Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences Exercises

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Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences


January 5, 2020

Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences Exercises are there for practice. There
are answers written for the check. You can learn how to transform affirmative to negative
and negative to affirmative.

Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences

Change into Negative Exercise – 1

Solve the interchange of affirmative and negative sentences exercises below and check
them with the answers given below in check you answer section.

1. Portia Proved to be a faithful wife.

2. Can you touch the sky?
3. India won a medal in the Olympic.
4. He is too old to work hard.
5. Can there be smoke without fire?

Check Your Answers

Now match your answers of change into negative exercise below.

1. Portia did not fail to prove to be a faithful wife.

2. You cannot touch the sky.
3. India did not fail to win a medal in the Olympic.
4. He is so old that he cannot work hard.

5. There can be no smoke without fire.

Change into Negative Exercise – 2

Solve the interchange of affirmative and negative sentences exercises below and check
them with the answers given below in check you answer section.

1. The box is too heavy for me to lift.

2. He saw the Taj.
3. Who has seen the wind?
4. Only Bharat can help you.
5. Only hard work is a key to success.

Check Your Answers

Now match your answers of change into negative exercise below.

1. The box is so heavy that I cannot lift.

2. He did not fail to see the Taj.
3. No one has seen the wind.
4. None but Bharat can help you.
5. Nothing but hard word is the key to success.

Change into Affirmative Exercise – 3

Solve the interchange of affirmative and negative sentences exercises below. But now
change from negative to affirmative.

1. Antony did not fail to be a sincere friend.

2. Nothing but a miracle can save you.
3. No sooner did the boy hear the noise than he woke up.
4. Who has not heard the name of Ashoka?
5. Never say what is not the truth.

Check Your Answers

Now match your answers of change into affirmative exercise below.

1. Antony was a sincere friend.

2. Only a miracle can save you.
3. As soon as the boy heard the noise, he woke up
4. Everyone has heard the name of Ashoka.
5. Always say the truth.

Change into Affirmative Exercise – 4

Solve the interchange of affirmative and negative sentences exercises below. But now
change from negative to affirmative.

1. No merchant in Kanpur is as rich as Mr Khanna.

2. We should not disobey our parents.
3. No one can put up with such conduct.
4. Money does not grow on trees.
5. It was fortunate that he was not injured.

Check Your Answers

Now match your answers of change into affirmative exercise below.

1. Mr Khanna is the richest merchant in Kanpur

2. Should we disobey our parents?
3. Who can put up such conduct? Or Can anyone put up such conduct?
4. Does money grow on trees?
5. He was too fortunate to be injured.

Change into Affirmative Exercise – 5

Solve the interchange of affirmative and negative sentences exercises below. But now
change from negative to affirmative.

1. No one ever saw a greater misfortune.

2. Nobody would like to be called a fool.
3. The lesson is so difficult that they cannot understand it.
4. Who does not know Mahatma Gandhi?
5. Is it not true that health is wealth?

Check Your Answers

Now match your answers of change into affirmative exercise below.

1. Who ever saw a greater misfortune? Or Did anyone ever see a greater misfortune?
2. Who would like to be called a fool? Or Would anyone like to be called a fool?
3. The lesson is too difficult to understand.
4. Everyone knows Mahatma Gandhi.
5. It is true that health is wealth.

Hope you understand and score well in the exercise of Interchange of Affirmative and
Negative Sentences. For other exercises of transformation, click the link of your choice


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