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Solar Energy is a truly renewable energy source on the earth.

Malaysia has favourable climatic

change conditions for the development of solar energy that potential with daily average solar
radiation of 4000 – 5000 Wh/m2. Installation of solar panels may give benefit to environment and
community. The purpose of solar power and the impact it can have on clean and renewable energy
This survey is contains five (5) sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.
Select your preferred answer by ticking or answering in the space provided. Thank You for taking the
time to answer the question.

Section A: Demographic Survey

1. Gender :
 Male
 Female
2. Age :
 < 20
 20 – 40
 > 40
3. How many people in your household :
 <5
 >5
4. Working Background :
 Student
 Engineer
 Business
 Others : ____________

Section B : Electricity Generation

Please tick one answer for the following questions below.

No Question YES No
1 Do you know that electricity generation produces from fossil fuel
combustion (such as : coal, natural gas, and petroleum)? (EN)

2 Do you know that fossil fuel combustion produces Green House

Gases (GHGs) such as Carbon Dioxide, CO2? (EN)

3 Do you know that GHGs can lead to climate change and global
warming? (EN)
5. Your monthly electricity bills?
 < RM 200
 RM 200 – RM 499
 > RM 500

Section C : Solar Energy And Solar Panel

Please tick one answer for the following questions below.

No Question YES No
1 Do you think solar energy is renewable energy? (EN)
2 Do you think solar energy is related to solar panel?
3 Do you know about solar panels in Malaysia?

4 Do you know that there is the largest solar park in Sepang?

5 Do you know any programs and incentives on solar panels such as


Please tick one answer for the following question below. The scale of a number refers to; 1 –
Disagree, 2 – Neutral and 3- Agree

No Question 1 2 3
1 Do you agree that electricity generation from solar energy
can reduce your electricity bill? (SC)

2 Do you agree that solar panel is a smart investment? (SC)

3 Do you agree that electricity generation from solar energy

can reduce GHGs mainly Carbon Dioxide CO 2 emissions to
the environment? (EN)

4 Do you agree that green technology such as solar energy

can minimize the potential of degradation to the
environment? (EN)

5 In 5 years, do you think you will have a solar panel installed

in your residential unit/industrial/commercial building?

6 Do you agree, the export of coal will decrease if Malaysia

use solar panel?
Section D : Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Please tick one answer for the following questions below.

No Question YES No
1 Do you know about sustainable development goals (SDGs) ?

2 Do you think that the contribution of a solar panel is significant to

achieve Malaysia Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?

3- Which SDGs best refer to solar energy electricity generation in Malaysia? (You may tick more than
one (1) answer)

 SDG 3 – Good Health and Well Being

 SDG 7 – Affordable & Clean Energy
 SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
 SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
 SDG 13 – Climate Change
 SDG 14 – Life Below Water
 SDG 15 – Life on Land

Section E: Awareness on Solar Panel

Please tick one answer for the following question below. The scale of a number refers to; 1 –
Disagree, 2 – Neutral and 3- Agree

No Question 1 2 3
1 I think that level of consciousness and knowledge among
Malaysians regarding solar PV system should be increased

2 I could find sufficient information on solar PV systems on

the website (SC)

3 I have a clear understanding of the potential of solar PV

system (SC)

4 I think that the installation of PV system should be

affordable in order to encourage Malaysian to use the PV
system (SC)
5 Using a solar PV system will not harm the environment?

6 The maintenance of solar PV system is affordable (EC)

7 I am willing to spend more money to install solar PV

system than spending money on my electricity bills? (SC)

8 I plan to use solar PV system in the near future.

9 I am influenced by the media (Newspaper, Radio and

Television) to use solar PV system at home. (SC)

10 Do you think that using solar PV is important for balancing

our economic development, environment stability and
social ? (EN/EC/SC)

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