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Мектеп директорының оқу тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасары_______ С.Т.Кобланова

Unit 7.2 Holidays and travel School:№27 named after I.Taimanov

Date:18.10.2022 Teacher name: Sarsengalieva Maria
Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson CLIL. Poetry. SA 2
Learning objectives(s) that 7.R5 deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics,
this lesson is contributing to including some extended texts use taught information to vocabulary task use learnt vocabulary from
the listening task while speaking in groups
Language objective To review vocabulary

Planned Planned activities Pupil’s Marks Resources

timings activities

Greetings Format
Beginning Teacher:Hello, my pupils! How are you today? ive
the lesson Pupils: hello, teacher! assess
Teacher: Let’s begin our lesson. Our theme is Poetry.
Exercise:1Read the poem and answer the questions.
1 How many verses are there? 7 verses
2 Has each line got the same number of syllables? No
3 Do the words at the end of each line rhyme?No Students
Exercise:2 Listen and read the poem again. Where does the writer live: in a answer
house, a castle, or a school? the
The writer lives in a house. questions Listening audio
Exercise:3 Read the lines from the poem below. Then write true or false.
My home is a forest,
Where no one can see me.
1 The author lives in a forest.F
2 The author has trees in his\ her home. F
3 The author can be alone in his \ her home. T
4 This extract is a fact. F Students Book
5 This extract is a metaphor. T
Exercise:4 Find five other metaphors in the poem. Which of them are true for
your home? ive
My home is a school assess
My home is a city ment
My home is a café Students
My home is a castle read the
Summative assessment for the unit “Communication and Technology” poem
and write
Task1.Read the text and completethe task. true or
Kate and the Internet false
Kate's first class starts at eight o’clock in the morning and it is 1.30 a. m now.
The only sound that you can hear in Kate's small room is the clicking of a
computer key board. Her mum does not longer know what to do. Everyday,
it’s the same.“Kate does not longer pay attention to her studies or to there port
Ending the she has to present next week. She ignores all types of homework. Her mother
lesson says: “She cares only a bout the conversations she carries on with people from
all over the world with out caring about her grades or her friends in real life”.
Reflection The Internet access in American house hold increases ,that’s why the
number of teenagers who spend a long time of their lives online,
Has increased too. Psychologists say:“Look out! An increasing
number of teens is
go ing into anew for mofaddiction”.In aninterview Kate declared:
“I'm destroying my future and I am becoming is olated from the society,”“If
ailed English last year...Ididn’tcareabout my studies but at east,I feel free .In
fact ,I can talk toothers a boutany topic without being afraid of the

Example: 0.The only sound that you
can hearing Kate's small room d) is
the clicking of a

(A) (B)

1. Kate spends along a)a big number of teenagers have become

time online, addicted to the net.

2. Psychologists think b) is just one consequence of this type of

that addiction.

3.Isolationfromsociety c)and she doesn’t care about her school result

Task2.Read the examples and make up your own questions. Ask and
answer them. Assess each other according to the Assessment sheet.
1.What piece of technology
can’t you live without?
Why? 2.How often do you
watch TV? Explain your
3.What’syourfavorite gadget to communicate with friends? Explain your
4. How much time do you spend online every week
5. What is your favorite website?

Homework: SB p 31 ex:5

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