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The, : oe ASE Tnferente | oe d Linon’ ——— ove zs Sack odleciskics, ve gon oP individuals tolled popaaltor- tee pel Rene, hae ay hand nenaion acer ® nae of SO Ye only jie. about oly Whee indycals of be ppeteion cobs | tmbve. banfle- Thea, CeiGeol paan of Soishes is bem, 6 date wnelrod § of infers be Vskegwm notice of Be posteion dove peed Wee powple. TAS consol Preble Known am the problem of "wal weet oat. included tre Keown alive cf MAHL! tarente, oo sora a Te ivan Tealing of kplnsi. Peri tale “Ail; Ag eraly -asfinddion, Tee hes of inference : ca ec jog MSL Ankeny res @ Oo Sflred Gres — are chocaclerislies of the population in which owe ave, inlBneslea , may be “Geaplelély Unknown gue may depend enbirely on bre Samble form an ideg 2 Abel CooW eslimale bre characlenislee. this Gyre. of inference is led erlemalcen Esbemaliion vn Again be print estimation Folemal estima (Con. To the fied Cae, we Compal a. Single vale on bee. hasrs op | observation : pol we bees valve as bre, Lebel, value Cop eslimaley : hacacleoise. § 1 tne taller case, une, Gmbale b5 of tne. pabulaleon Cha, e bsg vale, on at basis of Sample. btemaling 9. pul Yorward tre inlenral beloeen eae ire. Lt GT Conlin the: Tae valne of the characlerislo. | cagat pom estimation g Merl esbimalton re specter /. These, (Go Gre & ace. oll Bae eelnes Soya . eSpeclive ly Ab the. Sample > Ty the st Ue. of Nati sticol mAecence, , we have % FARA wile Some Uelatiie ideo obeal! tee teaknoun popalafion ¢@ harackerieLie g ot Shall Une The Sample cbsenvalinnd Bysdye how Tenable tas rden, re The Wedatie idea ;& Called a hypobresiss bre process Ff gedgma Ts reall jug —talted g tech of le hypstresrs. oe 4 i ¥ Tn slatislical infeceace, Somelines tne chococlerial thik oe ace leredley, be “Conplelély wrabarara ealfeely on the ample, 1 Vdoren on V rden chook Conte esfi wots) the Ghacaclsriatte. This Lipa. of infegeate 15 Clled estimalon. . Egfenalfon a oqain be pol estimaltan % iderval eFimalion Gn tre fedk Gre, we Gmpule o single # value, on the. basis of fanfle obs. % fot foowoed bis wale as be a volue Cov ellinale) of tre ppepulo lion chacaclerishe. Tm the laller Case, wt cpole ee bre, basis of Sanple cbseovelons bel fooward the. iMlervol cn en © Golan be Gove value, of bee chovocleris ie. celled poist” eAiwolion % WiGovel, eslivalion egpeliel yw D an 8 nw eg Fea of bee population in 9, we may tebe on bere volues ao tively These, [ise pes ae Larus now make oe * distineleon beleten an ealimelor % ‘ Om eahimade. TEtKre sounble, observations , eageded 0% vandom variables are Ro, \nem ane fuselion ef Lesa rondon variables iVesel? o- Poadom yaciable. 4 15 Called a elolisti . On the other hand, or muomeitol Chaeacleeidiec Cd > reputation ike Ys mean, varieate, ee, "& Colledo paramdlée, _ aenevelly dendéd by O- TET bea satislec toed 9 einaling, B, ben ot all “1 god an eimabcwhte | a parGtulae value aSSened byt wnan4 aradne tare Cie tora gen setap Serble sbsemrebion s) rs culled an eafinale Rink EsGmallon. Sabre basis of Sawble ebsemvaliens, if one. pals Poruayd a Bingle value, TEO point os am. eslimale, thea, tris Calésory ef eslimalion 16 Kroon as Point estimation. The eslivnatie, ued foo bare parbose, 1% Knoia aga. point” ealimalso % ffs value foo a Airen ack of Samble, sbSerovabion g ib Known an a peidt esimele. For enamfre, rm order \F guess be vnknson pobulation preporlZon Ch) one. vaty put “forward the Sable + prepirtin ora feist estimalis, Tatra Care bre. value ofre Sentie. Peper Yona ginem set of Semple, odserrabins r§ & Pere esbinele: of ; pes Poin erfimoation adniy (0. problems + DV deine some means of eiRinkg & SfolbisTte whe Gu be ted OS Ow Xt male; DT. 4nd te “bed” estnaler sao nee pussible, i ein oler d+ " _ ee Bp rebela ot a A There ark @ no. of medbads foc eAimaling oc sVinwn paramelen © javelued fea didkribolon. Aovongy Bem ae Some, bepulac % wmborlank — -metheds ae, U7 Melled of moment” eafimalion, UY Helthed ef mardi mum Lieliheod ealienalion, wy Hebhed of leas g{uanee ination & | Soon. 0) Mebsed_« ef Nomen” edinalion CHAE] oa OE KH. fa Sate Gating jee hes, 4: fy 02, Phen, whee, 22 OO LI) tg Eke wenlinowrn pacaonelie webe, Ant, Lak ws defee | ute ECA = OM erdgo pxelatlon rou aan, pede Mele aed Laie order Sonfle. can rental gn ‘Then, obviously , ae Gel, Hy ie i UO re a [ew 2 {ar a Now, 4 NHE 0 fom col byte % fey. G i et a HHE, wx hove fro 8) bot, qe owls ‘ ft the fonation q enisls enrt wt, thea, wthad’ wl Or ates km’), er, S ! ; : / : ep Se G, = hylan) oheCoriges m., Venta, cele | Oa / a cal) / aes a ct @D Provided { whith ¢s eduiyaleat Bk, nuit tonics defioe, o ate tunidue, RHE of be facamel’r Go ¥ po ienp, DER gr deand enact bon, omy tellin Che efrabion Fon! tual: i be KHE of vty.) & bea A will nde be earque . @ Generally HAE of a deplEd 4 HME. D Ceeneol L MME 1 mdr an efferent eadlimalon of the, Cooreshrteg Pacameli int, HHE provides aa te vial on cough. eifiwvalioo of the Coe. shon an balenown pacameler. 7 4B Eranfle LEE 8%. hy df Cnet), They ter BCI? ECR 2h 2k, a too wo % FOX. ECR) Se ves PCE ne 3 ht Noy, theo define, ana 4 Fein Ze mia 4 Aor apy HME, ot have, Mom! ie wok ve Te bie omy 1 oaks Lp m nnge ® & 4, Lae 4 (EO in n ‘Dei silaoltons me awe. fep MME. mot be_unique § og 1 yy vOKD2 Ih Groep UL Ay %a-o pCa). Then, BCMA = IY V2 Doh, te “ WO“ s a A 1 pefine, Ye KDHE MP AEOrw —— New, | MAE, we hase ele ie 2k % Aes. houses quel pee 7 a 7 ma be, tenidee : eee % ~ Loplace om dow They &CAOe fl 20 | bol m/e Amok. So fe i nek possible Fefecatly bak xo Cit, bis measiless Fis | tual ¥% wwith 0) So, wt. meed Sone omadifefa modtfeelong, | 7 7 1 60%. pls % (ote Mises OCH At (ee ae fe a dag 1. = 24e@r peer ; Cy a ts medi fica @® 2 Lek ts’ vache. op Froatenation bol” Yo1x. Then, Fr 1 eoay \F observe, ba yr ty (D2 é: ee . a A ECMO @ ome nblef vage fe nbs 4 0) ARE HhE oy Pt ad Pde ba acondise_shate. “ ' Suppose, 8 Bny bn UF inCon D, re teh! Vin Vidteon, thee tw % Pac beth Unknown , Now, BCX )ombi Choe PCH), pected. Define, wmje 4 Bei Nt mga z Cte De a. RHE, whae, ambos Loe Q 5 whl be 6. Oa rhe S spas q a ve43 x ( of py ou! Sofbose, Yyta.--y 14, 7 bm Cm D) my20, LelG Hoe, Med, hiq7O % Xy,220. ee i yt 20 ‘ mL ECxr-B)” hey KS Bot, ytringu FOS ah 4 hee, as Hegtatett ah, YP Me 20-1019. Pe IB pap Re zg S$ l ol. Pete 2 pte We tide 8 5 tewe . 6 E Cory, Hee, MME 1S whside be. Faramelne spac (4) HME reget bo fenton of setheak 3 Satie. fooeplet a Hy Ya 4 a 8 Ce, &,). kh la : (9, — 0, ? laceesy P @CAD= Cea + CMe omy ie hence, *¢ RAE, we love, Bee % Map ™a gh Orbe 2 y = 8), x 6.x oe 5 0,-6.2 Via$, 2213 > age ge ~§-%s BO 2 Bktetag 2 F7%8 PA co Mae ] : 2 WT“ Wy Sn K-93 brak — Xeyy 9 Yow Oe dome GT ficieml” for ¥ Oy, ave, OX — famelind of S4Phicied” Solitics. Bult, ee knee 7 oe hente, Cae 4 ae KHE be worthless £ : woe O4) 6) H CE tn wh acer." ecnie & e lawl ak Ot oF Seoule! ang, ot have, Asi ee tis fo Ly Reg SasnaSeentae LEE ~ ~ alization: i rc Kel Ago leny X21, % ™ EL wna mrs, Me lel, %PL 22 bee XL 5229 Se ay > myn axu GIAO = 60

‘a ee ate, 7 oO X18, eededd. DY, U7 0 Bok 5 We hae, Becre Bo! 5 vGine Leb, define, me 4 THe ka mye p tam? oy S = @ qn we tng, poe Howl I fok , whom So88 2 ng “ z dod. 4 a PGE Ore mene Oo ue? @ 7 sh pp oD a st eee’ w~, og hak 5 Pus he Bas fem @ fhe Fhok ip ac MMe eS - ~ 5 nd the HHE fon Gey, 5 Semple. from mc bet) . Find BM Ae ym BO Se bese Common pa ¥, . mm KELo) Se Hy fe Se ne te he ae 8 - —t .- 4 OL n OWL 1 OWafeyt Lee ~ Saw are h ot 5 CCAS pulse Xi) oho Ay Se ~ - oN ™ Ler vs mow define m/e 4 ThioD mod ECHR im “1 » ZZ . A MAE ue Kae, filo my! ay eR ie Bvt? Rol Py ALM, m Jyr may ot Rs 4, EO 80. ) UE, Fy %anr tm bea Sonble fem BCH). Find be HME fe & A) fy 2 SA vem EO Sonble fom BC), $9 baie Cmenon. LP 63 Quem a Ar pap 8 que A 9° ka Cin) ares Baw 85 B>0. LECw>e 2, vows kt aad GO Gata y Ler es new define an! 2 tBynk b moh blues in ' 1 de NE, wt hae, es * pew cy oh 2 Ze O54 0 7 areal) @, atl _ roe OT ae a by 8 Hew * ts & O eeapy Coun) ab oA Oe new, Bow GO othas, fron % @ bt had, me Ds x o oo — bre yond oa Sombre of 5087 is Bken fon Me dee Cine Ww Morel nad. PCasAe) > ce i e. 5 RYO @ ons dL het, 7 Find be RHE P fe wyect 4) Sine hay mr a Sowtle Bon ACAD, Common pdf 1S Gren 6 Pee kta the: eee! 4 OL KEM. hee Poa non Abel, 70 Cow. rtp it ak fv) = € C&-ye Reise itt nebo, e eee aa i pF) > Ageia, Wr ve tele, mle Me me AEC DP AME hae, gla dm ttn £.G wo Mee A ORY ak “Ba Coe, 4 Ae £4 Aged fore @ Lae omnes large, numbers ahs vet GE Vue, Sor¥le Sige ineanted ) ere bare MAR of Om BT OY EQ cordon sori Bie obhrooches Weir reece QiQa Aton - ‘Method of moments estimation is based solely on the law of large numbers, which we repeat here: Let Mz, Mg, ... be independent random variables having a common distribution possessing a mean jag. Then the sample means converge to the distributional mean as the number of observations increase. a LSM um an 00 a To show how the method of moments determines an estimator, we first consider the case of one parameter. We start with independent random variables X;,X2,... chosen according to the probability density fx (|) associated to an unknown parameter value 9. The common mean of the Xj, jx. is a function k(0) of 9. For example, if the X, are continuous random variables, then ex atl fy (rl6) dr = k(@) The law of large numbers states that ==OX sux ano ‘Thus, ifthe number of observations n is large, the distributional mean, 1 — k(8), should be well approximated by the sample mean, ic, X =k). This caf he tured into an estimator 6 by seting and solving for 8

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