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Marxist Perspective on


• Opium of the Poor People

Four Ways Religion Dulls Pain of Oppression

• Promise of paradise of eternal bliss

• Makes a virtue of the sufferings produced by oppression

• Offers the hope of supernatural intervention to solve problems on earth

• Justifies Social order and a person's position in it

• Religion and Social Control

• False Consciousness:

• Feudal England: Manor's Power justified by Religious Platform

• Egyptian Pharohs, Hinduism Caste system

Religion and Communism

Kibbutz , Usssr and Christianity , Castros Cuba

Kibbutz , Usssr and Christianity , Castros Cuba

• Religion can be revolutionary. It can develop revolutionary potential

where oppressed population has no outlet for their grievance.
• E.g. In Latin America catholic priests criticism on ruling groups – also
called Liberation Theology.

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