GOP Supply Allocation

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GOP Allocation

Allocation Enhancement
Consider the following –
• Item A with percentage based allocation; On Hand on September 1st = 1000
Input to GOP GOP Output

Date range to consider shipping September 1st to September 20th

history (user-defined)
On hand on system date 550 (1000 – 450 qty of sales orders shipped)
(September 12th)
Demand Class Name Allocation Shipped Sales Order Qty Remaining Allocation in GOP
from Sept 1st - Sept 12th
South 40% 200 200
East 25% 130 120
North 35% 120 230
Supply Allocation Report for Week of Sept 12th with GOP Restart
Target Allocation 200 When GOP is
“Target Allocation”
column shows the Consumed Allocation 0 restarted, it shows
calculated values for South the allocated
each demand class Available Allocation 200
quantity that
Cumulative Available Allocation 200 remains for each
Target Allocation 120 demand class
Consumed Allocation 0
Item A Org M1 East
Available Allocation 120
Cumulative Available Allocation 120
Target Allocation 230
Consumed Allocation 0
Available Allocation 230
Cumulative Available Allocation 230
Supply Allocation Report for Week of Sept 12th with New Orders
Target Allocation 200 As the day
Scheduled orders that
are not shipped are Consumed Allocation 10 progresses, a few
shown in the South more orders are
“Consumed Available Allocation 190
promised by GOP:
Allocation” column Cumulative Available Allocation 190
• SC 1 = 10 units
Target Allocation 120
Consumed Allocation 70 • SC 2 = 70 units
Item A Org M1 East
Available Allocation 50 • SC 3 = 30 units
Cumulative Available Allocation 50
Target Allocation 230
Consumed Allocation 30
Available Allocation 200
Cumulative Available Allocation 200

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