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The primary aim of which is given to SVTP library is “make student to read”. Various
extension activities could be created like story hour, book review session and encouraging students
to browse the collection in order to find the book of his interest. To do the latter part it is
fundamental and necessary to provide proper shelf identification number to information sources to
allow patron to search resource in shortest time possible.

As the current collection has been catalogued as per the older version of DDC (I guess 14 or
20) and that to they are classified to the broadest extent. The result of the same is: 1) large number
of books come under broader classes. Example: class number 823 (class number given for English
Fiction) 2) Some class number of the document need to change to keep up with the DDC 23 rd
version. Example: books in American English fiction should be in 813. Due to this, the books of
specific author or genre get lost in shelf. This could be fatal in long run considering the
documentation storage and retrieval as primary task. Not adding to the part that copy of same book
being may found in different shelf.

To remove such obstacle reclassification of entire collection is necessary. Along with this it is
require to adding the Book Call number (combination of class number and author) on spine in order
to easy mechanical arrangement.

The centralize catalogue of the same collection is require to find books by author, title,
subject or even by keywords.

Adapting to New technologies in library provide various aid in order to solve the need. One
of which is library automation software (Slims 9)

Some of the initiative to consider in order to provide the library service is as follow.


Re-Classification and
Extension Service Automation

1. Re Classification and Shelving:

There is severe need to reclassify and shelving.

 Generally, class: It has been observed that the broadest class number upto 3 digit is given
which resulted in large collection of fiction under 823. Large number of book under one class
is fatal for finding fiction of specific author.
 In-appropriate or Old Class number: Some of the books are classified with old edition of DDC
14 and with 19. Which result in inconsistent classification. Collection of biographies and
individual biographies are found to be under one class only (example 920). Which could be
further specialized with adding the region and field of person. (example: Kalam biography
will come under 954…)

Shelving: -

 Organized collection: Classification doesn’t mean anything if it is does not correspond to

shelving locations.
 APUPA patter: Patron with specific need can exposed to Penumbral collection related to
topic. (Whoever interested in biography Hitler may also like to read Anne Frank for jewish

*Attaching the label to spine of Books is effective method to assign Call number (combination of
class number and author initial) to individualize book and mechanical arrangement.

2. Extension Service: -
1. Book review: One of the initiatives which is started on small scale is review of retold novel
and non-fiction books to limited student during scheduled time.
Although Time is required in order to give brief about bulk fiction and nonfiction books such
as biography of hitter, oath of vayuputra. Discovery of India etc.
2. Priming about use of reference source:
Reference sources such as dictionary, encyclopaedia and hand book are not tend to read
from front to last page. Neither serendipity approach to such book yield much outcome.
Proper approach of the same is needed to effectively get most of the Reference source
within specific time.
For example
a. Decide key term of broad subject area
b. Refer to taxonomy or diction in order to find root word or the Related term
c. Search the related term to general reference books (encyclopaedia Americana or
collier etc.)
d. Use the reference of the article in encyclopaedia to move to source material or
specialized reference sources
3. Reading hour: One of the initiative which have taken is reading hour. It could be further
adapted to community reading where one reader would read book to all or small group.
4. CAS: CAS Stands for Current Awareness Service. It is necessary for the students of higher
standard to keep updated with the contemporary changes which is connected to their
a. Newsance : One dedicated weekly craft can be created that combing the articles of
current trending topic from different perspective. The Primary sources of newspaper
and editorials along with reference source can be used for the same.

Examples of the same

i. Death of Queen: It gave rise to debate on colonialism whether it lead to

integration of India into Political and economic Unit by Stable gov and Rail
connectivity vs Brain and wealth drane
ii. Verticle division of ShivSena: it give rise to anti defection law its legal
interpretation, the Britain precedence of Whip and legal conflict.
iii. Government Freebies: The Missing I in Communalism: Raghuram Rajan etc.
*More or less it will be like weekly show of John Oliver with limited scope.

5. SDI: It come to my notice that only students are being focused in order to Optimise the use
of library. While the important element or group of patron is teacher as well. Although I
agree, that library books may not be the primary interest of them. But in academic activity
they usually require previous year question papers for seeing the pattern and to determine
the level of difficulty of same.
a. Question paper by mail: One of the services which may be useful in the above
context will be scanning the all question papers along with OCR Optical Character
recognition & dissemination of them in the by Email based on user profile. This
service not only will save their time but also will create framework for providing any
other further information such as article or update based on specific profile.
b. Question bank DBMS:From the Previous year question paper and purchased version
guide book. Specific question can be extracted and organized in chapter wise to
provide ready reference source.

There is possibility of faculty do maintain such data hence on case by case basis pilot
project can be developed for specific subject or group of faculty. (dissemination method
would be as above)

6. Information Source: With consultation with concern faculty member the list of information
or bibliographic resource can be made. (It should not be confused with the Ready Reference
source such as Encyclopaedia.) Chapter wise or content wise bibliographic list could be
created. Faculty can use the same book as reference or give reference of list to student for
further reading. Examples:-
a. In 7 or 8 Std there is chapter on revolt of 1857. SVPT also have the book discovery of
India in which the History of 1857 have covered with Nehruvian perspective. This
book can be referred by teacher or student for furthering the frontier of knowledge.
b. Considering the Civics part SVPT library has “Russian Revolution” book it contain the
major revolt around the world in comical manner along with last chapter conveing
feature of effective protest.

7. Library Automation:

The broader benefit of Automation: -

1. Improve control over collection

2. Control and statistical report of Collection usage
3. Provide current awareness service such as display of new book
4. Avoid duplication of work

*(It is recognized that Institution has already purchased the MCB Application which would result in
solution of the problem. But Existing data of accession registered in the file will not be useful as it
will be having old Class number along with Lack of Keyword and subject detail. )

Detail about Project:

1. Development environment
a. Operating System: Windows 7 and above
b. Database: My SQL Sever 2019
c. Programming Language and tool: Microsoft Visual basic studio
d. Hardware:
i. Processor: Intel I2
ii. Ram: 2GB
e. Hosting
i. 000Webhost.com
2. Operational Environment:

The table below is minimum requires to access Library management system

Processor Intel I2 and above 233Ghz or better performance

Operating System Window 7 or Above
Memory 2GB RAM
Display Minitor with screen resolution minimum 1024 x
Hard disk Space Minimum 15GB to Excluding database usage for
Database Microsoft SQL


Make Student Read Again!

1. Improve Accessibility
2. Save cost: Traditional book card and book pocket cost will no longer required as the
centralize data will be stored digitally
3. Save time: Patron will able to record the entire library collection within few click only
4. Access to Question paper

Project Steps:

1) Creating an online portal:

With the SLIMS 9 the library automation software is deployed. The out of the same is as follows.
2) Updating Collection Data:

The work of uploading data is not done. As the institution is subscribing to MCB application. Also, I
would like to convey that Old data of Library collection may not be suffice for the same.


1) Changes in class number: As mentioned in the previous paragraphs there are some inconsistency
and broad class number assigned to class number which need to be changed in order to have
better organization of wealth of knowledge that library have.
2) Lack of subject and keyword data: It is utmost important in searching as there are many books
which have deceptive titles. For example: “Rich dad Poor Dad” from the face of it may feel like it
is novel regarding father and son relation or parenting guide book but it is about financial
Same way Lateral thinking: it is about creative thinking. But individual who search under the
creative thinking may not find the book as the data of keyword will remain empty.
3) Lack of Call number: combination of class number assign to subject along with book author
initials for individualization of document

*Hence I would like to request you to permit the data upgradation in above portal.

Benefit of the Above Act;

1) Comprehensive data and Metadata of Library collection: The metadata such as keyword and
subject headings
2) Pilot project: The above activity can give glimpse of the problem which may be faced while
updating the collection under MCB.
3) Back-Up: The portal as is independent of device (Mobile, Laptop, PC, tablet) platform can be
serve as common search platform. As even after collection of MCB Students will not be able to
carry their mobile in library or college premise. One computer display in library could solve the
immediate search for respective student.
4) Easy to display on the SVPT Portal.

8. CAS Service:
 SDI of Digitized Question paper: Teacher is very prominent patron of library. They will
require Previous year question paper of previous years for teaching according to most
relevant topic (in case of Board exam) or set question papers.
1. Digitization of collected question paper
2. Collection of patrons (teacher) profile: Name of teacher, subject, standard along with
email to disseminate. (What’s app can also be the media of the same but it does not provide
document search facility as Mailing platform have)
9. Library Committee: Teacher and student are important patron with distinct and diverse need. Hence,
It would be beneficial to create library committee of 3 faculty and 7 Student headed by Librarian.
Having a say in acquisition will lead to collection of books which align with patron’s demand and
efficient use of them.
10. Working Hours: Library working hours should be in line with the patrons. Hence, Two shift *6:40 to
1:40 and 12:00 to 6:00 could be efficient.

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