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Variant 2
What is free translation? What are its features? What types of free translation
do you know?
Free translation: a translation with intentional significant deviations from the original,
Literal translation — reproduces communicatively irrelevant elements of the original. As a
result, norms are violated and distortions of the original content appear. Free translation —
reproduces the main information of the original with possible deviations, distortions, omissions,
Free translation is almost the same as free translation, but more creativity of the translator is
allowed to reproduce the content and form of the original (in traditional translation studies,
free, free translation and translation are different types of translation, sometimes free and free
translation are equated). Transliteration (re-singing) is a free translation with significant
deviations from the MO work and elements of adaptation.

What is the difference between a human translation and a computer translation

It differs from machine translation (MT) in that the entire process of translation is carried out by
a person, the computer only helps him create a finished text in a shorter period of time

Translate the following passage and analyse FREE TRANSLATION according to

the type, level of equivalence and transformations used.
People often choose colors that are new to them. Studies in history suggest that
new colors quickly became popular, probably because they were different.
1.Люди часто обирають нові для них кольори. Історичні дослідження показують, що нові
кольори швидко стали популярними, ймовірно, через те, що вони відрізнялися
2.Люди обирають для себе часто нові кольори. Дослідження істориків показують що
швидко стали популярними нові кольори тому що вони різні.

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