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Student : Dang Thi Le Huyen

Class : VBK
Group : 13
Supervisor : Dinh Thi Huong, M.A

Hanoi, 12/2020



Unit Title/Topic: Unit 4 : Grade/ Level: Grade 10– Level A2

For a better community
Project Title: Great circle
Other subject areas to be Duration: 6 weeks
included, if any Step Teacher Students do Major
1. Literature (Week does Products &
2. Civic education ) Performance
3. Geography 1(1) T introduces Understanding SS
title, the the content of understood
rubric; project content of
guides (role project
of activities,
time, limit
2(1) T gives SS agree, SS choose the
some options choose the form of
for SS form of final presentation
choose outcome products:
(video, videos
picture, (required)
presentation, pictures or
tell the poster
story…) (optional)
3 (2) T gives the SS follow the
standard task and stick
structure of the deadline
the project.
4+5 (3) T introduces - SS ask and SS gather
and guide comment information
the demands about that and fulfill
of - SS fill the report
information report (Figure 1)
6+7 (4) T comments SS edit the The final
the data data information
from each relevant to
group project
8 (5) T gives SS agree, The final
some understand activity
standard and do the
forms of final outcome
9+10 - T listen and - SS present SS completed
(6) give the final the rubric and
comments outcome learnt from
about the - SS observe experience in
students’ and assess next projects
presentation other groups’ (Figure 2)
- T shows presentation
and guides - SS complete
the rubric for reflection form
assessment after they
receive a lot of
from T and
other groups

General The project is designed to let student would take part in a

description community activities, specifically supporting for orphanaged children.
of the The project is going to improve some espects of knowledges and skills
project such as: communication, cooperation, teamwork, presentation
After finishing project, student could make a plan (include
activities) of programs for communities (specifically local programs).
Driving How are orphans helped socialize with the community at the Social
Question Protection Center in Cau Giay district?

Learning Content - Clearly plan with specific part of project

Objective(s) standards - Love and treat equally with orphanage children
Aim: to be - Appreciate what students have
- Help taught and
orphanage addressed -
children to
have fun time 21st 1. Capacity to cooperate
-Help Century 2. Thinking capacity
students Skills to 3. Capacity to solve problems
understand be taught 4. Creactive capacity
and have and 5. Media literacy
sympathy addressed 6. Social skills
with 7. Productivity
orphanage 8. Information literacy
children 9. Technology literacy

Presentation Students, teachers from other subjects, parents, the management of

Audience center

Teaching procedure
Teacher does Students do
(Scaffolding lessons & (The tasks to be covered, roles to be played for each
instruction: what, when, individual student & timeline)
which materials)
Week 1: Week 1:
STEP 1 - Students ask questions or give comments on the theme
- Introducing the title of of project.
project and giving driving - Agree with final outcome
- Finding and introducing
the objects (limited area:
Cau Giay districts)
- Suggests the final
outcome: video, picture,
presentation, tell the
- Instructs some
applications for the final
- Dividing group and
introducing missions for
each group
+ Divide class into 4
groups, 10 students/group
+ Give students a rubric of Week 2:
project plan - Work in group to plan their project
Week 2: - Ask te
- Gives the standard
structure of the project.
- Divides class into 4 Week 3:
groups, 10 students/group - Practice the skills, and language needed for gathering
Week 3: information
STEP 4 - Divide group members to gather information
- Introduces and guide the - Collect information
demands of information - Formulate questions to interview, try to practice ask
gathering (objects, time, follow-up questions
equipment, material…) - Interview
- Prepare students for - Take note information
gathering information
consist of some strategies
+ Language skill
+ Searching the Internet
and reading books
- Comments the questions
and give sample
- Providing the sources of
information: books,
- Answers students’
questions Week 4:
- Instructs students to
gather information: take - The leader of each team divide for group members
notes - Work in group to analyze and synthesize the information
Week 4: - Discuss the value of the data have collected, and point
STEP 6 out the main information related to the final outcome.
- Prepares students to
compile, analyze and
synthesize the information
- Guides students how to
analyze and synthesize the
information Week 5:
STEP 7 - Revise some vocabularies related to volunteers and
- Follows the grading volunteer work.
process - Do the final activity
- Check the students' - Recording or taking photos of the final activity.
Week 5:
- Revises words and Week 6:
phrases related to - Present the recording of final outcome
volunteers and volunteer - Observe and assess the others’ products
work. - Listen and take notes of teacher’s feedback
- Gives standard forms of - Complete the reflection form.
final activities for the
- Follow the final activity
Week 6:
- Teacher listens and gives
comments about the
students’ presentation.
- Teacher summarizes the
standard forms of final
activities of the audiences
STEP 10:
- Shows and guides the
rubric for assessment
- Provides feedback to
each student
Equipment: Camera, laptop, recorder.
1. Information from the
2. Experiences from the
Resources Needed Materials: previous projects

Friends, school, neighbor,

Community resources:

Assessment Method Formative Assessment 1. Formative

List the assessment (When & How?) Assessment:
method and design - When: Week 3 and
assessment rubrics Week 5
- How: The students fill
in the template.
Teacher checks all reports in
final work and compares
them with their work
Summative assessment - When: last week
(When & How?) (week 6)
About yourself - How: the assessment
+ What part of the project rubics – reflection
are you interested the method (Figure 3)
most and the least ?
+ What do you wish you
had spent more time on or
done diffently?
+ What part of the project
did you do your best work
+ Are you satisfy with the
Why/Why not?
If not, what would you
like to change in your
next project?

Reflection methods 1. Teacher watches all the production of all group

(What & How?) and give feedback
2. Each group watch others group production and
give feedback
3. Teacher use questionare to summary what students
have learnt through the projects

Part 2: Elaboration of your PBL plan (Clear explanation of how each section in the
summary table will be)
Vietnam has about 1,600 orphans and children in need of social protection. We
will effectively see that the number of vagrants in Vietnam is very huge.. The venture is
planned to let understudy would take portion in community activities, specifically
supporting for orphanaged children. The extend is reaching to progress a few expect of
knowledge and aptitudes such as: communication, participation, collaboration,
introduction skills, etc…After wrapping up venture, understudy might make an arrange
(incorporate exercises) of programs for communities (specifically local programs). The
title of our project is “Great Circle”. Our project is in Unit 4 – For better in community,
in English book grade 10. In this extend, we'll center on replying the diving question:
“How are orphans helped socialize with the community at the Social Protection Center in
Cau Giay district?”
We will concentrate on answering the question in this project: "How are orphans helped
socialize with the community at the Social Protection Center in Cau Giay district?"
Students will be able to coordinate, love, and treat orphanage children fairly with a
specific portion of the project after completing this project and appreciate what they have.
Students of the 'Great Circle' may also learn the talents of the 21st century, such as the
ability to cooperate, the ability to think, the ability to solve problems, imaginative ability,
media literacy, social skills, productivity, knowledge. Six weeks will be the duration of
our project. Week 1 will be Step 1 and Step 2, respectively. Phase 3 will be in Week 2,
and steps 4 and 5 are in Week 3. Week 4 will be Steps 6 and 7, and Week 5 will be Step
8. Finally, in week 6, stages 9 and 10 will take place. The instructor will introduce the
project title in week one and offer driving questions to learners. The instructor will also
indicate the final outcome of the project this week: video, illustration, presentation, say
the tale... and teach some final product applications. The instructor will then divide the
class into four groups; 10 students will be in each group and missions for each group will
be implemented. The teacher will also give the students a rubric of the project plan.
Students will ask questions this week or have feedback on the project's theme. Listen to
the project's instructions and follow it and comply with the final result. In the second
week, the teacher will give the standard structure of the project in PROJECT-BASED

In planning their tasks in groups, students will cooperate and also ask the teacher
for guidance and comments. The instructor will implement and direct the requirements
for collecting information (objects, time, equipment, materials...) in the third week and
prepare students for collecting information, consisting of some strategies such as
language skills, internet search, and reading books. The instructor will also comment on
the questions and give a data collection sample, provide sources of information: books,
the internet... And advise students to gather data. In this step, students will learn the skills
and language needed to gather data, then divide their group members to gather data,
formulate interview questions, and practice asking follow-up questions. Finally, students
may interview the management of the orphanage center, such as their age, time to
coordinate the operation, conditional material services, and scheduled activities, to obtain
critical information on the center and children here. The instructor will prepare students
next week to compile, analyze and synthesize the data gathered last week and advise
students about how the data can be obtained. The instructor will follow the method of
grading and reviewing the students' resources. Every team leader will detach the group
members to evaluate and synthesize the findings, address the value of the data gathered
and point out the important details related to the final product. The instructor will study
the terms and phrases related to volunteering and volunteer work in the fifth week,
provide audiences with common styles of final activities and follow the final activity of
each party. In order to show their project to the class next week, students will make the
last move and record or snap photographs of their previous case. For calculation, the
instructor will use formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Teachers will be
conducting formative tests in Week 3 and Week 5. In week 3, the instructor uses the
collection data form to assess the collection process of information. In week 5, the
teacher will use an audience evaluation template to determine each group's activities for
the center's orphans. After week three and week five, the instructor will review all the
reports and compare them with the work of the students. The instructor will use the
evaluation rubric-reflection approach for the summative evaluation by assembling some
reflective questions in a template for students to address what they have learned, about
their strengths and weaknesses, the aspect of the project they want to improve, which
positions they feel most confident. Finally, for the reflection process, the instructor can
monitor all the performance of all classes, provide input, and use questionnaires to
summarize what students have learned through the projects. For learners, the output of
other groups will be supervised and feedback given.
In conclusion, for reflection strategy, teacher will watch all the production of all
groups and give feedbacks, and use questionnaire to summary what students have learnt
through the projects. For students, they will observe other
groups’ presentation and provide comments.

Part 3: A reflection of your PBL plan on 7 essential project design elements (Which
elements can be met, which cannot)
1. Challenging problem and question
A good human moral quality, which is central to educating students, is respect for
individuals and mutual solidarity. Students express compassion and empathy through this
initiative, sharing with kids with a less fortunate fate to help them integrate into society.
When we help others, that means that we help ourselves. An open driving question
would inspire students who are intrigued by the project and they want to do it because
when they do it, they know the purpose. To support others, students are conscious of the
humane nature of their actions.
2. Sustained inquiry
Once student groups have an idea for their project, students proceed to the Social
Protection Center, which has many facilities, to ask the instructor for permission (week
4+5) by suggesting and communicating with the instructor (teacher), and if they have
permission, they come up with the planning activities. They can use the interview and
questionnaire to address the issue. Students should specifically ask/interview the
orphanages or their friends, neighbor or even friend for the viewpoint of variety. Students
may also refer to activities to be arranged at the chosen venue, ensuring the necessary
criteria for: artifacts, services, equipment, time,... This includes knowledge about the
collected information to do this. Students' reference points may be social networks,
tools,.. or something else from school and social.
3. Authenticity
This is obvious because of the following from the driving question:
- Problem: Supporting orphans to integrate into the community and helping them
At the center for social security
- Object: orphaned kids in the middle
- Practical objectives:
+ For those who are supported: to become part of the community
+ For the assistant (students): communication skills in practice, creative thinking,
problem solving skills, and problem solving skills
Plan support equipment and devices:
+ Direct and indirect interviews (get questionnaire information), equipment for events...
Recording Video Events
+ Through factual knowledge collection, appraisal rubrics, self-reflections, students make
a thorough plan for the activity.
- Significant reality: the project is structured with a humanistic sense to support the less
for the less kids.
4. Students voice & choice
Students are given ideas and choices during the project on how to continue or the
product. The teacher only directs and gives advice.
Students offer their ideas about the criteria in 10 phases of setting up and executing a
project and choose an acceptable method.
For example, students will have their opinion on the type of information collection in the
content to choose the form of information collection. For students to make more options,
the teacher offers advice. When students choose organizational activities, this method is
often used, selecting a form of product presentation to suit the fact.
Each student is given an opinion during the group work, including ideas that differ in
certain instances, as teams work on a project. Students, their team members, are also
granted comments and asses for themselves.

5. Reflection
Reflection is careful thinking about a concept or event, and consideration. The
advantages of contemplation are astounding in PBL classrooms. Deepened learning,
enhanced analytical abilities, incorporation of new information with previous knowledge
and experience are encountered by students.
Students who can explain why a task is performed or why the activity is key to their final
product. Reflection should be constant and complete during the project, not just at the end
of the project. As project planners, we should expect several "Driving Question"
questions for the project from students to remind them on what students should focus on.
"We do not learn from experience, we learn from experience to reflect."
Reflection helps students to be honest in self-awareness and evaluation of their own work
progress throughout the project. Through feedback cards, students not only evaluate
themselves what they have done, what has not been done, what needs to be improved ...
but also evaluate their own roles and responsibilities with such groups.
- Did the group activities show the goals?
- Did you do
your mission well?
- What have you learned from this project?
- What things do you and your team need to improve for better?
From here, students draw on their own experiences for improvement in the next task.
6. Critique & Revision
Students often receive input, critique to adjust in accordance with each phase of the
project in the process of implementing a project. From the definition, the content of the
questionnaire to gather data, the activities to be organized... Criticism and revision will
continue until the events take place and sum up the project. This input from team
members can be obtained by students. Team members will be critical of how to execute
tasks individually, how and content structured events, final products... will be with
teachers. Moreover, from the first steps of the initiative to when the action to help
orphans takes place, students often receive criticism for revising from their parents to
change. The final product is also a channel for feedback and standards, listened to and
consumed by students, thereby completing the individual rubric of reflection. Criticism is
required because, for the first time, students can not come up with the completely correct
way of doing and material. In addition, this project is highly practical, so it can be
constantly updated to meet the actual circumstances.
7. Public Product
The end result of this project is an activity at the center for orphans that will be carried
out by students. Students continue to plan, delegate work to prepare their activities from
the data they gathered in week 3 interviews and via books, the Internet,... The end result
of this project is an activity at the center for orphans that will be carried out by students.
Students continue to plan, delegate work to prepare their activities from the data they
gathered in week 3 interviews and via books, the Internet,... The final product of the
project will be an actual activity held at The Social Protection Center in Cau Giay district
with the participation of not only students and teachers but also teachers of other subjects
such as Literature, Civic Education, and Geography, parents, and the management of
center. The final product would also ensure high practicality since the activity is planned
on the basis of the real situation of the center's orphans and is conducted directly at the
center with the participation of numerous audiences. From there, the product will be
analyzed in the most impartial way, and the public's comments will also be listened to by
students. In addition, the practicality of the item is also demonstrated by the events
planned by students for orphans, they will know how to care for and share with orphans,
as well as wishes to help orphans integrate with the community confidently.
Figure 1:
Project: Great Circle
1. Age of the orphans:
☐ Kindergarten – Primary ☐ Secondary – High School
2. Time to organize activity:
3. Furnitural condition:
4. Equipment needed (if neccessary) :
5. Possible activities:
Figure 2:

Name: .................................................................................................................................
Group: .................................................................................................................................

Criteria 3 2 1

The activities organized to attract

The activeness and initiative of students
when they take part in activities.
The ability of students to solve problems
when participating in organizing activities

The creativity of the activity

The punctuality of the project.

Mark: 3 - Good; 2 – Normal; 1 – Bad

Figure 3:

Name :
Project name: Great Circle
About the project
1. What have you learnt from this

2. What are the strengths and

weaknesses of your project?

3. What part of the project do you want

to change

4. What part of the project did you feel

you do the best? Why?

About yourself
1. What part of the project are you
interested the most and the least ?

2. What part of the project did you do

your best work on?

3. What do you wish you had spent more

time on or done diffently?

4. Are you satisfy with the result?

Why/Why not?
If not, what would you like to change
in your next project


Họ và tên người đánh giá:..............................................................................................

TIÊU CHÍ 3 2 1

Mức độ phù hợp của hoạt

động so với đối tượng.

Tính tích cực và chủ động

của học sinh khi tham gia
giải quyết vấn đề.

Khả năng giải quyết vấn đề

của học sinh khi tham gia tổ
chức hoạt động.

Tính sáng tạo của hoạt động.

Dự án đảm bảo về mặt thời


Cách tính điểm: 3 – Tốt; 2 – Bình thường; 1 – Tệ

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