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Set the switch on the back of the Charger/
Your Bowmar MX80 Calculator represents a
Power Supply to the electrical outlet
significant engineering achievement resulting
voltage, Le., 115 or 230 Volts. Plug the
in full-size capability in a pocket-size package.
Charger into the outlet and the connector
Advances in miniaturized computer circuits
using single-chip LSI (Large Scale Integration), into the Calculator. (Note that the
LED (Light Emitting Diode) display technology, connector is keyed.) After these
, connections, the power switch may be
and a unique snap-action keyboard have
provided a rugged, reliable unit, and the self- turned on and operation started.
contained nickel-cadmium rechargeable Battery Operation:
batteries permit convenient use even when AC Disconnect the Charger cord and turn the
power is not available. power switch "ON". With normal use a full
The MX8Q performs addition, subtraction, battery charge can be expected to supply
multiplication, division and percentage about 5 hours of working time.
including chain or mixed multiplication and NOTE: When the low battery indicator
division. and utilization of a stored constant, (L) on the display is lighted, do not
It also has a capability to mark up or discount continue battery operation. This
a number after the percentage is calculated. indicates need for a battery charge.
Ten digits are provided for entry and readout Use of Ihe Calculator can be continued
with a full floating decimal and a positive or during the charge cycle. Charging will
negative sign. Additional display indicators continue whether calculator is on or off.
denote Power On, Low Battery, Overflow, Error Battery Charging:
and Minus Sign. A "Battery Saver" feature to Simply follow the same procedure as in AC
extend battery ope1ating time causes the operation. The Calculator may be used
display to blank out approximately 30 seconds during the charge period if desired. In
after the last entry, without the loss of a order to fUlly charge a battery which has
problem. been completely discharged, 7 hours is
It is suggested that the following instructions required. In most cases, an overnight
be read with the calculator at hand, and that all charge should be adequate.
examples be performed with the unit to • NOTE: Although no damage will result
increase your familiarity. A short outline of from prolonged periods with the Charger
operating procedures is also printed on the connected, il is advisable to remove the
back of the calculator. Charger when it is not in use or after
a fu!1 recharge cycle.
CAUTION: To avoid possible damage, use
only the charger provided with the calculator.

1. "ON" Switch Turns Calculator "ON" &

2. 'K' Switch Slide sWItch with 2

positions; in the up
position, the 'K' operation
is in effect. Use of 'K'
allows a number to be
entered and retained as a
"constant" for series
3. 1. multiplication or division .

2. 4.
3. m Key Performs %, mark~up, and
discount operallon.

4. a Key Clears the Calculator and
the display of all numbers.

5. ri Key Clears the display of the
previous keyboard entry,

7. 6. 13 Key Enters a "multiply"


7. a Key Enters a "divide" command.

6. 8. all Key Adds the entered number,

or carries out a previously
entered "multiply" or
"divide" command.
11. 10. 9. == Key Adds a minus sign to an
entry, Subtracts the
• entered number or
completes a prevlOusly
entered "multiply" or
"divide" command .

• __ __ _ -..,. ' 2. ./
~ '- L
C. Then you enter 13 by mistake
The display is:
1. To clear (erase) A mistake!

A. Touch thell Key D. To clear 13, touch the II. key

Display will be:
B. Cleared display will be:

E. Then enter '12'

Display wi\! be",
2. To enter (write a number)

Example: enter 123.45
F. Finally, touch the :I key for answer
A. First, clear by touchingll Display will be:

B. Then touch number and decimal keys

for 123.45 one at a time. Always start
with the left hand digit and progress
Note: Use m during, or immediately
after entry of a number.
from left to right.
Display will then be:

3. To clear an incorrect entry

Example: 48·+- 12 is your calculation

A. You have already entered 48

Display is;

B. You now touch the

Display will be:
== key -

• OJ( 151 ; 1 1-1 , , t. : . ",J "til';, Mit ,¢ Ii.

Example ff1: To calculate 16.39 + 9.83 = Example #1: To calculate 12.81 -- 3.6:.=
Do these steps display will be Do these steps display will be

a. Touch II a. ToUChll

b Enter 16.39 16.39 , b. Enter 12.81 12.81

c. Touch =: 16.39 c. Touchll 12.81
d. Enter 9.83 9.83 • d. Enter 3.6

e. Touch
Example #2:
=: Answer , 26.22 e. Touch = Answer 9.21

To calculate 16 --I- 9 + 8.3 + 4.1 :.=

Example #2: To calculate 23"~ 6 + 2.1 - 5 =
Do these steps display will be Do these steps display will be

a, TOUChl! a. TouchB

b. Enter 16 b. Enter 23

c. Touch c. TouCh=:

d. Enter 9 d. Enter 6

e. Touch == e. Touch=

1 Enter 8.3 f

Enter 2.1

g. Touch 33.3 g. Touch II 19.1
h Enter4,7 h Enter 5

I TouchCl Answer 37.4 i. TouCh= Answer 14.1

• Lit
Example #3: Example #2: To calculate 3 x 21 x 6.1·
To calculate 62 - 82 + 10 - 40-=: Do these steps display will be
Do these steps display will be
a. Touch II
8. Touch II
b. Enter 3
b. Enter 62
, c. Touch EI
c, Touch=:; I d. Enter 21
d. Enter 82
1 e. Touch EI
e. Touch II - 20.
f. Enter 6.1 , 6.1
f. Enter 10 . 10.

g. TouChl:l" ~ 10.
g. Touch == Answer 384.3
Example #3: To calculate 31 x 6
h. Enter 40 Use of 'K' Switch 31 x 8.2 :=

I. Touch == Answer .- 50. Do these steps

31 x7.6=
display will be

Example #1: To calculate 29.32 x 56.5::..::
Do these steps display will be b. Push 'K' on (up)

II c Enter 31
a. Touch

b. Enter 29.32 29.32

f d. Touch 13 31.

c. Touch EI 29.32
t e Enter 6

d Enter 565 56.5 I. Touch 1:1 1st Answer 186.

e. Touch 1:1" Answer 16[,6.58 g. Enter 8.2

h Touch 1:1 2nd Answer 254.2 e. Touch a ..'
Enter 7.6 f. Enter f:J

j, Touch II 3rd Answer 235.6 g. Touch:l Answer

k. Push 'K' off (down) Example #3: To calculate 181 -;-. 15 =

Use of 'K' switch 96 -;. 15 =
Example #1: To calculate 376 53 ~,~ Do these steps display will be
Do these steps display will be
a. Touch II
a. Touch II. b. Push 'K' on (up)
b. Enter 376 376.
c. Touch a 376.
c. Enter 181

d. Touch a 181.
d. Enter 53 , 53.

e, Touch =- Answer , 7.094339622

e. Enter 15

f. Touch =:I 1st Answer 12.06666666

Example ·#2: To calculate 81 ---:- 3-:-- 9 -
00 these steps display will be 9 Enter 96

a, Touch II h Touch II 2nd Answer , 6.4

b. Enter 81 , Enter11? 117.

c, Touch a J. Touch II 3rd Answer

d, Enter 3 k. Push 'K' olf (down)

5. PERCENTAGE Example ,13: 10% discount, 5% sales tax
Example :;'1: To calculate 5% of 375 on an item at $250.
Do these steps display will be Do these steps display will be

a. Enter 250 250.

b. Touch 13 250.
b. Enter 5 c. Enter 10

c. TouChm 0.05 d. TouChm

d. Touch EI 0.05 •
e. Touch == Value After
10 0j<,Olscoun

e. Enter 375 375.

f. Touch EI 225.

f. Touch = Answer 18.75

g. Enter 5

Example ;;,2: Markup after adding 3% sales

tax on an item of $16.00
h, Touch m 11.25
Do these steps display will be I. Touch DlFinal Amount
to be Paid 236.25
a, Enter 16
Example ;;'4: What % is 75 of 125?
b. TouchEi . 16. Do these steps display will be

C. Enter 3 a. Enter 75 75..

b. Touch a ~

c. Enter 125 125.

8. Touch a!Final Amount 16.48 d. Touch em Answer
Example #1: To calculate 23 x (--4) --:- (---6) =---
00 these steps display will be h Touch 13
a. Touch II , Enter 8

. -_. -
b. Enter 23 J. TouchD •

c. Touch EI k. Enter 20

d. Enter 4 I. Touch II
e Touch - 92. m Enter 8

f. Touch a - 92. n Touch Answer

9 Enter 6 Example ;3: 5% of (5 + 16 + 17) x a

h. Touch ; ; Answer 15.33333333 Do these steps display will be

Example #2:
To calculate (9 +_. 6 -. 5) x8
...- 8"
Do these steps display will be

a, Touch II
b. Enter 9

c. Touch II , 38.
d. Enter 6

e, Touch

f. Enter 5
.,. . 1: La;

J. Touch EI For example, multiplication of two
positive numbers
k. Enter 5 12345678 X 345678
will give the following display
I. Touch m Answer
r 426.7629279
or mUltiplication of a positive and a
7. EXPONENTS negative number
Example;;1: To calculate (3)5 -
12345678' 345678
Do these steps display will be
will give the tollowlng display
a. Touch e c 426.7629279
b Push 'K' on (uP) The ",'. "or "::.: ,. symbol jndicates positive
or negative "overflow" respectlvely, and
c Enter 3 indicates an answer of more than 10 digits
shown. To obtain the correct decimal
d. Touch EI location lor either case, simply record the
displayed number and move the decimal
point 10 places to the right. The real answer
e. Touch 1:11 will then be:
+ 4.267,629,279,000.
I. Touch ail ~C 10 places ~

g. Touch =- This procedure applies to all operations;

multiplication, division, addition,
subtraction and per-centage. Use the 'C'
h. Touch == Answer key to clear the overflow.

I. Push 'K' off (down) 9. TO RECALL THE DISPLAY

8. OVERFLOW INTERPRETATION During battery operation, the display will
automallcally turn off, il there is no keyboard
The positive or negative overHow indicator activity for about 30 seconds. This feature
indicated by" or:= respectively, will is provided to conserve the battery power.
appear W~len the display capacity of the Depress any key on the keyboard to reeaU
calculator is exceeded. the 'blanked' display.

b ... :'1:; • l¢ (£4, 'lOP •
1. With normal USB at room temperature, a fuB WARRANTY
battery charge can be expected to supply about
80Wr1l,HALI, Inc, '.... alrants 10 the purchas(~:, at
5 hours of accumulated working time,
2. The Calculator may be used while 'Its battery IS lhi~j flew ;30'Nnl,H Cidc;uliltor thdt j! trw IlIaC;llne
charging. Dr ,my pan the-rDol \Il \he !udDment ,,: Bowillar
3. Batteries that have been neither used nor charged IS pl'OVen 10 D8 drciecttve In Iiiater:,li Dr work-
for as long as 2 or 3 months will sutler substantial rnanshl.~) Within [JIW vei\l rro,,) (!ille of ~),-;qif'a!
loss of operating time through a tendency to purGh<l~;r", ~,;i;c-rl defects will be rep<JI:-<2d or
self-discharge. As a genera! rule, batteries lose
replaced ial thG Ci)mpall~'s opt,orl) treo 0'
about '1"/0 charge per day due 10 sel f-d Ischarge.
at normal temperatures ch'Hge :qr p,Hts 'H\f1 lHbol
4 For optimum perforrnance and long life lr-'\,; w;).lI'ani'f does !lo\ <>pply 10 ,lny pwc!l.IC'.
a. Alternate treqlJently between Battery and which has been claO'laged by accider.1 01 which
AC power
113s be~,f1 mjsu$ed, illnlsed, ililered, or repaired
b. Operate at or near normal room temperatures.
c, Charge as soon 85 possible upon appearance by anyone other than 80wmar
of the Low~Battery indicator.
5. Recharge time is 7 hours for a fully discharged Hlis warranty IS In lieu ot all other Wi3:'ranties
battery. expressed or JlTlpiied, and no perSon :s Buthor-
6 The Low-Battery indicator is designetl to appear ized 10 ",S3ume lor 80wmar any other liiJ.billty
as soon as battery voltage drops to the lowest in conner;llon Wil)' the saie of this prodUCt
value that will support optImum performance of
theCalculator. Should further discharge occur, To obtain repairs, the CalcuI;:IlOr should be
through continued operations or self-discharge, dBli\lered, pre-paid, \0 Bowm,:l!;"U. Inc. at
the Low-sattery indicator may fail to appear. address shown belOW In"warranty units will
00 not continue 1:0 operate on baHeries when
be tclurnt,d postage prepaid.
this condition is noted. or a damaged battery
may result.
7, As a general rule, if improper opera1\on occurs,
first tly the Calculator with its charger connected,
lf operation is then nonna!, thiS indicates the
baHeries are loW.
8. 00 not store the unit in high temperature areas
such as the top of radiators or the rear deck of
automobiles exposed to the sun. The Calculator
will operate satisfactonly over an ambient tem-
perature range of a to SOC (32 to 122F) and BOWMAR/AU, INC. ACTON. MASS. 01720
relative numidlty to 95 % •
1\90) ·C~j7 Ij

Ii J.i H it

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