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I. Answer in one or two sentences :

1. What is emancipation ?

2. Define maturation

3. What is the psychosocial developmental task during adolescence ?

4.What is temper tantrums ?

5.What is enuresis ?

6. Define crackles?

7. Mention the cardiac defects that obstruct the left ventricular outflow:

8. Give an example of chelating agent:

9. What is hemorthrosis?

10. Which is the most common anemia in children ?

11. Define diabetes insipidus

12.What is the most common complication of treatment of DKA

13.What is astigmatism?

14 Which disease can be prevented by BCG?

15. When does moro reflex disappear?

16. A 20 hours old newborn baby is admitted with diagnosis of trachea esophageal fistula.

(a)Explain the types and clinical manifestations

(b)Discuss the surgical and nursing management

17. Explain the characteristics of a preterm baby

18. Describe the physical and psychosocial development of the new born
19. Discuss the needs of newborn with immediate care of newborn

20. (a)Classify pneumonia according to causative organism

(b)Discuss the nursing care of baby 10 months old, diagnose to have pneumonia

21.(a) Classify protein energy malnutrition.

(b)Illustrate the nursing care of two years old Sheela with severe malnutrition.

22. Baby Kaytha 3 years old girl admitted with diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
(a)Explain the pathologic related clinical manifestations.

(b)Discuss the nursing management of this child.

23.Master raja 2 years of admitted with complaints of convulsions:

(a) Enumerate the causes of convulsions.

(b) Discuss the nursing management.

24. What is genogram ?

25. Define development

26. What is the psychosocial developmental task of preschool child ?

27. Who explained the different stages of moral development?

28. Define caput succedaneum

29. When does the anterior fontanel close?

30.Define Growth ?

31.What is sibling rivalry?

32.What is brachial-fermoral lag?

33.How much will be the pH of blood in acidosis

34.What is hyptotonic dehydration?

35. When is the ideal time for cleft palate repair?

36. Which congenital defect is associated with hypo plastic lung?

37.Name the defects of tetrology of fallot :

38. Define hodgkin's disease

39.What is macewen's sign

40. What is the psychosocial development of the school age child?

41. When was universal immunization programme started?

42. What are the causes of seizures in the infancy period?

43. What is status asthmaticus?

44. List four signs and symptoms of coarctation of aorta

45.What is the mode of transmission of hepatitis A?

46.What are the complications of measles?

47. What is the most common cause of shock?

48. What type of vomiting is seen in pyloric stenosis?

49. What is the disorder seen in hypopituitarism?

50. What is the diagnosis at birth if the female neonate is found to have only one hole during the
examination of the perineum?

51.What are the ways to prevent contractures in a child with burn injury?

52.What is the most comfortable position for a child with cyanotic spell?

53.What is the average head circumference of a neonate?

54. When does the lateral incisor erupt?

55. What is the nature of the play seen among toddlers?

56. What is the caloric requirement of an infant of 12 months?

57. List two reasons for checking weight for children

58.What is the nature of stool in diarrhoea caused by E.coli?

59.What is the commonest anemia seen in children?

60. What is the haemoglobin level of newborn baby?

61.What is the commonest causative organism of bronchiolitis?

62. What is the characteristic feature of rash in measles?

63.What is mental retardation?

64. What are the four stages of pneumococcal pneumonia?

65. What is the diagnostic procedure done for ano-rectal anomaly?

66. What solution is used for enema to clean the bowel in the preoperative period?

67.What is the mode of transmission of HIV?

68.Who developed the APGAR scoring chart?

69.What is the first stool of a neonate called?

70. At what age does the anterior fontanelle of an infant close?

71.What is cephalo-haematoma?

72.What is epispadiasis?

73.What are the four cardinal manifestations in nephrotic syndrome?

74. What is the characteristic type of play seen during toddler period?

75. What is the psychosocial development of a toddler?

76. What is the normal random blood sugar value?

77.At what age does the birth weight of an infant double?

78.What is perinatal period?

79.What is the antibody abundantly present in breast milk?

80.What is the major side effect of streptomycin?

81.What is myelomeningocele?

82. What is diaphragmatice hernia?

83.What is the other name for road to health chart?

84. Invagination of portion of the intestine is common in which condition?

85.Which is the safest site to give intramuscular injection in infants?

86. Jones criteria is used in the diagnosis first three days after delivery called?

87. What is the breast milk secreted during first three days after delivery called?

88, State the psychosexual stage during pre-school period.

89.What is talipes equinovarus?

90.What is otitis media?

91.What is the causative organism for acute rheumatic fever?

92.What is exomphalos?

93. What is bronchiectasis?

94. Name the drug of choice for round worm infestation:

95. What is the disorder of eating non-edible substance called?

96. What is the gestational age of preterm baby?

97. What is the storage temperature for oral polio vaccine?

98. What is the composition of foremilk and hind milk?

99. What is the dosage and route of administration of typhoid vaccine?

101. What is the surgical intervention for cleft lip and palate?

102. What is hemosiderosis?

103. Name the four restraints for children.

104. List the malformation in central nervous system.

105. Which is the causative organism for rheumatic fever?

106.Expand TAPVC

107. Write two differences between adult and child

108. Name the two tests to confirm the hip displacement

109. Name the drug of choice for conjunctivitis

110 .Water deprivation tests is done to confirm which disease?

111. Write two benefits of kangaroo mother care.

112. What is the other name for undescended testis?

113. What is the other name for moro reflex?

114. When the child will attain head control?

115. How to elicit scarf sign?

116. Define extremely low birth weight baby.

117. Write two principles of IMNCI

118. In which condition muscle wasting is obvious?

119.What is the surgical intervention for pyloric stenosis?

120.Expand WALRI

121. List out the composition of ORS

122. What is meant by chorea?

123. Write the phases of chemotherapy in leukemia

124. Congenital hypothyroidism is otherwise called.

125. List out the behavioural disorders of toddler.

126. Write two minor disorders of newborn

127. What is meant by pathological jaundice?

128.Write three types of common congenital heart disease

129.Write two cardinal signs for pyloric stenosis

130.Write two tests to find out congenital hip displacement

131.Expand DDST.

132.Two important signs of meningitis

130.Mention any Two restraints:

131. Mention two clinical signs of diaphragmatic hernia

132. Mention the anti tuberculosis drug

133.List out two indications of phototherapy

134. What is parallel play?

135. What is erb's palsy?

136. List out the types of leukemia

137. What is kangaroo mother care?

138. What is emphysema?

139. What is pre-term neonates?

140. Write two congenital anomalies of head

141. What are all the primary reflexes?

142. Mention two inborn errors of metabolism

143. Mention two complication that one arise after tonsillectomy

144. Mention two water born diseases

145. Write two complications of otitis media

146.What are all the types of spina bifida?

147.Define preterm

148.What is still birth?

149.Mention two causes for neonatal sepsis

150.Name four types of restraints:

151. Mention two endocrinal abnormalities

152. Define thalaseemia

153. Define hirschsprung's disease

154. Haemophilia.
II. Answer Briefly (30-50 words) :
1.Principles of growth and development

2.Cardiac catheterization

3.Cerebral palsy

4. Dehydration

5.Injury prevention in infants


7.Oxygen therapy in children


9.A 7 years old Priya has been diagnosed to have leukemia

(a) Define leukemia;

(b) enumerate the clinical manifestation of leukemia

( c)Discuss the nursing care that you could give to Priya by using nursing process.

10. Apgar score


12.Primary complex

13.Down syndrome

14.Baby friendly hospital

15. Phototherapy

16.Tetrology of fallot

17.Surgical interventions for hydrocephalus

18. Accidents in school age group. Types and prevention

19. Reaction of infant to hospitalization

20.Battered child syndrome

21.Child to child concept

22.Two years old boy admitted with pyogenic meningitis a. Enumerate signs and symptoms,
pathophysiology, medical and nursing management in detail

23.Play therapy

24.Immunization schedule

25. Role of pediatric nurse

26. Phototherapy

27. Care of high risk new born

28. Sickle cell crisis

29.Diabetes ketoacidosis

30.Pain management


32.Factors influencing growth and development

33.Baby friendly hospital initiative

34. Cognitive development of toddlers

35. Neonatal mortality

36. Clinical manifestations of congestive cardiac failure

37. Clinical assessment of young infants age upto 2 months as per IMNCI

38. Etiology of hydrocephalus

39.Clinical manifestations and complications of protein energy malnutrition.

40.Integrated child development services (ICDS) program

41.Pre and post cardiac catheterization care

42. Psychosocial development of an infant

43. Effects of hospitalization on the child

44. Pathophysiology and complications of nephritic syndrome

45. Etiology and complications of bronchopneumonia

46. Post operative care of a child after cleft lip repair

47. Classification of trachea oesophageal fistula

48. Universal immunization program

49. Advantages of breast feeding

50. Kangaroo mother care

51. Behavioural problems of adolescents

52.Differences between marasmus and kwashiorkor

53. Levels of neonatal care

54. Essential newborn care..

55.Technique of breast feeding

56.Care of a baby receiving phototherapy

57. Clinical manifestations of enteric fever

58. Etiology of bronchial asthma

59.Clinical manifestations of congestive cardiac failure

60.Jones criteria

61. Etiology of convulsions in children

62. Reflexes in newborn

63. Exchange transfusion

64. Neonatal resuscitation

65. Wilm's tumour

66. Hemophilia

67.Nursing management of child with burns

68.Cerebral palsy

69.Juvenile diabetes mellitus

70.Classification of seizure in children

71. Rights of children

72. Rh incompatibility

73. Rheumatic fever

74. Bronchial asthma

75.Congenital club foot

76. Chromosomal disorders in children



79. National programmes related to child health and welfare

80. Changing trends at hospital care in child health

81.Preventive pediatrics

82. Values of play and selection of play material

83. Underfive clinics

84. well baby clinics

85. Neonatal resuscitation

86. Nursing management of low birth weight baby

87. National policy and legislation is related to child health and welfare

88. Advantages of breast feeding

89. Impact of hospitalization on the child and family

90. Factors affecting growth and development

91. Accidents causes and prevention

92. Preventive pediatires

93. Kangaroo mother care

94. Child guidance clinic

95. Eneuresis

1.Baby Amrutha is diagnose to hirschsprung's disease

(a) Explain the pathophysiology of hirschsprung's disease

( b). Outline a nursing care plan for amrutha

2. Hari, 8 years, is admitted with theumatic fever

(a.) Explain the clinical features of theumatic fever

(b.) Discuss the nursing management of a child with rheumatic fever

3. 5 year old Prabha is diagnosed to hydrocephalus

(a)Explain the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus

( b). Discuss the pre and postoperative nursing management of prabha

4.Suraj, 12 years, is admitted for the treatment of leukemia

(a.) Explain the pathophysiology of leukemia

(b. ) Discuss the nursing management of a child with leukemia

5.Three years old girl is admitted with tetrology of fallot

(a) List down the cyanotic heart defects

(b). Discuss the medical and nursing management in detail

6. Neonatal jaundice


8.Oxygen therapy in children

9.Neonatal resuscitation
10.Minor criteria of rheumatic condition.

11. Twenty hour old newborn baby is admitted with the diagnosis of trachea esophageal fistula.

(a) Explain the types and clinical manifestations

(b). Discuss the surgical and nursing management.

12.Characteristics of preterm baby

13. Composition of ORS


15.Write about integrated child development scheme in the welfare of child care

16. Social problems of an adolescent

17.7 year old Kannan is admitted with acute glomerulonephritis

(a). Explain the pathophysiology of acute glomerulonephritis

(b)Discuss the nursing management of Kannan

18. Baby Lavanya 3 year old is admitted with 35% burns

(a) How is the percentage of burns estimated in children

(b) Discuss the nursing management of baby Lavanya

19. 10 year old praveena is diagnosed to have spina bifida

(a)Explain the pathophysiology of spina bifida

(b) Discuss the pre and post operative nursing care of praveena

20.Factors contributing to growth and development.

21. Baby Arun one year old infant is admitted with acute gastroenteritis

(a). Explain the pathophysiology of acute gastroenteritis

(b) Outline a nursing care plan for baby Arun

22.streptococcal glomerular nephritis :Explain the clinical manifestations of post streptococcal

glomerular nephritis.Discuss the nursing management
23. Baby Ravi, two years old toddler, is admitted with intestinal obstruction:

(a.) What are the clinical manifestations of intestinal obstruction

(b.)Discuss the nursing management of Ravi

24.Baby Amrutha is diagnosed to hirschsprung's disease

(a.) Explain the pathophysiology of hirschsprung's disease

(b). Outline a nursing care plan for amrutha

25. Rheumatic fever


27. Pyogenic meningitis

28.protein energy malnutrition

29.Explain the assessment of dehydration


31.Explain in detail the physical growth and development of a toddler

32 Low birth weight

33.Nephrotic syndrome.


35. Differentiate marasmus and kwashiorkor

36.Write in detail about physical and psychosocial development of an infant.



39.Down Syndrome.

40.Burns –definition, etiology ,types, pathophysiology, management & complications.

41. Wilm's tumour


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