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P I T F A L L PITFALL, By Activision, for the Atari 2600 Walkthrough/FAQ version 0.

.74 Author: The B C Created on January 19, 2001 2001 E- ail: CONTENTS 1. Notes 2. Game Information 3. Walkthrough 4. Tips 5. Disclaimer 1. NOTES This document will provide you with everything you need to know in order to officially win the game of Pitfall. Some believe that the object is to get as many points as you can in the 20 alotted minutes, without losing all your lives. I was once one of them. Then I discovered that the object is to find ALL the treasure in the jungle, in the 20 minutes allowed. At first I thought it was impossible, and it really is quite difficult. If and when you do win the game, there will not be much more than one minute remaining on the clock. One more thing I'd like to add before I get started. This is not my favorite Atari game, in fact, I think it's rather overrated. But I can beat this game, and not many people can do so. I just wanted to be able to win this game, but I could not find any help. So I made a numbered list from 1 to 256 and wrote down all the treasures, shortcuts, and traps throughout the game. This info does not do much good just sitting in my notebook, so I'm doing this for anyone that's interested. 2. Game Information Controls: Up: Climbs up a ladder Down: Climbs down a ladder, jumps off a vine Left: Runs to the left, jumps off a ladder to left Right: Runs to the right, jumps off a ladder to right Fire: Jumps Enemies: Touching any of the following enemies will cause you to lose a life. Fire Rattlesnake Scorpions

The following will also cause you to lose a life: Falling down a hole Falling into water Falling/jumping into alligators mouth Any of the following will cause you to lose points: Falling into a pit: -100 points Touching a log: Depends on how long you touch it Treasures: Diamond Ring: 5000 points Gold: 4000 points Silver: 3000 points oney Bag: 2000 points

3. Go ahead 3 more screens to #21. Take the shortcut, which will take you to #30. 4. Go back above ground, and go RIGHT 2 screens. Get Diamond Ring #1 5. Proceed again to the left, 4 screens ahead, to #32. ake sure you don't take the underground at #31, that's a trap. Remember, the second one. Take this shortcut, where you'll end at screen #47. 6. This is the first "stretch" of being above ground. In it, you will come across oney Bag #2, Diamond Rings #2 and #3, and Golds #1 and #2. 7. The screen with the second Gold is #64. Go left 6 more screens, to #70. Take this shortcut. 8. Here's an even longer stretch of being above ground. The next treasures are: oney Bag #3 Gold #3 Silver #1 Diamond Ring #4 Gold #4

3. Walkthrough There are 256 total screens in the game. The starting screen will be called #1, one screen to the left will be called #2, and so on. There are 8 of each treasure scattered throughout the 256 screen. None of them are underground. Going through one underground screen is like going through 3 regular screens, and the only possible way to get all 36 treasures is to utilize the underground shortcuts. Here is a step-by-step procedure on how to get all the treasures. Remember, we're going leftward. There is no way of knowing exactly which screen we're on, other than counting, or recognizing the patterns of treasure. I just post them to show progress. 1. On the starting screen (#1), go down the ladder, and take the shortcut. This will take you to screen #7. 2. Go across 11 screens to #18. Do not take any shortcuts until there. There will be oney Bag #1.

10. Go RIGHT 3 screens to get oney Bag #5. Then turn around and go back left. This is the final long stretch of being above ground, and it's the longest. This time, the treasures are in this order: oney Bag #6 Gold #6 Diamond Ring #5 Diamond Ring #6 Silver #6 oney Bag #7 oney Bag #8 Diamond Ring #7 Silver #7 Silver #8 Diamond Ring #8 Gold #7 (screen #227) 11. Almost there! Just one more Gold and the game is over. From screen #227, go left eleven more screens to #238. Count carefully, it's easy to lose track. Take this shortcut, which takes you to #244. 12. Go left four more screens, and that's it. There's Gold #8, on screen #248, and you should have them all! The maximum possible score is 114000. But that is extremely difficult, because sometimes logs sneak up on you and take away a few points. 4. Tips Unless you're going for time records, there's no need to be in a hurry. Although there will be roughly 1 minute remaining for the average player when it gets the last treasure, waiting for pits to close and open back up, or alligators' mouths to open and close, only takes about 2 or 3 seconds. There is still plenty of time for several unnecessary stops. If you are running across a pit that opens and closes, and you feel it's going to be a close call, jump for it! It could be the difference between life and death. Now it's time for my first attempt at ASCII art: ___________________ / \ / \ \ \ \ a e \ b c d / \___________________/

oney Bag #4 Silver #2 Gold #5 Silver #3 Silver #4 Silver #5 (screen #137) 9. From screen #137, proceed left two more screens to #139, and take this shortcut. It is the longest useful shortcut in the game; it takes you all the way to #163.

If you haven't figured it out, that's an alligator pit. Probably the biggest cause of death in the game. Here are some pointers on jumping across them. The 'points' are the end of the alligators' heads (not the mouth), which are always safe to stand on. It is only safe to stand on the mouths when they are shut. --One jump length is equal to the distance from 'e' to 'd', 'd' to 'c', or 'c' to 'b'. --The jump from 'b' to 'a', or 'a' to 'b' for that matter, is not a safe jump. You will land in the water, so don't do it. --In my opinion, the best way of doing it is (from right to left): Jump from 'e' to 'd', and wait for the mouths to shut. Then jump across all the way to 'a'. --There is enough time to jump across all three while the mouths are shut. But there is very little room for error, so I recommend only jumping across two at a time. 5. Disclaimer This walkthrough/FAQ is designed for personal use only. It is not to be used in any way, shape, or form in order to make any type of profit. It is also illegal to rip off part(s) of this document, without giving proper credit. If you would like to use this walkthrough/FAQ on a non-profit web page, please contact me at

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