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Unit 1:Team building,

The activity is logo creation using the body with cheers and record to post on
social media.ths game need us to be creative how to create our logo using the
body and we should prepare a cheers, Bingo personality game to know pector
friends better. Draw a portrait of yourself, submit the drawings to the
organizer, the organizer give them to a random person and the person have
to find the person in the drawings.

Unit 2: Listening and Feedback Skills

2.1 Active listening
2.2 Reflective listening
2.3 Visual and written directions
Unit2: Game 1: Blindman Listen Game 2: Secret Message Game 3: Memory
Unit 3: Communication skill: Communicating in a Team
3.1 Visual communication
3.2 Verbal communication
3.3 Written communication
3.4 Non-verbal communication
Unit 3: Came 1: Blindfold Game 2: Silent movie Games: pictorial

Unit 4: Leadership skill: Lead your Team

4.1 Motivation
4.2 Communication
4.3 Delegating
4.4 Feedback
Unit 4: Game 1: Don't Drop the Ping Pong Game 2: Blind-Fold Train
Game 3: Build-A. Marshmellow Tower

Unit 5: Problem solving skill: Decide as a Team

5.1 Define the problem
5.2 Brainstorm alternatives
5.3 Choose best strategy
5.4 Implement the solution
Unit 5: Building a plane based on the paper given. · The materials
are based on the organizer given on the table. · After it is done
students test which planes can fly the furthest.

Unit 6: Conflict Management: Manage your team.

6.1 Ideas
6.2 Beliefs
6.3 Values
Unit 6: Gamel: Silent Killer Game 2: Create Conflict Scenarios
Unit 7: Time Management: Getting done on Time
7.1 Planning
7.2 Setting goal
7.3 Meeting deadline
Unit 7: Game 1: String Drawing Game 2: Yank Cup Games: Building
Unit 8: Collaborative skill: Work together, achieve more
8.1 Respecting diversity
8.2 Compromising
8.3 Responding to criticism
8.4 Organisation in a team
Unit 8:.Scavenger hunt for 3 bags hiding around Mr Campus. · Talent
show using the item from the 3 bags
Unit 9: Giving Instruction
9.1 Clarity
9.2 Fairness
9.3 Relevant
Unit 9: Game 1: Blindfold (the leader will give instructions for the
teammember Game2: Guess the drawing (draw a picture on teammember
backs the last person will guess Game 3: Human Chess.

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