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PHYSICS. Paper I (Subjective Type) Time Allowed: 2. aN oe Maximum Marks; 80 NOTE:-W SMrHhicmber and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTION-I 2. Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions. (16) i. Why do we find it useful to have two units for amount of substance the kilogram and the mole? ii, Show that the famous Einstein equation E = me? is parva set iii. Explain significant figures, iv. Differentiate between precision and accuracy. v, Define the term unit vector and position vector, vi. Can you add zero to null vector? Explain, vii. State only two conditions of equilibrium, viii, Define impulse and show that how it is related to Jinear momentum. ix, Show that the range of projectile is maximum when projectile is thrown at an angle of 45° with the horizontal. : x. Derive expression of range and time of flight of projectile. xi. Define elastic and inelastic collisions. xii. Explain what do you understand by the term viscosity, 3. Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions. ~ (16) i, Write some methods to obtain solar energy. ii. An object has 1! of potential energy. Explain what does it mean, iti, What does negative sign show in the expression U, aed iv. What is moment of inertia? Explain its significance, ¥, State the practical use of rotational K.E. by fly wheels. vi. When mud flies off the tyre of moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly? nl vii. How a particular station is tuned in radio? vill, State the total energy of the vibrating mass and spring is A, _ ix, Does frequency depend on amplitude for harmonic te _X. What you observe in the collective ee 400 xi. Why sound travels faste xygen? xii, What features do long: rit shave in common with transverse Waves? 4. Writ an rit sate (12) i Hob \wollld'you distinguish between un-polarized and plane-polarized lights? ii, Why diffraction grating cannot be used for X-rays diffraction? iii, Hwhite light is incident on a film of irregular thickness atall possible angles, what will be the pattern of interference fringes?Explain your answer. iv, A magnifying glass gives a five times enlarged image at a distance of 25 cm from the lens. v, What willbe the focal length of the lens? vi, What are three major component ts of fibre opti¢ communication system? ‘ vil, Why does the pressure of a gas in a car tyre increase when itis driven through some distance? viii, A real heat engine is less eff cient than cannot engine, Why? ix. What is the similarity and difference between internal energy and gravitational P.E,? Note: Attempt any THREE questions. SECTION-II J 6, (a) What is projectile? Derive expressions for the : (i) Height (ii) Horizontal range. (b). The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are 63 and 6 respectively. Find the angle between the vectors. 3 Define gravitational field, Prove that work in the earth's gravitational field is en of the path followed. A body'ef momento inertia 0.80 kg m2 sett eae ch\s! die velocity of 100 rads ' Calculate its Oy this motion. ae mom Define Stoke’s law and show th Wal al ly ae to square of 5 qo radius of the 5 ae (b) 336 Jot energy q iceat °C, What is the change in entropy of 30 qe to ice at 0°C by a refrigerator? 3 as Show that its motion is simple harmonic motion, Derive an {a (b (a vreSsion for its time period. (b)A pipe has a length of | m, Determine the frequencies of fundamental and the first two harmonics : (i) if pipe is open at both ends, (i) if pipe is closed at one end. 3 (a) What is interference of light waves? Describe Young's double slit experiment. 5 (b) An astronomical telescope having magnifying power of 5 consists of two thin lenses 24 cm apart. Find the focal length of the lenses. 3

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