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 Understand and be able to apply the physical

activity guidelines
 Identify and describe the components of health
related and skills related fitness

components focus on factors that promote optimum health and prevent the onset of
disease and problems associated with an activity. The four components are
described as follows:

 Cardio-vascular Endurance
is the ability of the heart (cardio) and circulatory
system (vascular) to supply oxygen to muscles for an
extended period of time. Cardiovascular is also
called cardiorespiratory (lungs) fitness. Usually the 1
km run or some other type of continuous fitness
activity (12-minute run, cycling, step-test, etc.) is
used to assess cardiovascular fitness.

 Body Mass Index (Body Composition)

is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass
(including water, bones, muscles, and connective
tissues). Having too many fat tissues is a risk
factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
cancer, and arthritis. In addition to improving
quality of life.

 Muscular Strength
ability of the muscles to generate force against
physical objects.

 Muscular Endurance
is the ability of a muscle to make repeated
contractions over a period of time

 Flexibility
ability of the joints to move through a full range
of motion.

For more understanding in health related click the link below:

includes training to improve speed, agility, balance, coordination, power, and
reaction time. These are usually used to help athletes improve performance for their
particular sport or activity.

 Speed
ability to perform a movement or cover a
distance in a short period of time.

 Power
ability to transfer energy into force at a fast

 Coordination
the ability to use the senses withy the body
parts perform motor tasks smoothly and

 Balance
maintenance of the equilibrium while
stationary or while moving.

 Agility
ability to move and change direction quickly.

 Reaction Time
The time elapsed between stimulation and
the beginning of reaction to that stimulation.

For more understanding in health related click the link below:

Reference; file:///C:/Users/USER/Desktop/peweek1-160629071215.pdf

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