Norman Hudson (1814-1886) and Richard Grant White

tower'' (fig. 10). This is a tall iron erection, built up from

a pretty strong conviction that the problem was insoluble.

no original work. His splendid library of 15,000 volumes

and a general manifestation of unfriendliness in other

A passage in Ferishta seems to imply that the Afghans in the

year. The town finally passed to the French in 1768. Since

in law, as distinguished from consanguinity (q.v.), the

limited operation in other directions. One of the provisions

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