Construction & Engineering Services

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eee CONSTRUCTION AND usa lnvestnenrs Lz0 (0: Usman abi Sute 213 Bane of incuty Bung No.8, Muhammad Bu Wy, Kahuna (0003 35 103 0805 243 a, 903 960 4472 rmessagenyiaiothman@gmaitcom ing. racing, Hotel Suppo CConsltng Auto Work. AVON CROWNCAPS & CONTAINER (Nic) Pc (£0: Ran Bhonsle Contact Mir jks Arment Alprint Compound ith Gate) 122/132, Oshodi Apap, xpressnay, ‘yaa isla Lagee 12 845 2003 coos ase 3680 aren @avoreromnespcam d@avenacuneapacom ‘eva svoncrowncescom ott Packaging ‘BxsA GLOBAL lMPex tro (to: emolsAgbacle Contact Belo Hebb 10, ord Road Onjpana, Lagos (0803 302 1198, 703 1304140, saghools@ otmaticon, bsagimpexta) yahoocom Ergneering astute Access aed Foc Engineering Services Crrvamara0e Ni, ro (CEO: Engr Ades Ace (2a. Lambe Uiyamace Set cf Ago Palace Wy, kota Lsgoe (803 30461960705 5022542 dotlaadedai@etinaté ‘avoctinating corn Becta Power Engineering Pumbing AC Bung Contruction Upto 5 Sess, ENGINEERING SERVICES Dawiets Nic. bro (£0: Chit (Mrs Abiola Clark Contact Adee rents 180 DaSibn Steet Admiralty Let, Lagos 10903 5039753, 0€03 3050458 ialibionke@graiiom Constructor, Enea OU 8 Gos Mati, International Tinng ana Procurement Devavo Concer Ni. tro (EO: Mis Thess Ades Block C, Technology incubation Centr, 1, Oba Ogun Read en Cinema Ageoe 709 672.2712, 0805 660 2000 tess2002ng@hotmacy ors Chrome Pang, Fabcation of Engineering Pats, DDeMcne KONCEPTS Vewrunes (EO: Meichae Adem Tonede T6Micael Adotoys Set off lupgu Bye Pas bupej, Lagos (oa 3180031 Baling Construction, Rerovotion: & ImeriorCotrstrs DrusitLa Construcrion tro (CO: Timoty Usendek Contact: Nkamance Udondek 8 Aged tre, Canalo Estate, Leth Epe Expessnay Lagos oa0s235200 visdomiok 01 Ban Ni. 0 0: tevin Odeworce Comat Henn OFpo 23 at pe pesony by Cando eg ston ij ah Laos 188 0 1647, 0802 606 0152 infoteddebanicomng, enn Sie esi and Fabrication Pe... sno ENGNEERN SERVES Fasovece ENGINEERING LTO CEO:M Ades dew Contact: dou Toyin amet 46 Agboy Road, Alapre Ket a sat 6605 factectenginaringegilcm Pret italion & Maintenance GGHE Lro/Avavan Tecno (CEO: Mr Antony Ogunaitan Contact Alex Cakunle Ogunsetan ajse Onen Plaza, Adeoyo Roundabout, Ringromd oadan 868715580, c207 953 0526 ‘rontecnnigein@gralom ee arattecronigesacom Aastra, Engineering ‘GLOBAL SpecTRUM Enency Senvices (EO: Mr Chibidom Aes ‘Contact: Mi Colm Doyle 48a, Chis Macleke Deve Lt Pace 1, Lagos 1903 5277077, 0803 932 2276 ‘omact@lobaspecrumteicom fexeruehe global om, « wun globalspectumilcar Of Shove Manne Seraces, Subieo Cansraction GGuoaat Srenune ProDucTs L70 (£0: Supreet Pus 379 hornd Ros, Opposite Ojcta New Gerage, Lagos (08092253001 suprectporB@gralcom, _utopackgspl@sgmacon ‘otautapackgiooa com Fobication & Ste of indus Machines Hammers Provecrs Souunon tro. £0: Otunba Dele Aoysmth Block House 14, une 12 Boulevard ‘Abraham Adesanya Estate jah 01 2957860, oa 673 2946 ‘hlranihannnersmithpscom Project Management Coneultont Ina Insalon, Oat Febvicaten eee Har GLoaat Nig, tro (CEO: Hataem festa Tole Contac: elas train 1.Una Close of Olayivola Stet, of ALingbola Stet Oregun ej, Lago (907 9975203, 0909987 9193 hitotunaeju@haiglbalcer, Frobaiju@yehoo cous ‘wamahatgobacom Engineering, Founda Adsory Boose Lire CEO: Engr Olsbode Cadyin (rg Rep tr. Oluwate Adee '5¢Floy Steet Sur ere Lapoe 05170139774, 03024705997, 08024705957 infostbodgecorpcom, ‘olasaeriadeyemi@todgeorpcm Dodgecor com FacityBectal Protection Lighting, Sing Protectan and Eorthing Stem rg, estenng cr support product Eginered systems for concrete ‘eforemont Inecraeo Syste & Devices Lro (£0: ner luseun Mabogure Contact Nn tan 27, Ogundana Street, ‘Men Averue, ea Lagos (709 5712240, 0811 047 740, 202 31391980803 395 5576 info@isdingcom, luseurm@tsding com, Wianagisdnigcom, vewnisigcom Supply estat & ntenonce of Secuiy '& Communion Eqapmert nt ENERGY Services Lo #0:0r Dian Fawibe Contact Mr Adeeke Octo 94 Awolowo Ros. oy Lagee (01 4615636 4630183 (03 269,083 402 2484 snergyhoureieigiobalcom dranft isilobalcom, od sewesigtobal om Enginerng, 8 Gas Servicer JaNouz ENGINEERING & Consraucriow tro (CEO: MrAjni lunatoyn 0/52 Aphen House Toy Set Opposite Domino Paz, ea, Lagos 02 6353524 janbuztegmatcom ung & Road Constnction Jive Proseers tro £0; Ogomigo Fraghene Contact Ogomigo Oahenckewve ‘Ate Ogorige Sreet. Off Adelahun Sweet Ago, EgbeLagos 913 6102507 jro@iteprojlts com (Geotechnical Contactor esta Laure Ura (EO:Engr;Dideoly Flab FNSE. MOD Contact: Ene Rotini regia 376 erodu Rose, Marfan Lagcs 1-2710343, 0708 7788770, (0809 5244004, 0809515 2561 ‘idol fobitizestlrtcom rotimerely rescue com ‘war ksesloure com ‘lca Mechanica Engingeriag Lena EssenTiat Services Nig. xD £0: Engr lutunmols Ole Back Contact Bayoko Oladapa 14 Dele Adeje ste, Aqungt Leb, Lagos ‘0809813 7115 0703 0887134 lekissonl@yaheocom, ‘urmigieteceaiervicescom nginoerng, Consnaction & Project Management consmrucnan ee | Lonavex Nie. tro (€£0:Dr ols Amao Corte: Mr Bamdel sala 12. sbowu Sree, Sibowe aba Lagos (0 2970173, 0708435 440, (003 3210640813 9112579, comtactoionadetcom iamaoaienadel com, amieleicmaialonadscom ‘alonad cor Engineering Support tocol Content ‘Adnsory Expert Manpower Services. Supplier Development SME Tring and Human Capac Development Mann pRoiecr INP tro (CEO: Engr Chie Sal N Contact: Angela eke Usch 32h Robert Sect, IMagodo GRA, Phate 2 Lagos 913 1500233, 0803 9501994 info@mamprcecsccm Engiooring & Fobcoion Procurement ‘Mochanical Construction haan of Hea Equipment Pumps. Mencia Tecinovocy L709 (EO: Engr Bashir Adena 5A, Kurt Abils Way, ‘regun ks, Lagos ‘080 3009347 walebasiretyahoocom teal Emainecring Many Manine & OFFSHORE Consuczanrs ro (EO: Racin Na Joon Rt ‘Contact Mrs SO Johnson |. Commetil Rox, Eeganca Plaza Made Gate Uppertion, Apap, Lagos 0807 4150018, ca09 ata 34, 0802 8186533 skinsle@)ayembencom sles fambergcam wnnjaymbergcam Marne Enginering (ogists) PR Mowreco Ursraeam Senvices Lo (LO: Me-Owuze Ninche Contact: Dav Dike 30, Ojntan aay ‘Queens Dive, ey Lagos 08172120711, 0703 318.0545, 01 463316241 Infowmontego-haldingscom dikes mmontego-hldhngecom ver montege-ecingscom Dring Support Serices (ast Mat Octg, Webco) Engineering, Procurement Constcton stalation Nuecenom Nis. tro (CEO: Chutuha ©. Newt 10. Asie Sect, Margoro, ej, Lagos 0603 454 aan (815 989 0638, 0303 5760343 rnusctrom@yehoocom Engineering ogi OpaLoca Traoinc Co. £0: Anji Rua 0. Osurnes) Kim 13, Lagos arora Road noe Oi, ag0s 0003 346 6905 0203 376 6181 ‘bavaco@ porter Soles & Spy of Bung areas Paxeent Concert tro (Eo: MrShonugs Olatunj Dg Pot & lock Aeme Road (Ral House} aba, he, Lagos 10909 3128105 Baktontconcepk@gmailcom Bulding Designe/Contucon etait Development Phe BatHRooMs LD (CEO: ay eas Contact Lian Drmasor Topaz Pas, Alpha Beach uncon Leds Exoresay, Lab Lagos 003 3201281, 0803.45 5466, infow@phegbathroomscom hin pheabativooms om, ‘mi phegoatvoomscem uling Matra, PvmaNo ARC ENG Pro PLC (£0: Ar: Themes © Anagu 71 Ojvlegba Reed Surere, Lagos 0003 7133595, _26min@pyramidsplecom tawoqu yramisplecom evn pyramiiplecom ‘Arctecurl Engineering Cost ‘Buinaion, Pract Management Procreront Rass INrLizo (CEO: Cer MB Babstunde rw 28 rtrance 3 Tafona Balena Squat Logos (803 2426364 0902 306 vote Dredging. Construction, Contry in Morne Afr, Agr, Rel Ette ReNcow Poc tro £0: Temitooe Ange Suite 0-08 Centage Pac, 4 Alen Aver, el, Lagos 0803 33 2360, 003308 74 ‘enconpdceareiom Reves ENGINEERING SeRviceS Lr Er Eghwabore lustice Block 10 Fat 6, Juble Estate, Moro, Lagos (007779 a816 0802 3957555, fetes ecricolacinsinmentotion Engineering Support Series Srumoy Swevren ReAt EstaTe Investments tro (0: Salami Adecola Contact Meaupeols Sti 43, Raymond Nola Steet they Lagos (003 3043800 0802 30 2166 sal salayahoo com Commerce & Resident Building Desi rt Consruction Sune Launci Resources Lr ‘Tayesin ENGINEERING Ni. Lo (£0: Ogunbaceo Olrunfers Absodun CEO: Nuruden Fab Contact desi Rotimi Adegoke Contact Me Ajotade Eun 11 Tayo Adecoyn Stee, 15, king GrorgeV Rood, Onkon, Lagos COmole Phase", Oj, Lagos 0903 329 4189| (070s 5793608, 0805 230 5628, fabunm7Ogyohoocauk esidaxotim2000@ehoocam Borehole Dring Construction & Real ‘aro ied 8 Steiner. swe SySTEMGATE ENGINEERING LTD Ts REneney CONSULTING £0: deriv Ssanums £0: Enge Price Kane Cantac: Ader Sanur NSE Bing Engizeting Css, 59, LSDPC Shopping Arad, (ft dows Tylor Victor land, Lagos (gps, ager foros 28832800703 645 0622, ‘ae 008 7115 0815 1864499, ‘309 8065201, 0816 283 4488 invowneerergycomng Procurement & Supply of Engineering Natrenergycomng CConsumebies Caltrain of Storage Tanks, Moulage Manpower NDF, Meta Fericaion SSURVEILLANT Fine txD (CEO. Mr omade join Contac: Mr Fela Arowefela 158 Kasumu Svect Shangish, Lagos fo Saar, 23127298, (07039982080 info@suneianfiecom, jumadeOsvctantrecom ‘romrsuvelatvacom Design Sepp Insaaion Maintenance of Fie Seas & Fie Fghing Sterns

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