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Manual Guide - Prepared Emolumen

Prepare Emolumen


1. Go to D:\ACL Project\Emolumen_Prepared_Table_v1_11022022 > Open

Emolumen_Prepared_Table_v1_11022022.acl project

2. Go to _1_MAIN script and Change the month (highlighted in yellow)

3. Click Run
Archiving Raw Table


1. Go to D:\ACL Project\Table_Import_Payroll

2. Highlight table PA0000, PA0001, PA0002, P0008, PA0009, PA0014, PA0015, PA0041, PA0057,
PA0185, PA0267, REGUH

3. Right-click > Sent to > Compressed (zipped) folder

4. Name as e.g., Table_Source_Emolumen_2022_09

5. Log in to NAS4

6. Go to ACL Data Archiving folder > Raw_Table_Source_Archive

7. Go to Upload Drop-down list > Choose Upload – Skip
Archiving Processed Table


1. Go to ACL Data Archiving folder > @ Emolumen > 4_Processed_Table_Source_Archive

2. Go to Upload Drop-down list > Choose Upload – Skip

Upload Data to AX Client (Monthly)


1. Click on Analytics Exchange Client’s Icon

2. Enter the credentials

3. Click on the Working > Go to 3 – Analisis Bayaran Gaji

4. Select the BA > Go to Related File and Right-click > Click Import
5. Select the files to Import in (D:\ACL Project\Emolumen_Prepared_Table_v1_11022022) > Click

6. Select the Import Destination (e.g. BA_1129) > Click Import

7. Repeat all the steps from 1 – 6 for all the BA.

More Information

1. In the picture below, this project is in this directory (D:\ACL Project\@ Emolumen)

- For testing preparing emolument using the clean-up tables

2. This directory (D:\ACL Project\@ Emolumen\1_Project_Versioning)

- Consist of Analysis project and Prepared Project for Emolumen by the version

3. Currently, using the prepared emolument in this path (D:\ACL Project\

4. For data warehouse project (Improvement-to-do), in this path (D:\ACL Project\

- The project is still unfinished and only done for Emolumen

- Go to Main_Menu script to run this project, it is still hard-coded and needs to change the v_Month
(highlighted in yellow) manually inside the Mainscript_Emolumen.

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