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Make Your Lessons Interactive

In a traditional classroom, the teacher stands in front of the room and lectures to the students as the
students listen and take notes. Unfortunately, this is not the most effective way to hold students' interest.
Make learning interactive by creating hands-on lessons that involve students every step of the way. Try
using the Jigsaw cooperative learning activity in which each student is responsible for his or her own
part of a group activity. When you involve students and make your lessons interactive, your class
becomes more interesting.

Create Classroom Games

In addition, a more student-centered method of revision is needed to make the sessions conducted
in the classroom more interesting and enjoyable (Weber, 2015). As an added value, the application of
the latest technology through the concept of 'game-based learning' or games-based learning in the
proposed method is expected to bind students' involvement in the process of revision and learning in the
classroom. Whether you're 5 or 25, playing a game can be fun. Games are also a great way to keep
lessons interesting. If the students need to practice math, conduct a game with math problems or facts.
Quizizz and Kahoot are among the game -based learning applications applying the concept of
gamification. Quizizz and Kahoot integrate information technology, knowledge, and fun game concepts
to engage students and users through animated displays as well as memes to state right or wrong.

Build Character through Competition

Some may think of competition as a bad teaching tool because of the pressure it places on students.
However, competition in the classroom can lead to enhanced student engagement, while also fostering
a love of learning. As a teacher, being transparent with students about the nature of competition is
important. Teaching math through competition is an especially great way to get students excited about
learning. The class competes to see who can solve the most addition facts in one minute, and the
student(s) who completes the most addition facts is crowned the Mathematician of the Day.

the use of examples is fundamental in teaching and learning (Aristidou, 2020). This is because it
can produce clear and effective thoughts. Usually, a teacher explains complex ideas to a group of
students, the teacher is required to give examples and illustrations. Abstract ideas, new and difficult
concepts, are easier to understand when teachers use examples with simple and concrete illustrations.
For example, in the oral form that is by presenting analogies, storytelling, presenting metaphors and so
on. Examples can also be shown in the form of visuals, sketches, illustrations, and others.

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