Lesson 1 Defining Arts (Assumptions, Scope, and Limitation) - Final

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Intended Learning


• Define art.
• G r a s p t h e
assumptions and
beliefs on how one
views art.
We make
art, and art
makes us.
Art exists in delight and serves its purpose
of giving us the reason to sustain for living.
To dig deeper into the realm of art, there
we can explore into, specifically:

1. Art is Everywhere.
2. Art as Expression and Communication
3. Art as Creation
4. Art and Experience
5. Art and Nature
6. Art and Beauty
1. Art is Everywhere
This assumption or
notion is likened to the
situation that as an
individual opens his
eyes and until he goes
back to bed, art exists
and persists.
2. Art as Expression and
When one expresses himself, he sends
or communicates his feelings through
the appropriate means of art or art

As long as one struggles to survive, his

means of living dictates him to express
and communicate his joy, boredom,
loneliness through varying forms of arts
to extend and manifest himself better.
3. Art as Creation
Art comes from the Latin
term, “ars” which means skill. Artist
When one engages
himself/herself in the world
of arts, he/she needs to be
well-versed in seeking
avenues to express himself Art
The general “rule” is that art
is a deliberative well-
constructed act. It is only
through the subconscious
when one takes and
assumes art and produces
these “masterpieces” in a
form of creating wonderful
4. Art and Experience
The old adage often tells us that,
“Experience is the best teacher.” The same
reality is seen in the world of arts. As one
feels, sees, and experiences, then the
consequences is one which puts them
together in a piece of work.

The idea here is that, the more one

experiences something, not only joy but
also sorrow, pain and disgust, then the
tendency is, he expresses this in the realm
of arts.
5. Art and Nature
How do you draw the line between
art and nature?
Art as discussed earlier is a deliberate
attempt of man to express himself
through visual - painting, drawing
and the like or if not he hums his
favorite songs and even grooves to
the latest beat.
Nature brings comfort and ease to
people. That is the art it brings to us.
6. Art as Beauty
“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”
The concept of beauty is becoming
relative, as one may find one person as
beautiful while others may not. As
stated, beauty may be based on one's
perception; hence, this notion may
differ from one perspective to the other.

“If you could only borrow my eyes, then

you will see how beautiful that person is.”
On a similar stance,
the concept of
beauty can also be
culturally based.
People in India and in
Africa may find body
piercing fascinating,
yet this exhibition may
be bizarre and
unacceptable to
some other cultures.
What is Art?
ü is a creative activity that expresses
imaginative or technical skills. It is derived
from a Latin term “ars” which means ability,
skill, or craft.
ü is something created by an artist based on
his imaginations, thoughts, or experiences
and it maybe from inspiration of natural
ü is a diverse range of human activities in
creating visual, audit ory or performin g
artifacts expressing the author’s imaginative
thoughts, conceptual ideas, or technical skill
intended to be appreciated for their beauty
or emotional power.
ü is the product of a body of knowledge, most
often using a set of skills.
What is Art?
- is classified as Traditional Arts and Liberal Arts.
- Traditional Arts are the “do it yourself arts” originally
practiced to serve a useful purpose.
- Liberal Arts take the term art in the sense of a
learned skill rather than specifically the fine arts.
Traditional Arts Three Classical Branches of Art
Liberal Arts
1. Architecture 1. Painting
1. Grammar
2. Sculpture 2. Sculpture
2. Logic
3. Painting 3. Architecture
3. Rhetoric
4. Literature Note: Music, theater, film, dance,
4. Arithmetic
5. Music* and other performing arts as well as
5. Geometric
6. Performing literature and other interactive
6. Music*
7. Film / media are included in a broader
7. Astronomy
Photography definition of Arts.
1. What is the reason for decorating plain walls in a hospital or
hotel or lobby?
Answer: Plain walls can be made attractive by placing an
artwork to balance the colors of the walls. Hospitals and
hotels house tired and sick people, and artworks add up to a
relaxing atmosphere.

2. What are the reasons why artworks about nature is popular?

Answer: Nature is extremely refreshing but for people who
cannot afford to enjoy nature, they can find happiness in
artworks about nature.

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