Percentage and Profit & Loss (Basic To Moderate) - 2

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1. A student erroneously multiplied a number by 2/5 instead of 5/2.What is the percentage error in

the calculation?

2. A Stationery seller had some Pens, Sharpeners, Erasers & Pencils. He sells 65% of the total

units and still has 175 units. Originally, he had:

3. Tom’s salary is 125% of Tina’s salary. Tito’s salary is 80% of Tina’s salary. The total of all the

three salaries is Rs. 61,000. What is Tito’s salary?

4. What percentage of the whole week does raja spend in office, if his office hours are 9 am to 5 pm

from Monday to Friday?

5. Two friends, Akash & Beenu had some candies each. One of them had 15 candies more than the

other. The candies with Akash was 60% of the total candies with them. How many candies did

each have?

6. If the Cost Price of 25 articles is equal to the Selling Price of 20 articles, then what is the gain %?

7. A fruit seller had some oranges. He sells 30% oranges and still has 140 mangoes. Originally, he


8. Divya made a profit of 25% when selling a Salwar Kameez at Rs. 4,000. Find the cost price of the

same dress.

9. If a retailer marks up his price by 30 % and then allows a 30 % discount, what is his percentage

profit or loss?
10. A real estate agent sells two sites for Rs. 18000 each. On one he gains 25% and on the other he

loses 25 %. What is his loss or gain percent?

11. Pinky sold a machine to Shalini at a profit of 30%. Shalini sold this machine to Arun at a loss of

20%. If Pinky paid Rs.5000 for this machine, then find the cost price of machine for Arun?

12. A shopkeeper sells his gods at its CP only. But he uses 650 g weight at the place of 1000 g

weight for a kg. What is his net profit percentage?

13. A shopkeeper sold a smartphone for Rs.15000. Had he offered discount of 10% on the Selling

Price, he would have earned a profit of 8%. What is the Cost Price of that Smartphone?

14. By selling an article for Rs 600 more, Karthik would have made 5% profit on his sale instead of a

11% loss. What was his cost price?

15. A Shop Keeper sells two bags for Rs. 500 each. On one, he gets 14% profit and on the other he

gets 14% loss. His profit or loss in the entire transaction was?

16. By selling 45 lemons for Rs 40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for Rs 24 to gain

20% in the transaction?

17. I make a profit of 20% by selling an article. What would be the profit percent if it were calculated

on the selling price instead of the cost price?

18. A tradesman marks his goods 25% above the cost price and allows his customers 12 %

reduction on their bills. What percent profit does he make?

19. In order to maintain the price line, a trader allows a discount of 12 % on the marked price of

goods in his ship. However, he still makes a gross profit of 32 % on the cost price. Find the profit

percent he would have made on the selling price had he sold at the marked price.

20. An orange vendor makes a profit of 10% by selling oranges at a certain price. If he charges Rs.

1.4 higher per orange he would gain 30%. Find the original price at which he sold an orange.

21. A man bought a horse for a certain sum and sold it, at a loss of 8 % on his outlay. If he had

received Rs. 1800 more, he would have gained 14½ % on his outlay. What did the horse cost?

22. A milkman buys two cows for Rs. 3000. He sells first cow at a profit of 22% and the second cow

at a loss of 8%. What is the SP of second cow if in the whole transaction there is no profit no


23. Sum of CP’s of two cows is Rs. 39, 000. Both the cows are sold at a profit of 20% and 40%

respectively with their SP’s being the same. What is the difference of CP’s of both the cows?

24. Ankita is 25 years old. If Rahul’s age is 25% greater than that of Ankita then how much percent

Ankita’s age is less than Rahul’s age?

25. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 1680 is the same as the loss incurred after selling

the article for Rs. 1512. What is the cost price of the article?

26. Mr.Ravi’s salary was reduced by 25% for three months. But after the three months, his salary

was increased to the original salary. What is the percentage increase in salary of Mr.Ravi?
27. A dealer allowed a discount of 25% on marked price of Rs.20,000 on an article and incurred a

loss of 20%. What discount should he allow on the marked price so that he gains Rs.450 on the


28. A dealer marked the price of an item 20% above cost price. He allowed two successive discounts

of 20% and 25% to a customer. As a result he incurred a loss of Rs.1400. At what price (in

rupees) did he sell the item to the customer?

29. A dealer buys a product at Rs. 1920 , he sells at a discount of 20% still he gets the profit of 20% .

What is the selling price of that product?

30. Jim sells a book to Carrey at a profit of 20% and Carrey sells this book to Sid at a profit of 25%.

Now Sid sells this book at a loss of 10% to Simba. At what percentage loss should Simba sells

this book now so that his SP becomes equal to Jim’s CP?

31. The population of village increases at the rate of 6% per annum. There is an additional increase

of 2% in the population due to rural development .Therefore the percentage increase in the

population after 2 years will be

32. Two shopkeepers announce the same price of Rs 700 for a sewing machine. The first offers

successive discounts of 30% and 6% while the second offers successive discounts of 20% and

16%. The shopkeeper that offers a better discount, charges ……… less than the other


33. Three papers were set in an examination and the maximum marks per were in the ratio of 1 : 2 :

2, respectively. If a student obtained 50% in the first paper, 60% in the second, and 65% in the

third, what percent did he obtain overall?

34. The marked price of a watch was Rs 720. A man bought the same for Rs. 550.80 after getting

two successive discounts, the first being 10%. What was the second discount rate?

35. A bag contains 600 pens of brand A and 1200 pens of brand B. If 12% of brand A pens and 25%

of brand B pens are removed, then what is the approximately percentage of total pens removed

from the bag?

36. A seller calculated his intended selling price at 6% profit on the cost of a product. However, owing

to some mistake while selling, the units and tens digits of the selling price got interchanged. This

reduced the profit by Rs. 180 and profit percentage to 2.4%. What is the cost price of the


37. A person spends 40% of his salary on his educational expenses. He spends 60% of it in

purchasing books and one-half of the remaining in purchasing stationery items. If he saves Rs.

160 every month, which is one-fourth of the balance after spending over books and stationery

items, what is his monthly salary?

38. A shopkeeper purchased 150 identical pieces of calculators at the rate of Rs 250 each. He spent

an amount of Rs. 2500 on transport and packaging. He fixed the labeled price of each calculator

at Rs 320. However, he decided to give a discount of 5% on the labeled price. What is the

percentage profit earned by him?

39. In an examination it is required to get 296of the total maximum aggregate marks to pass. A

student gets 259 marks and is declared failed. The difference of marks obtained by the student

and that required to pass is 5%. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?

40. A trader marked the price of his commodity so as to include a profit of 25%. He allowed a

discount of 16% on the marked price. His actual profit was:

41. A monthly return railway ticket costs 25% more than a single ticket. A week’s extension can be

had for the former by paying 5% of the monthly paid for the monthly ticket (with extensions) is Rs.

84, the price of the single ticket is

42. A man sold a wristwatch for Rs. 2,400 at a loss of twenty five percent. At what rate should he

have sold the wristwatch to earn a proflt of twenty five per cent?

43. Even after reducing the marked price of a transistor by Rs 32, a shopkeeper makes a profit of

15%. If the cost price be Rs 320, what percentage of profit would he have made if he had sold

the transistor at the marked price?

44. In a college Anjana scored 80 marks out of 150 in History and 95 marks out of 120 in English. If

she wants to score 70% marks in 3 subjects, find the minimum marks she should score in

Geography out of 100.

45. A shopkeeper sold an article offering a discount of 5% and earned a profit of 23.5%. What would

have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered?

46. Peter bought an item at 20% discount on its original price. he sold it with 40% increase on the

price he bought it. The new sale price is by what percent more than the original price?

47. Anuj and Meetu work in a shop and Anuj's salary is 5/6th of the salary of Meetu. They spend

same money of Rs 2000 and after that save all the money. Find the salary of Anuj and Meetu if

the ratio of their savings is 4 : 5.

48. Veena bought a watch costing Rs. 1404 including sales tax at 8%. She asked the shopkeeper to

reduce the price of the watch so that she can save the amount equal to the tax. The reduction of

the price of the watch is?

49. Tarun got 30% concession on the labeled price of an article and sold it for Rs. 8750 with 25%

profit on the price he bought. What was the labeled price?

50. In a library 60% of the books are in Hindi, 60% of the remaining books are in English rest of the

books are in Malayalam. If there are 4800 books in English, then the total number of books in

Malayalam are?

51. 80% of a small number is 4 less than 40% of a larger number. The larger number is 125 greater

than the smaller one. The sum of these two numbers is

52. Initially, Suresh has Rs.200 in his paytm wallet then he increased it by 20%. Once again he

increased his amount by 25%. The final value of money in his wallet will be how much % greater

than the initial amount?

53. Mr.Ramesh gives 10% of some amount to his wife and 10% of the remaining to hospital

expenses and again 10% of the remaining amount to charity. Then he has only Rs.7290 with him.

What is the initial sum of money with that person?

54. Initially, a shopkeeper had “x” pens. A customer bought 10% of pens from “x” then another

customer bought 20% of the remaining pens after that one more customer purchased 25% of the

remaining pens. Finally, shopkeeper is left with 270 pens in his shop. How many pens were there

initially in his shop?

55. Cost Price of two laptops is same. One of the laptops is sold at a profit of 15% and the Selling

Price of another one laptop is Rs. 3400 more than the first one. The net profit is 20%. What is the

Cost Price of Each laptop?

56. In an office there are 40% female employees. 50% of the male employees are UG graduates.

The total 52% of employees are UG graduates out of 1800 employees. What is the number of

female employees who are UG graduates?

57. Ravi got 70% in English and 56% in Biology and the maximum marks of both papers is 100.

What percent does he score in Maths, if he scores 60% marks in all the three subjects?.

Maximum Marks of Maths paper is 200.

58. The cost price of item B is Rs. 200/- more than the cost price of item A. Item A was sold at a

profit of 20% and item B was sold at a loss of 30%. If the respective ratio of selling prices of items

A and B is 6 : 7, what is the cost price of item B?

59. A purchased a machine at Rs 13,000 , then got it repaired at Rs 3500, they gave its

transportation charges Rs500. Then he sold it at 50% profit. At what price he actually sold it?

60. In a certain store, the profit is 270% of the cost. If the cost increases by 30% but the selling price

remains constant, approximately what %ge of the selling price is the profit.

61. A person X sold an Item to Y at 40% loss, then Y sold it to third person Z at 40% profit and finally

Z sold it back to X at 40% profit. In this whole process what is the percentage loss or profit of X?

62. A product costs a company Rs 60 to manufacture, and it sold the product to a dealer for Rs 70,

who in turn sold it to a shopkeeper for Rs 85, who sold to a customer for Rs 102. What is the

percentage of profit for the company and who made the highest profit on selling the product?

63. A discount of 20% is given on the marked price of an article. The shopkeeper charges sales tax

of 10% on the discounted price. If the selling price be Rs 1848, what is the marked price (in

rupees) of the article?

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