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I've been uh see you know I've dated

some women over the years and every time

I get to talk to them they tell all the

stuff aquas it's so silly in futures and

stuff they're interested in it that's

right right I started talking about the

Kennedy assassination they start looking

for the door you know I mean that's

exactly right there's like a that's you

just need to understand that women are

not interested in anything that makes

any sense their whole world is based on

[ __ ] stupidity and ignorance all

they're looking for is security and some

money that's it they don't give a [ __ ]

one about what's going on in the world

they can't read they don't give a [ __ ]

and like I always say they don't read

[ __ ] they don't study [ __ ] they don't

question [ __ ] the best part they don't

give a [ __ ] yeah just understand that

about women they don't give a [ __ ] about

any of it yeah in the kill of you know a

cry if you don't start talking

intelligently then you're not gonna be

able to women are gonna be running from

you yeah that's what I've seen it's

almost like the stupider you are the

more women you get if you where do you

baseball cap backwards and got broken

teeth and your rings in your nose and

those rings in your in the ears and and

you know and you're brain dead and broke

and have nothing women will love you

yeah yeah then they go act like you've

got a brain they gonna run from you

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