Ing 3 Bimbel

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English 3

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. I have ... eyes on my face Two
2. What is that? That is a ..Shoulder
3. What is the mouth for? It is for ...Speaking
4. hands – you – How – many – do – have? How many hands do you have?
5. Are these ten fingers? ... Yes, these are
6. There are two kinds of animal. They are …Tame and Wild
7. My cutie cat is a kind of… animal.Tame
8. My mother has many hens. Every day she feeds them with …Grains
9. A horse can … fast. That is why people use is as one of transportation. Run
10. Lala: “What pet do you have?”
Insan: “… a cat” I have
11. Carnivore means animals that eat … Meat
12. can – fast – Cheetah – run Cheetah can run fast
13. I love story about mouse deer.
Mouse deer means (artinya) Kancil
14. A shark lives in the … Water
15. This is a big animal. It is grey. It has trunk and ivory. Elephant
16. Does Andhika study in SDI Ceria Harapan?... Yes, he does
17. What class is Andhika? He is grade … Three
18. How many classrooms are there? … Six
19. Where is the mini park? … In front of the classroom
20. Where can we buy snacks? … Canteen

II. Fill the blanks with the suitable answer!

1. I have one mouth
Change the sentence into Indonesian!
Saya punya satu mulut
2. Cow produces milk to drink.
3. I have many hens in my backyard. They produce egg
4. Birds can (terbang)fly High to the sky.
5. Dido always wake up at 05.00 a.m
6. The students usually pray in the mosque
7. Students can do an experiment in the laboratory
8. teaches – The teacher – English – classroom – in the
The teacher teaches English in the classroom
9. Let’s go to canteen and buy snack
10. Nia cleans the whiteboard.
Clean means membersihkan

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