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AS VSOLVED EXAMPLES Example 4.1 A coaxial line has the following physical dimensions. Diameter of inner conductor = 0.49 em Inner diameter of outer conductor = 1.10 cm Polyethylene dielectric €, = 2.3 Calculate (i) inductance per unit lengths (ii) the capacitance per unit length (iii) the characteristic impedance and (iv) the velocity of propagation. Solution: n> =h—— ~ fe Tranemission Lines wa 149 ro . = 2x10" in 2 =~ 10-7) = Him i C = 55.56=x10712 _Sr__ = @ In Dra = PFA GoD feo (tii) Ro = Sn = = (2 laa tea-/aceies & = 2220 = 1.078208 min Example 4.2 __ _ For the above example 4.1, @ = 0.05 Q/m and G constants, phase velocity, relative permittivity and power loss if the coaxial line length is 50 m. The input power to the system is 480 watts at a frequency of 3 GHz. 0. Determine the attenuation m and phase as ae Solution: @ o= 3h z= JE ° c B @ had ve Te @) © Prosg = Pig ¥ 2 * 1= 480 * 2 x 50 Watts Microwave and Radar Eamon 180 Example 43 . orating at a frequency of 9.375 ¢, ‘mes led conxial cable operating at a quency 9.275 GH, orof an air-fi higher order modes and a dominant Mode Calculate the breakdown pow Jn vo oxelude Assumo a ratio of b/a = 2.3.and (b+ 4) propagating. van Solution: ‘The Py of a conxial eablo is givon by b = 36000” In (2) (Pradrem 10 dg = 2210 = 3.2em 9.375 x10° 6 a = =23 and bta< = a a =2.42cm Pq = 3600 x (2.42)?In (2.3) kW ~ 898 kW Example 4.4 — — —____ Astrip line transmission line has a distance of 0.3175 cm between the ground planes. If the diameter of the equivalent circular conductor is 0.0539 cm, determine the characteristic impedance and velocity of propagation if the dielectric constant is 2.32 for the strip line material, Solution: Here 6 =0.3175cm d = 0.0539 cm €, = 2.32 Characteristicimpedance, 2, = 62. jn { 4 ke, "\na = _ 60 4x0.317! TiO dsaa | = 79-382 = 2.32 "| (0.0539 and Velocity of propagation, y = -C_ = 3*10® ve, 2.38 le = 1.97 x 198 m/s smission" 1 154 oe ae y aracteristic impedance and th ive di . chi e effective dielectric constant for a microstrip eae emer : it? “ine fabricated in an alumina substrate (c, = 9.7) j ii ease fibro in onc case (€,=9.7) ifthe Wib ratio is (i) 0.5, (ii) 5. Also (a _ ; aon: (g=Wih= 0.5 < 1 for this we use high impedance analysis gwtio® ‘ €-+1 ¢,- & +1 6, -0 1 sf rective dielectric constant, € og = 3 v1+12b6/W + 0.04 0-2) +0.04 - ost| — aot f '1+12 x (1/0.5)? = 6.26 60 8h W = In|] [+— %* Ear (7 ra fi) Toso “= (aa) 9.7+1 o( 1 ) 2 2 | f1+120/5) ae 1200 __ re [% 4+ 1,393 + 0.667 In (a + *) en) } =17.789 = ea | 1.508 + 0.667 In (1.444 + 5) c _3x10® 8 = 3X10” = 1,08 x 108 m/s Vi #1 off Example 4.7 When the dominant mode is propagated in an air filled rectangular waveguide, the guide waveleag, for a frequency of 9000 MHzis 4 cm. Calculate breadth of the guide ? Solution: For a rectangular waveguide the dominant mode is the TEyp mode. TE, mode can propagate at a lower frequency <. Given f= 9000 MHz= 96 Hz, A,=4 cms. We know for TE; mode, 2, = 2a. f where c is the velocity of light in cms/sec = 3 x 10!° cm/sec. [= 9x10? Hz, 3x10*!0 = SXit | = 3.338 ems. 8 x08 . = do we yh = (Ag /2,)? Substituting the values of A, and 4, in equation (i) 3.333 fas af\t-@.239n,F}=3.333 4= Squaring both sides 16 {1-(3.333/,)%) = (3.333)? 1 W111 _ 1111111 16 155 2— 1111114 0.3055 . = 6.0302 cme, hehe the wave propagates and 4 = 2a. for TE, mode =e o= } =3.0161 ms, Breadth = 3.0151 cms, = 3 cms, A, b= as 4 a=2b 5 = 1.50755 cms.=1.5 oms, pxample 4.8 _ Determine the cutoff wavelength for the dominant m 10cms. For a 2.5 GHz signal propagated in this wav guide wavelength, the group and the phase velocities? ode in a rectangular waveguide of breadth eguide in the dominant mode; calculate the Solution: In a rectangular waveguide the dominant mode is the TE, mode. 2, for TE) = 2a=2 x 10= 20 ems Given: f=2.5 GHz 10 =£= 3x10” eso ems, do aoe f-a,naye °F 25x10 ee vVi-a2/20 98 v= Pe ft Aye” From thé calculation of ‘yg we know that f-@,ia,) = y1—2/20)* =0.8 _ 3x10 _ 0! cms/sec. = 3,75x 1 > 08 Ye Mee e 102 0 (3 x10") - 94x10" emsi/sec. y- oe Se 8 Vy 3.75 x10 156 Example 4.9 . “ are 2.5 x Lems. The frequency is 8.6GHz. Find the followin The dimensions of a guide (inte wavelength. (@) possible modes (6) cutoff frequencies Solution: Case I: Consider TE modes propagation. Given: a = 2.5 cms, b= lem, f= 8.66 Hz ¢_ 3x10" _ 30 3 488.cms. ae f 86x10° 8.6 The condition for the wave to propagate is that de > ho _ 2ab a Vm?6? + na? for TE, a, = 20h = 2b=2x1=20ms. va? Since A, 4, TEyg is a possible mode. 20 Cutoff frequency, f, = = 310" _ g guy OB a — __2ab 2x2.5x1 2, for TE, = TM, = Se = 2X 25x 1 Va? +0? (2.5) 412 4, = for TE,, and TM,, = —_5. V625x1— 1.856 a8, for TE,, and TM,; is , 3x 1019 AY = fs =6cms, ‘ft 6x10° Case I: For TE waves: 2ab hy = mb? + n%a2 2ab u Me ye cme, Therefore 1, for To, = 6 cms. Since 1, for I'Hy, = 6 cms is not greater than 4, TE), will not propagate for TE), mode. For TKyy Ay = 2a A, TEyy = 2% 4=8 cms, Example 4.13 The TE, mode is propagated in a rectangular waveguide of dimensions a = 6 cms and b=4 cms. By means of a travelling detector, the distance between a maximum and minimum is found tobe 4.55 cms. Find the frequency of the wave. Solution: Given: a= 6 cms; b = 4 cms Distance between maximum and minimum = 4,55 cms = ransinission Lines, crowave | Fora TE mode A= 2a ise 2x65 12ema, vi = (Ag IA) dy, = 18.2 ems. 182 = Ao 1 1821-0, 7h" =A, a =f = 4.66 ems, squaring both sides r» Y 331.24 {-() =u Qo) 03 Peas A, | Std” tad saree 1 =A? [6.944 x 10-8 + 3.01895 x 107) =£ and f= —=—— =3% 10° Hz Example 4.14 s 2.5 x 5 cms. Determine the guide wavelength, phase Arectangular waveguide has dimension: Jength of 4.5 cms for the dominant mode. constant B and phase velocity VP at wavel Solution: For a TEy mode which is the dominant mode a, = 2a=2%x5=10ems. dy = 4.6 cms. given 5 45 de 4 2. - FT Joa,rno vi-asno® 87 Microwave and Radar kn Bin ttng 160 hy = 7.803 cms. 3x10? 10 oms/ c = 3%10 = 5.22x10"emsisec, => ~—COO. 73 “" Fan ° p= 1 fo? -o? c We know that 2 ane. 2 _ (nc) a = Ft eG p= + \lencia,)® - @nela,)? c p= 2% fia, 100," e B= ot aoe hohe =5 “a /100—20.25 = 1.246 radians, Bx Example 4.15 _ ritical wavelength of TE, = 16 oms.;‘TM,, = 7.16and .6 cms. What modes are propagated at a free space wavelength of (i) 10 cm and (ii) 5 cms. Consider a guide of 8 cms x 4 cms, Given 1 Mg, Solution: For any wave to be propagated, th e condition to be met is 4, >A, @ 2,=10 ems. The mode that propagates is only TE, mode, Becau en. des thats . > ther modes TM), and TM,, do not propagate, Soh. TEig> Ay and all (ii) 4,=5 ems 16cm = 4 TMyg>A, +. TE, mode propagates 16cm =), TMy,>’, TE,, mode propagates 5.66 cm =}, TM2,>1, .. TE, 21 mode propagates Microwave Transmission Lines 161 Example 416 A rectangular wave guide with dimension of 3 x 2 cms operates in the TM); mode at 10 GHz. Determine the charscteristic wave impedance. Sulumun: Zag = WYP ye where 9 =the iIncmsic impedance = L20r = a 28E84_ 5 398 ems. kL. = SS FS a= 3.328 ems. — yarsa ws Were e_sxig? = fs 50> _=3 ome “Ete ta? = ie yl VERS = ie 1 16 = G1 SQ Example 4.18 Show that for a'TEp, mode, a frequency of 6 GHz. will pass through the waveguide of dimensions a=1.5cm, b=1cm ifa dielectric with ¢, = 4 is inserted into the waveguide. Solution: heyy =20=2%15=3em 0 p= k=840 210 GHz Oo nmne ‘The impressed frequency of 6 GHzis less than the cut-off frequency and hence the signal will not pass through the guide. Alternatively, the wavelength of the impressed signal is 3x10? = =5em 6x10 which is longer than the cutoff wavelength (3 cm) and hence no propagation of the wave. If the waveguide is loaded with dielectric of € , = 4, then the wavelength a, which is less than 2,;,. Now the signal with 6 GHz frequency will pass through the dielectric loaded waveguide. Example 4.19 Ahollow rectangular waveguide has dimensions a= 1.5 em ai ind b=1 tof attenuation if the frequency of the signal is 6 GHz, oe Solution: For dominant TE yo mode, 4,,. = 2a=2* 1.5=3em Cc _ 3x10? fey = ZF =10GH: da 3 2 Thus the 6 GHz signal will not pass through the wave, ttenuation is given by ‘guide but will get attenuated. 0, the a 103 ("=") (F) my (2y Beal ~ope EE = 02 - : (cas) +0~(2rX 6X10")? x Ax 1077 x 8.854 x 107 '48876.281 -(12n)* x10!8 x 4x 107? x 8.854 x 1072 43876,281 = (12n)* x 4x 0.8864 = /43876.281 -15819.054 = 167.5 nepass/m = 1453.23 dB/m. Example 4.20 Given a rectangular waveguide 3 x 1 cm operating ata frequency of 9 GHz in TE,) mode. Calculate the maximum power handling capacity of the waveguide if the maximum potential gradient of the signal is 8 kV/cm. 3x10" _ 10 Solution: STA Oin 3.38 cm Ay = 2a=2X3=6em do a ern A= # -Go/4. vi-@.33/6) Power handling capacity of the rectangular waveguide is given by P = (663X107) E2qy ab (i) de = (6.63x10~) (3x 10°)? (8) o(% 33) = 11.922 kW Example 4.22 An air-filled square waveguide with 1 cm side operating in TE,» mode transport energy at the rate of 1 hp. If the frequency is 30 GHz, what is the peak value of electric field occuring in the guide. Solution: The power density at any point (x, y) in the waveguide is given by al Pa 59 RelEx Hilda = 3x10! 3x1010 4 = 2a=2x1=20m Ze = 1200 ave TeANSTUNSAION Late Now 165 120K - vt = (0.5) = 120 iss. 65 7 Lhp = 746 watt =P, max. =! “ Pax = 7Z—* Zig Ena (0b) Pan X4Zrp _ [TAex , Engg = (De 4418 = 4x 435 BS bad ab O01 x0.01 113.93 kV/m Example 4.23 Calculate the breakdown power of an air-filled rectangular waveguide of size 2.3 cm x 1.0 cm for thedominant mode at 9.375 GHz. 1/2 1. Solution: Poadrg, = 59746 [-() mW 3x10 = 8X10 =3.20m * = 376x108" 1/2 3.2 (Pya)re,, = 597X2.3x1 f (33) = 97x 2.3 [1- 0.483]! = 987.29 kW i Praag = 6.6310" Evsox [2] ‘e ~ dos Me fi-Qo/ae? Vi- 0/2)? = —_=1155em 0.866 P, Paez yp MB. 6.63x10 Ao rata" = [TAGXT155 92 x1.165 = |G 65 = or not 118.9 kV/m_ {5.7 SOLVED EXAMPLES _ eee Example 5.1 Acircular waveguide has a radius of 3 ae and is used as a r 4 resonator for TMy;; mode at 10 GH: placing two perfectly conducting plates at its two ends. Determine the pain distance petro the two end plates. Solution. a= 3 cms, f,= 10 GHz TM), mode Pp, = 2.408; f,= e fFan} (22) 2n\\ a d Pu x i a= S{2) G6) 102 2, 2 (10x 109 = Gxly y ea a(E 4n 3 d 4? (2405) _ © 9 3 d 4,386 - 0.642 = Eid! = 2.636 or d = 1.62 cms. 188 Microwave and Radar Engineering Example 5 - ; imension a= 2 Calculate the lowest resonant frequency ofa rectangular eavity resonator of dimensi mm 6=1em,d=3ems. Tasfl. ; . =o as flit Solution. Lowest resonant frequency is obtained for the dominant mode TEyo[f= 0% Tas/!-In dominant mode 2, is maximum]. +. The dominant mode is TEyo, m = 1,n=Oand p=1 Example wing dimensions. Diameter = Calculate the resonant frequency of a circular resonator of follo' 12.5 cms and length = 5 cms for TMy,; mode. Solution, diameter = 2a = 12.5 cms 25 ems. 1 = d= 5 ems. Here n=0,m=1,p=2 2 ae } 27] = 6.27 GHz. Example 5.4 Calculate the resonant frequency of a circular resonator of dimensions a= 3 ems, b= 2 cms and ] = 4ems, when the mode of operator is TE}o}. “ne ede} GL-T y {2 *la _ = "lay (4]] =6.25 GHz

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