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About GBIN
GBIN is a network of incubators, universities, business associations
etc to Incubate, Support and Scale Green Entrepreneurs, MSMEs and
Businesses across West Bengal

Structure of GBIN & Activities

Objective of GBIN and Role
GBIN works in a distinctive network format
To encourage an entrepreneurial culture of Hub and Spoke
towards a green economy in the state.
Central Kolkata Hub : Anchors GBIN in the
Supporting the creation and growth of green
sustainable companies, Increasing availability
of investment funding Conveneings, Events, Competitions,
Train The Trainers, Resources
(Training material, Funds for carrying

Promoters of GBIN activities to Members), Network

Coordination and collaboration etc.

GBIN is formed by the coming together of the Managed by SwitchON Foundation

SwitchON Foundation (India) and Network
for Global Innovation (California, USA). The City-based Spoke : Members spread across
initiative is funded by the SED Fund (The key cities
Incubation, Acceleration, Mentorship
GBIN is launched at the Bengal Global activities. Adapt and Deliver GBIN
Business Summit 2022 and activities are Programs to regional entrepreneurs.
being carried under direction and
collaboration with the Government of West Managed by leading Institutions and
Bengal. organizations across West Bengal

Types of Sectors that will be supported

Renewable Energy Sustainable Agriculture Pollution Control Waste Management

Electric Mobility Energy Efficiency Soil remediation Circular economy Plastics recycling
Who can become How is GBIN different from other
Members of the Network Business acceleration or Start -Up
Members can be accelerators, incubators,
university entrepreneur programs, technology
parks, NGO’s, chambers of commerce,
entrepreneur clubs, government agencies etc.
GBIN is a unique network that is exclusively focused
The lead member in the city based spoke is
Ideally, a well-established innovation center on Environment Sustainability and will support
that can administer the GBIN programs in Green Industry / Economy
their region(s) of influence.

How will Members What kind of businesses and enterprises

benefit from joining the GBIN will be supported under GBIN
Best in Class Training, Incubation and
Any business or enterprise in West Bengal with a
Mentorship Resources. Funds would be
focus on sustainability can get support from the
provided to selective members who will carry
out entrepreneur support /engagement. network.
GBIN is a network and will work directly
through the Hub and Spoke.


Which cities

will the Network Operate

The GBIN will operate pan Bengal and will
operate across following cities Kolkata,
Siliguri, Kalyani, Kharagpur/Haldia,
Durgapur, Howrah (A tentative list of cities). Durgapur

Howrah Kalyani


What Kind of Programs
and support is available to Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs with ideas Early-stage business / Startups

Venture Building and Ideaiton Program. Jumpstart Acceleration Program.

Scale / Grow - MSMEs, Businesses

Executive-in-Residence Program.

Besides Training, mentorship, linkage to markets, financiers / investors.

Entrepreneurs get a chance to win cash rewards.

Who will deliver the above Activities ?

Above activities will be directly delivered by Members
from the city spoke. The funds and support for the same
will be organised and provided by GBIN.

To Become a Member Click on the given Application
link or Scan the OR code and
fill-up the form.
To Register go to the Link Or scan the code

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