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WELL FOUNDATIONS: Shall be executed as per IRU Standard Specifications 2010.

1.0 The well foundations shall be constructed in accordance with the Railways
drawings. The depths of well sinking shown in the drawing are tentative. The
wells shall be sunk to such depths and founded on such strata as shall be
approved by the Engineer. Plugging of the wells shall not be commenced until it
has been so ordered by the Engineer.

2.0 Pitching of well curbs: For the wells constructed on the dry river the well
curbs shall normally be pitched 300mm above the prevalent sub-water level or
1.00 m below the average ground level whichever is higher. For the wells
constructed in standing/ flowing water the curb shall be pitched at the island top
level. The scheme of the contractor should be got approved by the Engineer –in-

3.0 Method of pitching well curbs: Before the cutting edge is laid, the ground
should be carefully leveled and rammed. On the area so consolidated, suitably
wooden blocks and sand bags should be placed alternatively along the
circumference of the cutting edge to support it. The cutting edge should be laid
on these sand bags and wooden blocks and welded/ riveted in position taking
care to see that the cutting edge is level. The reinforcement for the well curb
should be tied taking care to see that the cutting edge is not disturbed and
then the well curb concreted. After curing, the inside and outside shuttering shall
be removed before pitching. The wooden blocks under the well curb shall then
be carefully removed by excavating underneath them thus transferring the load
of the well curb on to the sand bags. Thereafter the mouth of the sand bags
shall be cut so that the sand runs out and the well curb gets pitched in position.

4.0 As per IR Unified Standard Specifications. it shall be the Contractor's

responsibility to sink the wells to the correct alignment, spacings and levels,
based on the reference pillars and bench mark provided by the Railway. Unless
otherwise specified the completed well shall not have a tilt of more than 1 in
80 in any direction or a shift of more than 5 per cent of the overall diameter or
width of the well, as measured in either of the principal directions or 150mm in
resultant direction, whichever is less. Where these tolerances are exceeded, the
orders of the Engineer shall be sought. These tolerances shall be further subject
to the condition that the stability of the foundation is not affected and that
any modification thereby necessitated in the design of the substructure or
superstructure shall be done at the cost of the Contractor. Such acceptance shall
be subject lo -

i) Calculations for foundation pressures and steining stresses after accounting

for the tilt and shift and consequent relocation of superstructure on top being

ii) Remedial measures required for bringing stresses within permissible limits
such as increasing dimension of well cap, providing dummy weights on well
cap as well as redesign of structure above shall be carried out by the
Signature Not Contractor at no extra cost to Railway. and
Digitally signed by SD
Date: 2018.06.19
14:55:19 IST
Location: New Delhi
iii) The Contractor shall agree to any reduction in rate for such defective work.

Tilt observed may, during the sinking, be corrected by one or more of the
following methods, as approved by the Engineer:

1) Loading kentledge eccentrically.

2) Carrying excavation at the bottom of the well deeper on the side which is
3) Providing heavy inclined struts bearing against the face of the well steining
on the side towards which it leans.
4) Jetting to reduce skin friction on the higher side, on the well periphery.
5) Pulling or pushing the well by approved methods.

lf the well is rejected, the Contractor will dismantle the defective well to the
extent desired by the Engineer, at his cost. Further, the Contractor, at his risk
and cost, will complete the bridge with modified span arrangements.

Reduction in contract unit rates for sinking as a penalty, in pursuance of above

will be as stated below, unless otherwise specified in contract.

If any well with tilt and/or shift exceeding beyond permissible values is
accepted by the Engineer, the contractor shall give a reduction in the rates as

Sl. Amount of tilt and /or shift Percent deduction on the

No. rate (s) for sinking of
whole well.
1 Tilt exceeding the specified permissible 10 percent
value but equal to or with in 1 in 60
2 Tilt exceeding 1 in 60 but equal to or 15 percent
with in 1 in 50
3 Shift exceeding the specified 5 percent
permissible value but equal to or with
in 200mm
4 Shift exceeding 200mm but equal to or 10 percent
within 300mm
Note: Penalties for excessive tilt and shit shall be deducted separately.


5.1 The well foundations plugging level has to be taken to the level in soft/hard
rock as per the design calculations. The plugging of the wells shall invariably
be done in soft/hard rock. The sinking of these wells will have to be done by
excavation under water with or without mild blasting/with intensive use of
divers by using pneumatic tools or such other tools as found necessary to
loosen the strata and dredging out the materials with or without the use of
cranes. Sinking wells with airlock is not envisaged.
5.2 The well sinking shall be paid from the pitching level of the cutting edge of
the wells to the founding level of the cutting edge.
5.3 Rates for well sinking provide, besides excavation, dredging removal and
disposal of spoils from inside wells and all charges for the following operation
5.4 Controlled blasting with mild blasting inside the wells for loosening the rock
as directed the Engineer to facilitate sinking. All measures necessary to correct deviations from the

vertical/shifts from the position or for rectification of any defects in the
well sinking. Placing and removing of kentledge weights consisting of soils,
sand bags etc wherever considered necessary for well sinking or
correcting tilts. Temporary bridging, conveyance of material, men,
equipment and all other incidental operation.

6.0 WELL STEINING AND CURBS: Shall be executed as per IRU Standard
Specifications 2010.

6.1 The shuttering for cement concrete in well steining and well curbs should be
steel shuttering of suitable design so that a true shape of the well is
obtained. The shuttering should have suitable inner star bracing and
bracing between inner and outer walls. The shuttering for each stage
should be fixed with a minimum overlap of 150mm with the previous
completed stage of steining and fixing the shuttering should be checked
with a straight edge. The shuttering for well steining should be carefully
fixed so that a crooked well is and a true shape is obtained.

6.2 A minimum of four gauges should be marked with paint in metric scale
on the face of the well steining, two on the faces along the alignment and
the other two on the circular faces of the well perpendicular to the
alignment. The zero of these gauges will start from the pitching level of
cutting edge.


The bond rods from the well steining should be anchored in the capping slab.

8.0 BOTTOM PLUGGING: Shall be executed as per IRU Standard Specifications


The bottom plugging of the wells should be commenced after ensuring that
there is a positive sump. Concrete for the bottom plug shall be laid by
Tremie pipe with funnel m e t h o d only. Termie concrete when started
shall be continued without interruption for full concreting in the bottom
plug. The concrete placement equipment should be sufficient to
enable underwater concreting within stipulated time. The tremie pipe with
funnel shall be so directed that the concrete can be deposited in the dredge
hole of the well without segregation. It shall be ensured that the pipe is
Effectively sealed against the ingress of the ground water. It should also be
ensured that the end of tremie pipe is always be penetrated in to the
concrete with an adequate margin, if safety against the accidental
withdrawal of the pipe is surged to discharge the concrete. No attempt
should be made to puddle concrete under water.
The concreting for bottom plug when carried out underwater should be done
with 10% extra cement .The quantity of bottom plug concrete will be calculated
as per details to be shown in the detailed drawings up to bottom level of the
cutting edge and for filling the sump portion below the bottom of the cutting
edge of the curb. Payment will be made accordingly. . The work for every well
taken up during the working season shall be completed in the same season
including bottom plugging, sand filling.(capping slab shall be completed
before on set of floods.)

8.1 If for any reason a well could not be plugged before commencement of flood
season, the contractor should provide temporary plugging by filling up with
sand at his cost and well sinking should be continued in the next working
season. All the incidental charges including correction of tilt/shift due to flow
of flood water will be at contractor’s cost.

9.0 SAND FILLING IN WELLS: Shall be executed as per IRU Standard

Specifications 2010.

9.1 If the excavated/ dredged material is found suitable for sand filling and
approved by the Engineer for the purpose, then the same can be used. If the
well is found dry and without water, then water shall be pumped into the well
by the Contractor at his cost and sand filling will be done in water so that
proper consolidation is obtained. The adopted rate for sand filling will be the
same, whether the sand filling is done with the excavated/dredged material
or with Contractor’s sand.

10.0 BED BLOCKS: Shall be executed as per IRU Standard Specifications 2010.

The bed block shall be through and will be with RCC M30/M35. They shall be
cast in situ as per approved drawing for which the contractor will submit the
design and drawing and payment for the design and preparation of drawings
will be made under relevant item in the schedule. The provision for fixing
OHE mast, trolley refuges shall be made as per the details shown in the
General Arrangement drawing and in other relevant standard drawing. Holes
have to be left in the bed block for fixing the anchor bolts required for OHE
mast, steel ladders, etc. The rates adopted for the bed blocks, are inclusive of
cost for provision of the holes complete.


11.1Contractor should provide a testing lab at site/nearest stations /or
nominated /specified location as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge in
Railway premises with following facilities.
11.1.1 Machine for testing concrete cubes (Min 200 Tonne
11.1.2 Set of sieves for coarse aggregate and fine aggregates.
11.1.3 Slump cone along with
11.1.4 Equipment for checking moisture content , maximum dry
density etc.,(core cutters with cap, hammer, stove, Electronic
weigh balance, kerosene stove/oven, pan etc. and other
tools/plant/materials required for doing soil compaction test)
11.1.5 Cube Moulds – 150 x 150 x 150
mm- 12 Nos.
11.1.6 Stressing jacks for carrying out stressing of
PSC slabs
11.1.7 Permeability testing
11.1.8 Grouting equipment for grouting of PSC
11.1.9 Screw gauge to measure
11.1.11Cube Moulds – 100x 100 x 100mm -- 6
11.1.12Any other eqpt. as found necessary for
quality control.

NOTE: - No payment will be made to the contractor on this account. Land/

open space required for the laboratory will be provided by the Railway free of
license. After completion of the work, contractor can take back all machinery
and establishments etc., Contractor is deemed to have taken this into
consideration while quoting his rates.


12.1 The contractor shall see that no damage is caused to Railway’s signalling and
Transmission wires, stations, installations, communication lines, electric
devices, trains of any kind, fencing, as well as any rolling stock and is general
to all Railway installations and equipment. In case any damage is caused to
these due to the fault of the contractor or on the part of any one on his behalf,
all repairs there under required will be carried out by the Railway at the entire
cost of the contractor and the amount of expenses thus incurred will be
recovered from the payment due to him. However if any shifting of overhead
alignment or underground cable / pipes etc., is required, the cost of the same
will be borne by Railway. The contractor shall plan and execute the work in
such a way as to ensure that no disruption or damage / distortion is caused to
Railway track / Railway communication / power lines resulting in disruption
/ danger to traffic and caused to Railway’s personal / public will be recovered
from the contractor against this work or any other work / works being
executed by the firm under Railway or any Government Department.


15.1 In the event of any accident or failure occurring in or around the work or
arising out of or in connection with the construction or maintenance of the
works which in the opinion of the engineer requires immediate attention, the
railway may bring its own workmen or other agency to execute or partly
execute the necessary work or carryout repairs if the engineer considers that
the contractors is/are not in a position to do so in time and charge the cost
thereof as to be determined by the Engineer-in-charge to the contractor.

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