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TRANSFUSION MEDICINE AND Understanding transfusion-related

acute lung injury (TRALI) and its


Editorial complex pathophysiology

Stefan F. van Wonderen1, Robert B. Klanderman2, Alexander P.J. Vlaar1

Two well-executed studies in this issue of Blood Transfusion by Sivakaanthan and

Chiaretti and colleagues both arrive at the same conclusion: we still do not know

Amsterdam UMC Location
enough about transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI). TRALI is a very serious
University of Amsterdam, complication of blood transfusion and one of the leading causes of transfusion‐related
Department of Intensive Care and morbidity and mortality in developed countries1,2. TRALI has an acute onset (within
Laboratory of Experimental Intensive 6 hours of transfusion) and is characterized by hypoxemia (P/F ≤300 or SpO2 <90% on

Care and Anesthesiology, room air), clear evidence of bilateral pulmonary edema on imaging, and the absence of
Amsterdam, the Netherlands;
any evidence of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. First and foremost, TRALI is a clinical
Amsterdam UMC Location
diagnosis. While we have come a long way in understanding its pathogenesis, including
University of Amsterdam,
identifying anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) or human neutrophil antigen (HNA)
Department of Anesthesiology,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands antibodies, biomarkers can only support the diagnosis, not refute it.
In the study by Sivakaanthan et al., all passively reported TRALI cases in Queensland,
Australia, were analyzed over a 20-year period3. TRALI was a rare occurrence (48

cases; 1/130,000 transfused units) and as expected, a decrease in cases was seen after
implementation of risk-reduction strategies during the study period (i.e., use of male
predominant plasma [2012], plateletpheresis panel of only male donors [2016]). Of all the

cases studied, 48% were antibody-mediated TRALI and possible TRALI, with 33% of cases
being non-antibody mediated, which are higher figures than those found in previous
studies4. Other cases were classified as uncategorized TRALI due to the lack of donor

testing to define concordance. Moreover, the percentage of non-antibody-mediated cases

was higher after implementation of male predominant plasma.
This study highlights several interesting points. First, the overall incidence is low; however,
TRALI is notoriously underdiagnosed and under-reported by passive surveillance5-7.

This study used the 2004 Canadian Consensus definition for TRALI, identifying cases
as either “TRALI” or “possible TRALI”. Especially cases of “possible TRALI” are under-
recognized, where, in the presence of an underlying condition (such as sepsis or trauma),
post-transfusion pulmonary edema occurs5,6. A redefinition was only introduced in 20198.
In this study, TRALI is subdivided into two groups: TRALI type I (without ARDS risk factor)
and TRALI type II (with an ARDS risk factor or with mild, stable ARDS; Table I). While type
I TRALI remains unchanged in definition, the confusing term “possible TRALI” is no longer
used because it cannot be correctly attributed. In addition, in type II, TRALI can now be
diagnosed in patients that have already experienced an acute worsening of pulmonary
Correspondence: Alexander P.J. Vlaar edema. Implementation of the 2019 TRALI redefinition in future studies will broaden the
inclusion range, and patients with pre-existing risk factors will no longer be excluded.

Blood Transfus 2022; 20: 443-445 DOI 10.2450/2022.0232-22

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van Wonderen SF et al

Table I - Revised 2019 consensus redefinition for transfusion-related “two-hit” event threshold model. Alternatively, multiple
acute lung injury
pathways have been found that also support a “one-hit”
Patients who have no risk factors for ARDS and meet the
following criteria
event12,14. In the “two-hit” pathway, the first hit is an
underlying condition such as sepsis or shock, which primes
I. Acute onset
neutrophils in the lungs15. The second hit is caused by
Hypoxemia (P/F-ratio 300 or SpO2 <90% on room
mediators (antibody-mediated [HLA or HNA antibodies] or
A. Clear evidence of bilateral pulmonary edema on
non-antibody-mediated elements [e.g., biological response
Type I
imaging modifiers, or aged products]) present in the transfusion
No evidence of LAH, or if LAH is present, it is that activate neutrophils, thereby damaging the endothelial
IV. judged to not be the main contributor to the
hypoxemia barrier, resulting in pulmonary edema12,15.
B. Onset during or within 6 hours of transfusion
Anti-HNA-3a is a strong trigger for neutrophil activation.
However, priming of neutrophils was required in vitro
No temporal relationship to an alternative risk

factor for ARDS (using lipopolysaccharide [LPS] as the “first hit”) in

addition to serum containing antibodies (“second hit”).
Patients who have risk factors for ARDS or who have
existing mild ARDS (P/F-ratio of 200-300), and meet the The authors show that addition of serum anti-HNA-3a
following criteria
to HNA-3aa homozygous neutrophils and human lung
Findings as described in categories A and B of
Type II A.
TRALI Type I, and
microvascular endothelial cells (HLMVECs) resulted in

Stable respiratory status in the 12 hours before endothelial damage. This was not observed, however,
transfusion in HNA-3ab heterozygous or HNA-3bb homozygous
neutrophils. Patients with non-compatible genotypes
Adapted from Vlaar et al., Transfusion, 20198.
ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; LAH: left-atrial hypertension;
P/F-ratio: PaO2/FiO2-ratio. (HNA-3ab or HNA-3bb) might be at lower risk of
anti-HNA-3a-mediated TRALI compared to homozygous
While mitigation strategies can reduce the incidence patients13. Although we still do not know enough about
of antibody-mediated TRALI, in this study, the TRALI, this study may explain some of the variation in

proportion of non-antibody-mediated TRALI increased. severity and onset of symptoms in patients.

Non-concordant antibodies were found in 25% of the Due to the significant differences in these sera, further
non-antibody-mediated (possible) TRALI cases, which investigations (e.g., different types [I or II] of HNA-3a

emphasizes just how much we still need to learn about TRALI and larger sample sizes) are warranted to
TRALI, while suggesting other pathophysiological understand this type of TRALI. It is important to note that
pathways. One of these mechanisms is reverse TRALI neutrophil activating pathways may not be distinct, and

by which recipient-derived antibodies are hypothesized that multiple pathways overlap or proceed concurrently.
to be responsible for pathogenesis rather than the Besides the viability of HLMVECs, it would be interesting
donor-derived antibodies; first case reports have been to investigate the endothelial barrier function and
recently published9-12. permeability of HLMVEC, for example, by using electrical

The second study in this edition of Blood Transfusion, by cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) technique or
Chiaretti and colleagues, investigated the in vitro effects classical Transwell assays, in the presence of anti-HNA3a
of anti-HNA-3a antibodies on human lung endothelium. serum to support previous findings, since anti-HNA-3a
Anti-HNA-3a antibodies are associated with severe TRALI. antibody-mediated TRALI may also be the result of
The severity may be caused by the potency of anti-HNA-3a disrupted VE-cadherin junctions and not only of damaged
antibodies and their strong leukoagglutinating ability 12. endothelial cells14.
In this study, the authors interestingly investigated The increase in non-antibody-mediated TRALI and
patient factors, i.e., the difference in endothelial damage mechanistic genotype studies serve as a reminder that
and endothelial cytotoxicity based on the recipient’s we do not understand all pathways leading to TRALI. A
neutrophil HNA-3 genotype and phenotype13. From recent example of this is solvent/detergent treated pooled
a pathophysiological point of view, TRALI follows a plasma (SDP)-associated TRALI. SDP is in theory safer as

Blood Transfus 2022; 20: 443-445 DOI 10.2450/2022.0232-22

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Understanding TRALI and its complex pathophysiology

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