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4 Appendix - Project progress diary log

Project Title: “A Study on The Impact of Covid- 19

On The Demand And Supply Of Personal Care Goods”

Student Name: SANSKAR NAWAL 

Roll Number: MM22MM039

Term 2:  

Submission Work done in the last two weeks  Any Intended action plan for the next Mentors
date & (approximately 200 – 250 issues / two weeks    Approval    
time   words)  problems  
05th  Prepared for Mid-  Work on the prospective
December Review Presentation. list of interviewees
 Compiled the data with
regards to sir’s changes.
 Completed mid review
Presentation and got
recommendations for
 Changes to work on- Pre
& Post Covid Financials
of company.
 Add Technological blend
to the report.

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