附件1:疫情期间在家的心理调 Tips for Mental Health Care during Lockdown

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Tips for Mental Health Care during Lockdown


1. Set Boundaries about Space 设立空间界限

 学生:建议学生的学习区与休息区分开。尽量不要同时使用同一个房间,这样容易分

 Students: It might be better that you can separate your study area from your bedroom. If you
mix your space, like study/sleep/relax in the same space at all time, yo might get bored or
feel hard to focus when you need to. So maybe students can study in the living or dining
room and get relaxed in the bedroom.
 家长:建议家长,当学生在学习区的时候可以适度交流,关于学习、严肃内容。但当

 Parents: I highly recommend parents to have conversations with students at home with some
boundaries. For example, when they study in the living room, you might have some topics to
talk, such as grade or academic preparation. However, when they relax in their bedrooms,
try not talk about something serious. Instead, you can ask them something fun or something
new they have learned today.

Health emotions stem from a clear boundary, which also depends on the area or environment
boundary in your home.

2. Limit Digital Time 限制电子产品时间

 学生:除上课时间外,建议学生设立 3 个使用手机的时间段,一直不停耍手机,容易

 Students: I recommend students to set up three time of periods to use cellphones. If students
use phones all the time at home, it is easily to get anxious, bored or distracted.
 家长:建议家长和学生约定好使用电子产品的时间后,尽量不要干预他们期间所看信

School Counselor: Xi Yang / 学生心理咨询师: 杨熙



 Parents:For some students, parents to ask them to put their cellphones in the box when
they take class or have snap time, rather than having phones all the time at home. Also, I
recommend parents to do this together with them by setting an example.

3. Avoid thinking too much about “what if there is no lockdown or COVID-19”. Instead,
try to think “Now, I still can ... at least”


 学生:建议学生,尽可能聚焦当下,比如在网课中能够学到的信息,在家空余时间里

 Students: It is recommended that students to think what you can focus now and how you will
do it, instead of thinking “what if this lockdown/COVID-19 not happens”. Otherwise, you
may easily get disappointed or complain a lot, which is not helpful for your emotions.
 家长:建议家长尽量不要过度思考“如果孩子能够在学校就好了”这样的想法,因为现

 Parents: I also recommend parents to purposefully avoid thinking “what if my kids are at
school, and that would be so much better!”. This thinking style may lead to your negative
attitudes towards students and they can feel it, which is not helpful to build up positive
relationships with them. Instead, try to think this lockdown might be a good time for your to
get to know more about your kids and good chance to improve your relationships.

4. Limit the exposure to news each day 限制每天刷新闻的信息

家长,刻意限制每天看类似新闻的时间,每次控制在 15 分钟以内,每天不好过 1 个小时。

Too much exposure to news, such as how many COVID cases rising up each day, can lead to a
high level of anxiety and frustration. So please be aware of your time spending on news. It is
recommended that 15 minutes for each time and no more than 1 hour each day.

School Counselor: Xi Yang / 学生心理咨询师: 杨熙


5. Make music playlist when you relax


I highly recommend that both parents and students can play some light or instrumental music
when you both relax. Good music can ease our emotions, such as anxiety.

6. Please let us know if you need help 有需要帮助的时候及时联系我们

School Counselor: Xi Yang / 学生心理咨询师: 杨熙

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