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Four ‘Ifs’

Refuse being a ‘mediocre’ employee, and refuse working in a ‘second-rate’ company
Since its inception, KEDING has always maintained a philosophy of talent and technology at the
core of our creation of quality products and services whilst contributing to the society, so as to
progress and improve as a company. We need each and every employee to play their part and have
a sense of camaraderie, so as to grow the company and achieve our shared goals.
Below is an adaptation of the Four ‘Ifs’, by Mr. Terry Gou of Hon Hai Precision Industry, that we
wish to share with all in the company.

 The 1st ‘If’

(1) If you only answer phone calls and simply tell customers that “there is no stock” or “we are
unable to deliver the goods”, and/or give replies like “I’m not sure” or “I can’t help you with that”
in response to their queries,
(2) If you place an order without any follow-up action, and neither report nor address any problems
that may arise,
(3) If you only file reports without concern for either the significance or the accuracy of the figures,
(4) If you only answer calls without any desire to let customers feel a sense of satisfaction, or
answer calls without a desire to get the customers to place more orders,
(5) If you feel you are just an administrator, and do not think that your every word and action
represents the company,

then you are not a competent administrator, and your position can be replaced by anyone.

 The 2nd ‘If’

(1) If you do not constantly keep in mind your section’s sales target,
(2) If you do not consider your individual contribution as a factor in attaining your section’s sales
(3) If you do not proactively care about our customer’s usage of our products and do not follow-
up after sending out the shipment,
(4) If you do not consider how to manage an excess of orders, and instead allow yourself to be
swayed along by the demands of the customers,
(5) If you neither take action nor attempt to find out the root of the problem when there is a lack
of orders, and remain nonchalant about the situation,
(6) If you have never considered about being more professional and more trustworthy in the eyes
of our customers,
(7) If you neither plan your work processes nor manage your time well, and do not take the
opportunity to educate our customers or raise awareness on problems,
(8) If you feel it is tedious to develop a new market base and reach out to new customers,

then you are not a competent regional sales executive, and your existence is a burden to all of us.

 The 3rd ‘If’

(1) If you only produce without any concern for quality and efficiency,
(2) If you only raise issues without considering plausible solutions or methods to improve upon the
(3) If you often delay product completion, taking for granted that the customers will always wait
on you,
(4) If you are annoyed by the sales executive who raise issues reflected by our customers to you,
(5) If you label a customer who claims a quality issue with your product as a ‘bad customer who is
(6) If phrases like “it’s too troublesome”, “it’s difficult”, “I don’t feel like doing it”, and/or “that’s
impossible” are constantly on the tip of your tongue,

then, you are not a competent production manager, and working with you is a tiresome experience.
We work at the frontline daily, and without high quality products and well-rounded service backing
us up, then customer satisfaction on the whole will be diminished significantly. We will also be
unable to deliver on our promises to our customers; we would have become a company with first-
class sales presentations, second-class products, and third-class service.

 The 4th ‘If’:

(1) If you only criticize but never compliment, and/or punish without reward,
(2) If you do not capitalize immediately on opportunities that benefit the company,
(3) If you only instruct subordinates without leading by example,
(4) If you do not train and develop potential successors,
(5) If you push all the blame to your subordinates, while laying claim to all the credit,
(6) If you lack the ability to make decisions where appropriate, and instead adopt a 'wait-and-see'
then I can only conclude that you are an incompetent section manager. Your leadership will
impede the company's progress
 I have a dream:
I hope that every employee’s position in our organization is indispensable.
I hope that every department in the organization is indispensable.
I hope our products, quality, and services are indispensable in the eyes of the customers.
I hope that our organization is indispensable in the eyes of global customers who seek to make
improvements on their interior living conditions.

 A Lifetime Promise:
I shall spare no effort in leading a unified KEDING to greater heights, and achieve the following
goals simultaneously: KEDING shall share profits with all employees, and give back to our beloved

Keding Enterprises Pte. Ltd.

Tsao, Hsien-Chang

8th October 2008

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