NguyenTienDat Mid 20070141

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Section 1:

Gear Motors is a company that produces electric

batteries for cars, busses and trucks that don't need fossil
fuels. The company is also building the first coast-to-coast
electric railway to facilitate transportation at reduced costs.
Mission statement: Committed to creating a reliable,
affordable transportation system that everyone can enjoy.
Vision: To put 10 million electric cars, busses and trucks
on the road by 2050.
Values: Innovation, conservation, environmentalism,
carbon reduction and renewable energy

Section 2:

Someday, I would be a human resource manager (HRM)

working in a big company, It could be Gear Motor Company.
Human resource managers are responsible for overseeing
all aspects of employee hiring, firing, payroll, training and
development and governance. They are often in charge of
researching and recruiting employees, coordinating interviews
and onboarding new hires. Human resource managers handle
payroll, benefits and may be in charge of incentive programs
if the company offers them.
To be successful as a human resource manager, we need
people to perform tasks and get work done in the
organization. Even with the most sophisticated machines,
humans are still needed. Because of this, one of the major
tasks in HRM is staffing. Staffing involves the entire hiring
process from posting a job to negotiating a salary package.
Within the staffing function, there are four main steps:
1. Development of a staffing plan: This plan allows HRM
to see how many people they should hire based on
revenue expectations.
2. Development of policies to encourage
multiculturalism at work: Multiculturalism in the
workplace is becoming more and more important, as we
have many more people from a variety of backgrounds in
the workforce.
3. Recruitment: This involves finding people to fill the
open positions.
4. Selection: In this stage, people will be interviewed and
selected, and a proper compensation package will be
negotiated. This step is followed by training, retention,
and motivation.
Human resource professionals require training in many
areas of the field such as Employment Law, Organization
Behaviour, Staffing, Training Development, …
Here’s the SWOT analysis including my strengths,
weakness in the job and also the promising opportunities,

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