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Student Teacher: Observer:

Date: Time:
Class/Level: Lesson:
Lesson objectives:

Observation focus areas:

A. Consider each statement. Rate yourself/your peer on a scale of 1-3.

3= excellent 2 = good 1= needs improvement N/A = not applicable
I. Relationship with Students
1. The teacher establishes good eye contact with all the students in the class.
2. The teacher uses appropriate body language.
3. The teacher makes an effort to pay attention to all students equally.
4. The teacher divides students up into groups in an organized and purposeful way.
5. The teacher provides appropriate praise to students.
II. Presentation
6. The teacher’s handwriting on the board is legible and well-organized.
7. The teacher speaks loudly enough to be heard easily in the back row.
8. The teacher varies the exercises in class to keep students interested.
9. 2 The teacher helps students understand the material.
10. The teacher reviews previous points regularly.
11. The teacher tries to motivate students to do their best.
12. The teacher monitors errors and corrects them at appropriate times.
13. The teacher gives clear instructions.
III. Classroom Interactions
14. The teacher walks around and facilitates when students are doing group work.
15. The teacher provides students with real communicative activities.
16. The teacher tries to maximize student talk time.
17. The teacher provides activities which promote spontaneous language use.
IV. Language
18. The teacher uses vocabulary and grammar structures that are comprehensible to the
19. The activities are geared to the proficiency level of the students – or just above.
20. The content of the activity is relevant and meaningful to the students’ lives.

Suggestions for the observed teacher:
B. Comments

1 Weekly teaching skills to

be observed

2 Was the lesson engaging

and fun?

3 What did the teacher(s) do

to motivate the students?

4 What did the students like

best in the lesson?

C. The structure of your feedback. Tick the model that you are using.
(For peer- observation only)

Feedback Sandwich P-Q-P feedback model Keywords to be included in your


Praise/ Opinion Praise

State something positive about What do you like best about
what you are giving feedback the lesson?
Coach (giving suggestions, Question
NOT critism) What questions do you
Give a recommendation to have?
improve something. Is anything unclear?

Postive/ Praise Polish

End your feedback with What tip can you give to

something more positive. help polish the lesson?

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