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杨熙 Yang Xi 2022 学年秋季版 Fall 2022



Lesson Plans for Mental Health Prevention in Grade 6 - Grade 9

Lesson 1: Facing our feelings and Stomping on stress (4 Rules)

 学生能识别出容易造成自己情绪大幅波动的具体学校、家庭事件;
 学生能理解到遇到类似事件时可以先处理情绪、大脑回氧后再处理事件;
 学习四种能缓解情绪、释放压力的方法,学生能至少熟练运用一种方法;

Specific Outcomes
 Acknowledge situations that may affect a change in feelings or stress levels
 Understand the relationship between stressful events and our feelings
 Learn and practice four relaxation techniques

 开课活动 (10 分钟)
1 头脑风暴:列举过往在学校、家里让自己压力过大的事件并写在白板上;
2 情绪对应:抽取情绪卡,匹配每一个罗列事件中对应的情绪
 讨论分享(10 分钟)
① 学生分享过往应对该事件、情绪的方法和对应结果。
② 讨论形式先在小组内讨论,之后愿意的学生可以在大组内分享。
 四类方法学习(15 分钟)
学习释放情绪、缓解压力的 4 个实操方法
 复习总结(5 分钟)

Content and Time (40-Minute Lesson)

 Opening activity: Samples of stress and feelings that follow (10 minutes)
 Group Discussion: How we responded to those events and feelings in the past? How did it work? (10M)
 Learn four tools to cope with stress and negative feelings (15M)
 Review: Personal preferences (5M)

使用材料 Required Materials

 对应讲义 Samples of Stress and Feelings
 情绪卡片 Cards of emotions
 PPT 配图 Related Power Point
 白板和笔 Chart Paper
 笔记本 Notebooks

杨熙 Yang Xi 2022 学年秋季版 Fall 2022

 认识新朋友
 同龄人压力大
 难以适应学校的新环境
 做学校作业的时候太枯燥
 在家里和父母吵架、冷战
 家庭里的突然事件:父母离婚、亲人离世
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________

 搬新家 → 伤感、思念
 交朋友 → 紧张、害怕
 做作业 → 枯燥、烦闷
 ______ → ___________
 ______ → ___________

I. Brain Storm
Have the students brainstorm a list of events that create stress in their lives. Record responses on chart paper to post on the
bulletin board. The following is a list of suggestions that you may want to draw from the class:

 Changing because you are growing up and getting older

 Experiencing peer influence
 Attending a new school
 Desiring to do well in school Being bullied
 Making friends Fitting in with others
 Doing school homework Being bored
 Arguing at home
 Experiencing money difficulties at home
 Going through a divorce in the family
 Grieving as a result of the death of a loved one
 Striving to improve in a sport or hobby
 _________________________________
 _________________________________

Once the list is complete, ask the students to pick up a card to express certain feelings from experiencing any one of the
stresses identified. Samples of stress and feelings that follow:

 New neighbourhood → Being homesick

 New friends → Being intimidated
 School homework → Being overwhelmed
 __________ → ______________
 __________ → ______________
杨熙 Yang Xi 2022 学年秋季版 Fall 2022

(二)四个方法(具体 PPT 内会有详细内容)

 方法 1:正方形呼吸法(帮助学生的大脑先冷静)
 方法 2:PMR 肌肉放松法(及时缓解愤怒、紧张、焦虑的感受)
 方法 3:语言表达法(在日常生活中运用)
 方法 4:建立正面的自我对话(梳理内在价值感、自信心)

II. Four rules to express feelings and stomp on stress

 Rule 1:Box Breathing Technique
 Rule 2:Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
 Rule 3:Name emotions and express in a certain template
 Rule 4:Build up Positive Self-Talk


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